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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Mastercam University

    I was interested in doing the Mastercam University. I have contacted my sales rep Cimquest via email twice now and have gotten nothing for a response. I am at least very dissapointed that I havent even gotten a response. I would think that they would want to push this as a learning tool to learn at your own pace. I guess i will stick to the learning tutorials books and learning by trial and error. I like using Mastercam but if i cant get information on buying a new learning tool than why bother staying with them.Just a few of my thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Do you want to take the MC U still? if so send me an email.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by littlebrewman View Post
    I was interested in doing the Mastercam University. I have contacted my sales rep Cimquest via email twice now and have gotten nothing for a response. I am at least very dissapointed that I havent even gotten a response. I would think that they would want to push this as a learning tool to learn at your own pace. I guess i will stick to the learning tutorials books and learning by trial and error. I like using Mastercam but if i cant get information on buying a new learning tool than why bother staying with them.Just a few of my thoughts.
    Just stick to the books and cd's. Why waste any money on schooling. If you want to learn it, you will learn it. That's just my opinion that all these cad/cam program online schools and walk in schools are a joke. If there school is half as bad as their tech support why bother. Save your money.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    If you want to learn it, you will learn it.
    I agree 100%

    all these cad/cam program online schools and walk in schools are a joke.
    Now I fully disagree as a teacher of MC at the collages and my home business. You would be surprised what I will teach you as I am a user over 20 years and all the products.

    But you are correct these is not with all who teach. I have had to retrain many of teachers as they lack the time and knowledge. It also makes a difference by the how you learn. some it is by book or reading some by video and some by class with hands on.

    I know that I have seen all types of people as I have trained over the last 10 years Hundreds of people to use the software.

    review and see what works for you.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cadcam View Post
    I agree 100%

    Now I fully disagree as a teacher of MC at the collages and my home business. You would be surprised what I will teach you as I am a user over 20 years and all the products.

    But you are correct these is not with all who teach. I have had to retrain many of teachers as they lack the time and knowledge. It also makes a difference by the how you learn. some it is by book or reading some by video and some by class with hands on.

    I know that I have seen all types of people as I have trained over the last 10 years Hundreds of people to use the software.

    review and see what works for you.
    Amazing, the first teacher on here that has'nt called me a @$$hole yet for my opinion. Probabley because your a actual teacher and the rest of them are just salesmen. I myself just studied and studied and experimented and got good, but I was a machinist before I started playing with cnc's 20 years ago. I love what I do and thats what it takes to really get into it, learn and come up with new ways of doing things. I don't know you from atoms, but your attitude I like.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Amazing, the first teacher on here that has'nt called me a @$$hole yet for my opinion.
    Why should I because you gave your opinion... I am also a salesmen of MC to and I am a shop Manager for shop. I also contract program sense 1994. I agree with the knowing of Machining before learning and CAD-CAM system and it does help to be a good operator of CNC's to.

    (I don't know you from atoms, but your attitude I like.) All good and thanks
    Talk again soon. Hats off to school of Hard knocks.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I am a journeyman machinist and operate and set up multi axis lathes for the past four years. Befpre the cncs i did alot of manual machining during my apprenticeship for about five years. so i have those fundamentals. i understand g and m code but would like to have someone teach me mastercam so i can use it better. i am pretty good with 2d drawing but lack in toolpaths and 3d construction.I took a couple of online courses to compliment my machining knowledgabas through Kennametal and Sandvik.THese helped in enhancing my fundamentals but now i would like to enhance my use of Mastercam and it is just too expensive to train at the mastercam dealer.

  8. #8
    CAD/CAM is one of the best teachers out there, he and I have known each other for quite some time.

    We both work in World Class CNC Training Facilities. I teach Mastercam at DeAnza College and we only hire professionals who continue to work in the Industry and push the limits of Technology.

    If you don't live in an area that is supported with a Community College Training Program, you can still learn Mastercam online at eapprentice.net we are constantly upgrading our courses and adding content on a weekly basis.

