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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Esprit > Programming Parts On Tombstones
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Programming Parts On Tombstones

    Since you can't Merge Esprit files, what is the best way to put already programmed parts onto tombstones without reprogramming them?

    I can see where it would be beneficial to setup a template file for your tombstones but I don't see any way to bring already programmed parts into that template file.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    AFAIK, you can't. You can, however merge your tombstone (as long as it's not an Esprit file) in with your already programmed part and work at it that way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dcoupar View Post
    AFAIK, you can't. You can, however merge your tombstone (as long as it's not an Esprit file) in with your already programmed part and work at it that way.
    Is there any way to not lose all the views and coordinate systems I've set up in my tombstone template file? If I just merge the tombstone all that hard work is lost.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I figured out that you can save WorkCoordinates off to a file. This is a really nice feature!

    Is there a way to save Layers to a file?

    Is there a way to save Workplanes to a file?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    You can save your tools and processes to a file, but AFAIK you can only save workplanes, layers and views is with a .est file.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    WorkCoordinates saved to a file (.wcl) together with the relevant WorkPlanes. To save WorkPlanes you can artificially create and save intermediate WorkCoordinates (based on the WorkPlanes, who want to save).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cncmtpr0g View Post
    WorkCoordinates saved to a file (.wcl) together with the relevant WorkPlanes. To save WorkPlanes you can artificially create and save intermediate WorkCoordinates (based on the WorkPlanes, who want to save).

    This seems like an excellent workaround to me. I really appreciate you posting this. Thank you!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    It turns out that there is one interesting Add-in for ESPRIT.
    In the zip-files is the description of the Add-in (in German).
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    If the part has already been programmed, for say a VMC, I would save to a new esprit file. Rotate everything to the correct orientation (WCS works, but I like to orient the model inside the system, so it make sense to me), open the EMS dialog box, right click any where in the field, and open the EMS file for the HMC, then re-post with the HMC post(s). Your post should be set up to handle the work positions, steps and repeats, and generate the subroutines. There is a add-in called Multi NC Dialog (not sure of the name, not at work) that can post the file with more than one post processor at once. It can post your Main file, with the Sub-routine file. In the editor you can view them side by side.
    Normally I wouldn't do a full simulation, just handle the tombstone with post logic. But, if you needed to do the simulation, you could load your tombstone model, then select all tool paths, translate, rotate, as required around the tombstone, switch to the operation manager, resort by tool, then simulate.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    What you want to do is easy and has been there since we got ESPRIT. Its a template file.

    Take youre ESPRIT file, delete only the part solids, features, toolpath and things that would change job to job. This is easier to do in the feature list where you can click and highlight stuff and leave your WC in place.

    I would suggest moving the things you want to save to separate layers: tombstone solids, clamps, etc. Once you have it ready, click file/saveas, then pick "template" file *.est

    Save it to a directory in your user folder area on the harddrive

    Then under tools/options go to file locations/template location and set that folder as the default. Unter the second tab I think you need to have "show template at startup" checked, or something like that if you don't see a template list every time you start a new file.

    Then with each CTL_New, you'll be able to pick the machine.

    YOu can set up a machine with different common tombstones, tools, WC, etc and use it for new parts all the time. Its great.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Programming Parts On Tombstones

    You can save the models as a parasolid from one file and merge the parasolid into another. I have replicated esp files from one to another but it takes time and you need to know the steps. However, it's too complicated to share in words...

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