Hi guys,

I am a rookie with a new CNC Taig but am having some strange issues pop up.

I am running gecko 540s and using Mach3 to control. Using Vectrics Cut2d and Cut3d to generate gcode.

I made several parts and all came out really well - within a few thou. I was cutting on plastic. I moved to aluminum and made a couple of parts and they came out well but I was concerned that the plunging was a bit rough so I thought I would try to ramp in on the plunge depth rather than diving straight in (this is an option in Cut2d).

Here's where the problem started. Using the ramp to start in on a plunge, my part came out looking like a staircase.

This problem also occurs if I lay out several parts to run at the same time and also occurs on a single part if I raster in the x axis for the profile.

I thought maybe it was backlash in the x, but I'm not sure that makes sense. At any rate, I adjusted the backlash nut and put on my dial indicator and my backlash is less than 2 thou and I still have the issue.

Could it be an issue with Mach3 and the incremental mode?

Any ideas or help is definitely appreciated.