    Our current course (Winter 2010) is Multi Axis CNC Programming using Mastercam CAD/CAM

    If you are interested becoming a power user in Mastercam, learning Advanced high Speed Toolpaths, Solid Modeling, 3D Machining, Rotary, Multi Axis, Horizontal Machining, CNC Lathe programming and Designing work holding Fixtures and Tooling.

    Join us!

    You can download a legal, working, student version of Mastercam, and practice at Home

    My contacts at our leading suppliers of Drills, Taps and End Mills tell me that they have just experienced the busiest two months in 10 years.

    The next wave is coming, and it’s all about Multi Axis CNC Machining

    Don't be left behind.

    Join us!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    littlebrewman, I would take Degmc thought and join eapprentice.net bang for buck you will pay less and get more for your money and time.I am not just saying this because we are long friends in the industry, it is a deal and the knowledge is there that is what makes people like me and him good at it as we are daily users.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I liked the site you suggested but was looking for the certificate of completion that comes with the Mastercam University to have it for future resumes, etc. that is why i wanted to do the Mastercam University. Its hard to get jobs without certificates of completion as well as certifications. I also love to learn and have those accomplishments to fall back on.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    littlebrewman have you finally joined and taking the on line class's for your certification?
    I hope I was helpful. if you still have issues please email me again and I will go one more step if needed.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by littlebrewman View Post
    I liked the site you suggested but was looking for the certificate of completion that comes with the Mastercam University to have it for future resumes, etc. that is why i wanted to do the Mastercam University. Its hard to get jobs without certificates of completion as well as certifications. I also love to learn and have those accomplishments to fall back on.
    Don't worry about the cert. just print one yourself. Believe me I have interviewed many people and my eyes are photosensitive to the "L" on many foreheads. The only people that make a big deal over the certs are the people sponsoring the course. The guys on the floor will de-nut you with in the week and the boss will fire you the followin week if you cannot produce good code regardless of the "certificate"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Don't worry about the cert. just print one yourself. Believe me I have interviewed many people and my eyes are photosensitive to the "L" on many foreheads. The only people that make a big deal over the certs are the people sponsoring the course. The guys on the floor will de-nut you with in the week and the boss will fire you the followin week if you cannot produce good code regardless of the "certificate"
    This is your opinion and how you may run your shop. this does not mean other shops work this way.

    the boss will fire you the followin week if you cannot produce good code regardless of the "certificate
    It is alwas true if you can not due the Job you will be let go. But for someone to take the time to extend there know how and get a certificate to is good as they are willing to learn and try and improve themselves.

    So do you send people to class's to improve them self's. I know that I have helped more then dozens of people become more efficient and better programmers over the years so I know that training can make a difference. I know that the certificate training I put together for the Haas factory for there employs made a difference for them but also had to do with the training.

    Yes as you can see I spend allot of time with Mastercam I have over 20 years with it and I was even asked to be a Surfcam trainer for a while.But I have always been able to make my parts using mastercam and I have been in and out of over a 100 shops and always used Mastercam to program there parts. So I do stand by it.

    I know not everyone is happy with it a few will go on to other software's that's all good.I make this statement as you are not happy and most likely going to move on.
    But some people move on because they do not know what MC can do. Not saying you don't , at the same time i don't know what you do at your shop and how far you dove into the program.

    Have a Good Easter.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007
    CadCam, the "certificate" is not Mcam Specific it holds for the majority of the software training packages out their. That is how I run things, I also know what to look for in people. The person that has enough initative and drive to open the book and learn it on their own is worth a whole lot more to a company than some one that spends 2 weeks at a training course and thinks they know more than the boss. The key word is initative, the employee with the drive will add value to the company through their dedication and willingness to learn. That type of employee does not require some one holding their hand all day, their mind is active and engaged in their assignment. With that engagement grows process optimization which in turn bumps up the net and a much better product for the buyer. Back in College the prof gave us an assignment that was very difficult, a fellow class mate said to the prof you have not taught us any thing about this yet. The prof's reply was; "you are engineers so figure is out". And that was the end to that discussion and we completed the assignment. The many hours we spent outside the classroom learning it on our own was more valuable than what was learned from the actual assignment. More importanly he taught us how to learn!!!!!!!!

