The latest idea we are doing is setting up a 3 ring binder including the inspection criteria (which us use screen shots form soliworks to show where to measure), loading instrucitons (with detailed pics and instructions), handling instructions (what boxes the material comes in and what boxes to put finished goods into), any Quality Alerts, Detailed information on adjustments, tool list, operation map (what tool cuts where). Then we train the CNC Tech on everything in the book (we have several Techs who make adjustmnets/changes tools etc, while we have operators who just run the machines) and record the training per ISO 2001:9000. The books are a PITA to make, but the operators and techs seem to appreciate it and they actually are referring to it.

We are going to start making the same for setups as we do so many jobs, some times we forget how we set up one job that we last ran a year ago, or we have some new guys who dont know how to set it up.