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Thread: SprutCAM 7

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    SprutCAM 7

    Has anyone downloaded and installed the SprutCAM 7 update? Any reviews?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I've been playing with Sprutcam 7 (build 0.5 Rev 30392) for the past couple of days. I've run into a few bugs, but I think it's going to be a very nice upgrade. The cleaned-up user interface is very nice. I especially like the way job assignment and restricted zones work now.

    Dave Pearson already has a couple of videos on his subscription support site ( http://www.download.sprut.co.uk/Support ) that demonstrate some of the new features. Highly recommended.

    The bugs I've noticed so far have been easy to work around. For example, the Alibre key map doesn't work, and a project saved from a previous version appeared to load correctly but generated bad toolpaths. It worked fine when I imported the model into a new project.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ...just a couple observations so far

    -finally imports Inventor files (it did older versions not newer releases)!
    -toolpath creation is faster!
    -could not use version 5.53 (iges conversion was corupt only in this version) working again in this release.

    -still can't change the default tool library from metric and have it save it - without renaming the file in the directory

    Have not really put it through it's paces but it has promise.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Can someone provide me the link where I can download Sprutcam V7?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ...it's right on their Home Page, you have to click the "Download center" link.

    The text goes to Russian, you need a login/password or create a new one and then you can download the file. The blue text below the login/pass is a link to create a login.

    The red asteries were; login-password-password confirm-City-and the obvious email

    I found a translator on the web to navigate the site.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Is a manual included in the download? - Thanks Terry

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mayhugh1 View Post
    Is a manual included in the download? - Thanks Terry
    Nope. At least, I haven't found one. Documentation isn't Sprut's strong point.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    There is one file : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dane aplikacji\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 7\Languages\SprutCAM_eng.pdf

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by pit202 View Post
    There is one file : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dane aplikacji\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 7\Languages\SprutCAM_eng.pdf
    Thanks! I missed that one.

    It's located in this directory on my installation:
    C:\ProgramData\Sprut Technology\SprutCAM\Version 7\Languages

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    (I meant to post this to this thread but while browsing through previous threads for an answer it got posted to a V5.5 thread but I am actually trying to install "V7")

    Well I thought I did everything right... I extracted the setup file, created an install direcry and copied it into it in along with the _SCIinstPF0_HASP.exe and _SCInstPD1_PCNC.exe from the previous install. BUT........ When I run the program it wants to do an online registration anyway. Am I forgetting something else??????????????????

    BTW - I uninstalled it and reinstalled it a couple of times.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by saabaero View Post
    ........ When I run the program it wants to do an online registration anyway.....
    That's the way it worked for me too. This release doesn't seem to support (or need) the hardware key.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    That's the way it worked for me too. This release doesn't seem to support (or need) the hardware key"
    How did you finally get it running? Did you do the online registration????

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I think I did the online registration. I clicked the button for the registration but it didn't ask me for any info. It just started working.

    Maybe it is a time-limited beta release, or something like that.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkWink View Post
    -could not use version 5.53 (iges conversion was corupt only in this version)
    MarkWink -

    I have run 5.53 for several months now, and it seems to import IGES just fine. What didn't work right?

    All -

    I figure that the version 7 download is just a demo, and that the Tormach dongles won't do any good. You'll probably get 30 days of fun, though.

    However, I did notice the other day that the upper right hand corner of the web page says "Download the current version SprutCAM v2007 b5.54" but that later down the page it says that 5.53 is available (back in June)... So I just downloaded it and it is a different size and has a different MD5 checksum than the version 5.53 installer that I still have on my hard drive.

    I may zip up my spine and try to install it later tonight (except I *just* fixed my tool table the other day).


    - Just Gary

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Thanks wvines!

    I tried that and it worked. When I first installed the update I didn't have an internet connection so I couldn't just try registering but then again when I had the same problem in the past (because of not having the right files in the install directory) it didn't work so I didn't hold much hope that it would now.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by justgary View Post
    ...I have run 5.53 for several months now, and it seems to import IGES just fine. What didn't work right?...
    There were a bunch of different builds of version 5.53. One of those builds had some IGES import problems.

    I'm currently running version 5.54 rev 30334 and it has been working well for me.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    I had problems importing iges with complex feautures into 5.53

    5.54 finally lets me import directly from Inventor so all's good with SprutCAM2007

    SprutCAM 7 keeps crashing - just setting stock - using 4th axis on a boat prop to see how well the 4th axis works - I've seen the You Tube vids and they look great.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    SprutCAM 7 is probably not a free upgrade - if you didn't purchase the upgrade and are trying to run it from the download link, it is probably wanting you to register for a trial version.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I downloaded V7 also and was able to run it without the online registration. Well, actually I filled out the form but since the computer I was using didn't have internet access it didn't go anywhere. That seemed to be enough to make the software happy and so I went on playing with it. I made the mistake of opening up a fairly complex project I had been woking on with V5 to see if the simulation was any better since I was getting some stray fragments in the simulated output which I was pretty sure weren't real. (I really couldn't see any difference.) I was careful not to save the project back because I knew that once a project is saved with with a later version it can no longer be opened with an earlier version and V5 always asks if you want to save the project when exiting the program. Well V7 doesn't ask and it saves the current project when exiting and so I had to retrieve my backup to continue working on it in V5. Then I found that V5 started crashing with "a catastrophic error has occurred" message while using it and so I think somehow the installation of V7 had corrupted V5. So I uninstalled both versions and re-installed V5 and all is well again. The biggest thing I wanted with the download was access to a copy of the new V7 manual. This manual is probably the best one that Sprut has done to date. It documents alot of the features that were added to V5 later in its development. I don't understand the reasons for changing the user interface - I was pretty happy with the one in V5. My only remaining gripe with V5 is the simulator which I don't think can be trusted with complex projects. I often get "junk" workpiece material left over on fairly complex projects involving fourth axis. I've sent in several bug reports but I saw the same thing with this first version of V7. At first I thought it was agraphics card problem but one time I took the same project to three different computers and saw essentially the same results. - The software runs pretty well though and I think it offers the best bang for the buck - especially with the deal that Tormach users have access to. The lathe operations also run very well although there are a few minor but irritating issues that I'm hoping are operator problems that will get cleared up after reading the new manual. - Terry

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Life is full of surprises on the bleeding edge

    I'm still about 5 builds behind on 5.54.


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