Not sure why your procedure is telling you to manipulate the 1814 parameter as this is not reference position. First as stated by someone else you do need to determine if you have a ref dog or encoder. Obviously if you can jump out the switch you have a dog. If your 1815 bit 4 is set to a one and you did not change this then you have not lost ref position, you probably have a bad switch. If you changed this parameter from a 0 to 1 then maybe you didnt do the procedure correctly. If the parameter was a 0 then you would move the axis manually to ref pos and then chenge the 1815 bit 4 to a 1, then you must cycle the power, if you did not do this then this could be where your problem is. I would think your procedure would state this. This is all you do to establish reference with Fanuc but maybe your machine has something funky or in particular that is different. In that case i would consult Mori or Fanuc. Hope this helps some.