    As for me not liking mastercam and slamming it, my statments are derived from 1st hand experience with the product. I HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING BAD ABOUT SOLIDWORKS, and recommend it to any one that brings up the subject. Solidworks has not given me any reason to say anything bad about their product because they have QUALITY CONTROL................

    When you release a product with quirks and glitches eventually idiot's like my self are going to open their mouths and air the dirty laundry. Best thing is too give the buyer a quality product and you will not have people like me.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I plan on doing the course here in the next couple of weeks when my tax return check comes in.As or foxsquirrel he sounds like a guy i would not work for.I have only worked in two shops so far the first one was to get through my apprenticeship to learn the fundamentals.the second shop hired me based on the certs i had obtained and i am still going forward in my studies and will continue to go after paper certs until i can learn no more as it will insure i will always have the ability to get and maintain a career not just a job.i hope i can count on you to answer questions when i get stuck.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    foxsquirrel , I liked your reply and I understand more were you are coming from.

    Now as for this statement tho
    idiot's like my self
    This is not true and not needed.

    not have people like me.
    Another statement not needed as you know different people have issues with different software's. I know you did not have a good experience with the software so this is what upsets you. So all good.

    I have made such a good carrier with MC from my Mold making days to my production to my contracting and teaching and selling it . I am going to stay.

    But I do hope you find what works good for you .
    Thanks for your replys and not taking them as an attack on you.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by cadcam View Post
    foxsquirrel , I liked your reply and I understand more were you are coming from.

    Now as for this statement tho This is not true and not needed.

    Another statement not needed as you know different people have issues with different software's. I know you did not have a good experience with the software so this is what upsets you. So all good.

    I have made such a good carrier with MC from my Mold making days to my production to my contracting and teaching and selling it . I am going to stay.

    But I do hope you find what works good for you .
    Thanks for your replys and not taking them as an attack on you.
    It would be nice if Mcam would get with the program and increase the quality, if you recall a few years ago Bill Gates had to go back to engineering and straighten the company out after the great tripple flop, win 98, 98 SE, and ME. They came back on top with win 2000 pro. Hopefully some one at MCAM will see the light.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by cadcam View Post
    Why should I because you gave your opinion... I am also a salesmen of MC to and I am a shop Manager for shop. I also contract program sense 1994. I agree with the knowing of Machining before learning and CAD-CAM system and it does help to be a good operator of CNC's to.

    (I don't know you from atoms, but your attitude I like.) All good and thanks
    Talk again soon. Hats off to school of Hard knocks.
    I from Poland, where are you from? your spelling is getting better, or you are using spell check.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Mark Larson, is that you?

    Quote Originally Posted by degmc View Post
    CAD/CAM is one of the best teachers out there, he and I have known each other for quite some time.

    We both work in World Class CNC Training Facilities. I teach Mastercam at DeAnza College and we only hire professionals who continue to work in the Industry and push the limits of Technology.

    If you don't live in an area that is supported with a Community College Training Program, you can still learn Mastercam online at eapprentice.net we are constantly upgrading our courses and adding content on a weekly basis.

    Our current course (Winter 2010) is Multi Axis CNC Programming using Mastercam CAD/CAM

    If you are interested becoming a power user in Mastercam, learning Advanced high Speed Toolpaths, Solid Modeling, 3D Machining, Rotary, Multi Axis, Horizontal Machining, CNC Lathe programming and Designing work holding Fixtures and Tooling.

    Join us!

    You can download a legal, working, student version of Mastercam, and practice at Home

    My contacts at our leading suppliers of Drills, Taps and End Mills tell me that they have just experienced the busiest two months in 10 years.

    The next wave is coming, and it’s all about Multi Axis CNC Machining

    Don't be left behind.

    Join us!

    Mark Larson, is that you?

  20. #20
    No, this is Derek, I work with Mark

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