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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Haas Machines > Haas Mills > Would like to open small shop.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Would like to open small shop.


    I would like to open a small shop.

    Has anybody dealt with the lease company HAAS
    links to on there website?

    How do they handle new business?

    I plan on dealing with small run jobs ,since alot of
    the bigger shops around here don't want to deal with
    them most of the time. Plus work on my own projects.

    I figured a good start would be
    with a Toolroom Mill and Toolroom lathe.

    Has anybody fitted a tool turret to the lathe yet?

    Thanks for any info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The Haas machines are great. I know too many shops that have nothing but Haas cnc's and they work! The tool room mill is nice as far as it has more travel than the mini mills, but lacks a fast spindle, and flood coolant can get very messy. If the travels of the mini mill work for you, then I would search for a used one. You might also want too look at the mill tronics machines.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    where in florida you live? Want to go partners?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    florida too - looking to team up

    I have CNC Mill & work. Trade work on mill for work on lathe,
    which I ain't got, we're in In volusia county. Either of you close?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Florida here too! Spring Hill north of Tampa!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I have leased/financed through CNC ASSOCIATES which is the HAAS finance company. They are pretty efficient and easy to deal with. Contact your local HFO to get in touch with the sales rep for your area, get a quote on your tools, and the credit app. If you have good personal credit, you shouldn't have any trouble. Thats what they are going to look at. I was a startup and had no touble getting financed through them with fair-decent credit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddyG
    Florida here too! Spring Hill north of Tampa!

    st pete here. hey speedy how do you plan on getting work when you these machines?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'm also in Florida, Orange country. Anywhere close to you?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Starting new shop, not for a while.

    Well it does not look like it is going to happen
    for a while .

    I am in the middle of moving to Central FL
    and buying a house.

    I planned on doing work for my own project and hopefully
    starting my own business to sell the products.

    I also would like to have been able to bring in
    short runs ,enough to make the machine payment.

    I planned on keeping my current job and running the machine at night.

    But plans changed , if this house I am buying falls thru
    then I will take another shot at it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by speed33317
    Well it does not look like it is going to happen
    for a while .

    I am in the middle of moving to Central FL
    and buying a house.

    I planned on doing work for my own project and hopefully
    starting my own business to sell the products.

    I also would like to have been able to bring in
    short runs ,enough to make the machine payment.

    I planned on keeping my current job and running the machine at night.

    But plans changed , if this house I am buying falls thru
    then I will take another shot at it.
    How do you expect to get jobs?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    How to get jobs

    Well , hopefully by word of mouth.

    Advertise ,or actually go to the bigger shops
    and see if they have work they dont want or not economical
    for them.

    Believe me I wouldnt be quiting my day job unless the side work takes over.

    I know a couple welders and fabricators that are always having people
    ask them where to get work done because all the local shops are too expensive
    South Florida is a very high priced area , I believe mostly due to greed because the shops down here the workers arent making big money ,but ive noticed the owners are living well.

    They wonder why the work is going to China.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by speed33317
    Well , hopefully by word of mouth.

    Advertise ,or actually go to the bigger shops
    and see if they have work they dont want or not economical
    for them.

    Believe me I wouldnt be quiting my day job unless the side work takes over.

    I know a couple welders and fabricators that are always having people
    ask them where to get work done because all the local shops are too expensive
    South Florida is a very high priced area , I believe mostly due to greed because the shops down here the workers arent making big money ,but ive noticed the owners are living well.

    They wonder why the work is going to China.
    That is a good idea. I am thinking about doing the same but thinking about getting a sl 10 lathe instead

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Word of mouth is a good thing in my opinion, for a small hobby/business. It grows slow enough that the changes are easier to cope with.

    Unfortunately, it can take a long time to secure business. Going from 'word of mouth' to advertising is just like starting from nothing, except you may have trickles of work to help with cash flow. The only problem with WOM that may not be considered is if you have to start deciding between your day work and your business it can be a very high fence to climb - the work is abundant enough to be attractive but not enough to support you and your family and the overhead of the shop. Cash flow can be a hidden monster when making the transisition between "WOM" and full-scale business. It's a good situation to be in, for sure but it can challenge the most ambitious entrepenuer.

    Plan for success and prepare for failure. Always think 'Success'. Good luck. ..and find a trustworthy accountant that you trust - do that early.

    Consistency is a good thing....unless you're consistently an idiot.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mxtras
    Word of mouth is a good thing in my opinion, for a small hobby/business. It grows slow enough that the changes are easier to cope with.

    Unfortunately, it can take a long time to secure business. Going from 'word of mouth' to advertising is just like starting from nothing, except you may have trickles of work to help with cash flow. The only problem with WOM that may not be considered is if you have to start deciding between your day work and your business it can be a very high fence to climb - the work is abundant enough to be attractive but not enough to support you and your family and the overhead of the shop. Cash flow can be a hidden monster when making the transisition between "WOM" and full-scale business. It's a good situation to be in, for sure but it can challenge the most ambitious entrepenuer.

    Plan for success and prepare for failure. Always think 'Success'. Good luck. ..and find a trustworthy accountant that you trust - do that early.


    thanks a lot.

    How is the market just for lathe jobs?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    What ever it is that you choose to do, you have to MAKE it successful. Don't expect things to go your way - you have to force the business into maturity.

    I don't really know, but I think that if you maybe get your shop moving and put a simple website together, then make sure you work your searchwords correctly to be near the top of the list when customers search that would be a good start and could connect you with some business. Local advertising, too. Sometimes all you need is that one individual that spreads the word to the right people and off you go. But it may take years to happen.

    Consistency is a good thing....unless you're consistently an idiot.

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