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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Novakon > mach3 spindle control on nm-200
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    mach3 spindle control on nm-200

    hi all, i pulled trigger and bought the nm-200 a while back, and i have it all setup, and everything works but the spindle control is all or nothing. i changed some stuff around as per info found while researching, and i can get it to control speed, but actual speed is double what i put in. it works when set to 50% but that cant be right. i tried installing the novakon nm-200 xml file off both the usb key included and off the website, and both when insatlled/open mach with that profile cause everything to fail. nothing moves except the dro number change according to the program or jog commands. when i reinstal the mach3mill.xml, everything works except spindle control. hope that is clear enough. i was wondering what some of you may be using for spindle control settings in ports and pins/spindle control? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    update. i just went back out and tried messing a bit more and changed some of the spindle control numbers in the motor tuning config, spindle axis, and it got better, so i kept adjusting until my hand held meter read pretty close to all the different S numbers i kept throwing at it, so i feel a bit better. i went into motor tuning, spindle axis, and changed steps to 1000, and velocity to 700, and it seems to work. that doesnt jive with anything i have read, so i think the pulley settings and min and max speeds need to be set. i would still like to know what settings anyone may have under ports and pins, spindle. and also under motor tuning, spindle axis. thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    I posted on the other thread, but should done so here.

    Are you using the motherboard upgrade in the CD-100, or your own PC? I am about to order a NM-200 with the CD-100 upgrade, and would like to assume that my machine will be properly configured and tested before it it shipped.

    Thanks for any information.

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