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  1. #161
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    on the way

    Ordered mine on Jan 29. Got a call from UPS today- it will be delivered on Monday.

  2. #162
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Greetings stupid newb question here... I was looking for a mill off and on the past few years wasn't satisfied with what I was seeing regarding the HF smaller mill etc. Saw this deal on grizzly and never heard of it . I do a lot of woodworking and to be honest was looking for a new drill press to do custom gun grips. I have a background in machining started as a material handler in a machine shop moved up to a saw guy later moved up to a CNC lathe. Was always fascinated by the few guys who ran manual machines.

    Back to the point I figured why buy a new drill press if I can get a mill and justify it that way. Small shop and multi-purpose is always a plus...Besides wooden gun grips I also plan on cutting dovetail sights for slides maybe a few aluminum fixtures, maybe a few riffle stocks from wood and also delving into making lower receivers from aluminum for guns that sort of thing.

    So my question is two fold in the opinion of the knowledge that lies here would this mill be able to handle my needs? Also what besides the mill would I be looking at buying i.e. end mills, vises etc? My main focus at first of course is to get set up just drilling holes as a drill press. But very shortly after (one to two weeks) I am going to need to make a few templates from aluminum for cutting the grips to right size and hole placement etc.

    If this is in the wrong forum my apologizes I figured that since I am looking pretty hard at this machine atm it would be the right one.

    advice, recommendations, etc much appreciated flames not so much but will take any free advice.

  3. #163
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Drift393, Well, I certainly am not one of the experts here. However, the first thing that jumps out at me is that this particular mill-drill has a short quill travel (only 2") so might not be the best machine if primarily used as a drill press. Another limitation, there is only about 13" between the spindle and table (without any tooling mounted)...but you might be able to sometimes work around this by tilting the spindle 90 degrees.

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Hi wolfend, lucky you! I ordered Jan 5th and still no notice. They explained to me that customers located at different parts of the country get deliveries from different warehouses...makes sense. Do you know which warehouse yours came from?

    Quote Originally Posted by wolfend View Post
    Ordered mine on Jan 29. Got a call from UPS today- it will be delivered on Monday.

  5. #165
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    The quill travel is the one real down-side to me. The X2 I don't think has even 13" of Z so that's actually an upgrade for me but I can see the quill travel being a bit of pain for drilling manually.

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    The UPS tracking site shows that it was shipped from Springfield, MO on 2/17. I live in the Phoenix, AZ area.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Thanks for the reply and pointing out the travel issue. Defiantly something to think about.

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hi Guys. We finally received our G0704 from Grizzly this morning. Looks like people are eager to see more of this mill so I put up some photos for those interested.

    here is a link...

    Grizzly G0704 PHOTOS

    www.cncfusion.com CNC kits for Sieg mills and lathes

  9. #169
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wisp View Post
    Hi Guys. We finally received our G0704 from Grizzly this morning. Looks like people are eager to see more of this mill so I put up some photos for those interested.

    here is a link...

    Grizzly G0704 PHOTOS

    great photos, thanks!

  10. #170
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    thanks for the pics!

    so when will the CNC conversion kits be available? hehe good luck on the recovery.
    FS: Complete Z-Axis Assembly with THK RSR15WM slide, leadscrew, stepper mount. PM for more info.

  11. #171
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by wisp View Post
    Hi Guys. We finally received our G0704 from Grizzly this morning. Looks like people are eager to see more of this mill so I put up some photos for those interested.

    here is a link...

    Grizzly G0704 PHOTOS

    At your site you say the ways are machined not ground. I have a WMD-30 and it is ground and in your pictures the ways look ground too. Sometimes they don't take out all the cutter marks when they grind to help hold oil.

    Are you sure the ways are machined only?

  12. #172
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    they look ground. they arent scraped though like many of these machines come.

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by wisp View Post
    Hi Guys. We finally received our G0704 from Grizzly this morning. Looks like people are eager to see more of this mill so I put up some photos for those interested.

    here is a link...

    Grizzly G0704 PHOTOS

    Thanks Michael, those help makes it easier to come up with a game plan to get mine unloaded and down the stairs Monday. :cheers:

    P.S. madbee, mine came from Springfield, MO too, 2/16, got into Pittsburgh 2/18.
    http://www.hossmachine.info - Gosh, you've... really got some nice toys here. - Roy Batty -- http://www.g0704.com - http://www.bf20.com - http://www.g0602.com

  14. #174
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    You are most welcome for the pics ihavenofish, Hoss, hope they help you out. Thanks for the well wishes too. There is a post on the Fusion forum with all the "Grizzly" details of my kidney stone ordeal, hehehee. Its pretty gross, so be warned.

    Enraged, I am hoping many of the parts from our X3 kits will be interchangeable with the G0704, with a few small modifications. We are also open to suggestions from everyone, such as would you rather have direct drive, or belt driven? Mount the Y axis motor in the rear (mods required), or keep it simple, and mount it in the front. X stepper on the left, or right? Sorry, getting a little off topic....

