Quote Originally Posted by beliefdrive View Post
i thinks we need begin with interpolation algorithms
Yes. but I suspect this algorithms are already implemented somewhere, close to what we need.
1. My idea is that FPGA receive a g-code line, and interpret-it.
2. One advantage will be if the X/Y/Z/A/... coordinated are expressed in stepper's steps. It can be implemented right from the program that generates g-code.
3. A Java applet will take that file and send-it line by line to FPGA through ethernet. This way any operating system can be used.
4. Any new computer can be used, from anywhere in the local network with CNC controller (no need for parallel port, USB, or RS232)
5. There will be no need for optical isolation between computer and controller (ethernet is enough)
6. Java (although big and somehow slow) can do almost anything - from talking through ethernet to real-time animation of the CNC tool.