    So, here is the closest photo I could get of the dovetail ways on the base. You can see feed lines which I believe are from the cutter they used. I am no expert on grinding dovetail ways, so it is possible this finish was left by a grinding wheel. It just looks like the finish left by a dovetail cutter taking a skim cut to me. These lines are also on the underside of the table ways. A lot of the G0704 surfaces are ground. Oddly enough, many not-contact surfaces that are exposed & not painted, are ground. Such as the area between the dovetails on the base and column too.

    Oh yea, I forgot to mention that the spindle was only warm to the touch after running it in for 30 minutes, if your interested in that info. 20 of the minutes were at max of 2250 RPM. (readout said it was 2300 RPM though)

    Do you guys want to see any size comparisons, such as a 3" keyless vise, or Kurt 3" vise on the table? I could also show it next to our X2 if anyone wants.

    If I can get my son to help me again Saturday, I will try to get the table/saddle removed so we can get a better look under the hood.

    PS: Once we finish developing the CNC and spindle belt drive kit for the G0704, it will be going up for sale, fully converted and ready to run.

    Click HERE for a HUGE image of this photo.

    www.cncfusion.com CNC kits for Sieg mills and lathes

  15. #175
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I found that new bearings have a break in period where everything is still new and they will get hot for short period of time.

    This happened on many of my projects. Soon after running a short time, the bearings hardly got over room temp, Unless you spinning them faster then the rated RPM

  16. #176
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Too many PMs. Email me to my name plus At A O L dot com.

  17. #177
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wisp View Post
    You are most welcome for the pics ihavenofish, Hoss, hope they help you out. Thanks for the well wishes too. There is a post on the Fusion forum with all the "Grizzly" details of my kidney stone ordeal, hehehee. Its pretty gross, so be warned.

    Enraged, I am hoping many of the parts from our X3 kits will be interchangeable with the G0704, with a few small modifications. We are also open to suggestions from everyone, such as would you rather have direct drive, or belt driven? Mount the Y axis motor in the rear (mods required), or keep it simple, and mount it in the front. X stepper on the left, or right? Sorry, getting a little off topic....

    So, here is the closest photo I could get of the dovetail ways on the base. You can see feed lines which I believe are from the cutter they used. I am no expert on grinding dovetail ways, so it is possible this finish was left by a grinding wheel. It just looks like the finish left by a dovetail cutter taking a skim cut to me. These lines are also on the underside of the table ways. A lot of the G0704 surfaces are ground. Oddly enough, many not-contact surfaces that are exposed & not painted, are ground. Such as the area between the dovetails on the base and column too.

    Oh yea, I forgot to mention that the spindle was only warm to the touch after running it in for 30 minutes, if your interested in that info. 20 of the minutes were at max of 2250 RPM. (readout said it was 2300 RPM though)

    Do you guys want to see any size comparisons, such as a 3" keyless vise, or Kurt 3" vise on the table? I could also show it next to our X2 if anyone wants.

    If I can get my son to help me again Saturday, I will try to get the table/saddle removed so we can get a better look under the hood.

    PS: Once we finish developing the CNC and spindle belt drive kit for the G0704, it will be going up for sale, fully converted and ready to run.

    Click HERE for a HUGE image of this photo.

    you can see a double set of machining marks. one is the coarse marks which i think youre right are from a dovetail cutter. between them you can see fine lines in the direction of the way, which look like grinding or lapping possibly. i think the coarse markings are deliberate for oil retention. the mating surface on the saddle should be hand scraped if its the same as other variants of this mill. you can see the scraping on the z saddle.

    being ground doesnt matter so much as when they are ground/finished. if they do it without any stress relieving (sieg) its all for not because the ways twist and warp after the fact.

    in any case, it looks to be as well built as the other ones of seen in pictures. mine wont come for some time still, im going to have mill envy for 2 more months

    (but thats ok, ill have a novakon nm145 and a new woodworking gantry to keep me occupied)

  18. #178
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by wisp View Post
    Hi Guys. We finally received our G0704 from Grizzly this morning. Looks like people are eager to see more of this mill so I put up some photos for those interested.

    here is a link...

    Grizzly G0704 PHOTOS


    Nice pics, thanks!

    Anyone notice the label on the motor?
    90v 4.5a = 405w Its not even close to the advertised 750W.

  19. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by Crevice Reamer View Post
    yes, we know, thanks anyway. Same manual.

    Quote Originally Posted by robcap View Post
    02-10-2010, 04:25 PM
    The Grizzly users manual is finally online!

    the cdn# is "A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a system of computers containing copies of data, placed at various points in a network so as to maximize bandwidth for access to the data from clients throughout the network. A client accesses a copy of the data near to the client, as opposed to all clients accessing the same central server, so as to avoid bottleneck near that server."
    http://www.hossmachine.info - Gosh, you've... really got some nice toys here. - Roy Batty -- http://www.g0704.com - http://www.bf20.com - http://www.g0602.com

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by robcap View Post
    Nice pics, thanks!

    Anyone notice the label on the motor?
    90v 4.5a = 405w Its not even close to the advertised 750W.
    Didn't it say 600W on the label? still not 750 though.
    http://www.hossmachine.info - Gosh, you've... really got some nice toys here. - Roy Batty -- http://www.g0704.com - http://www.bf20.com - http://www.g0602.com

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