Quote Originally Posted by dustin1706 View Post
Looks good man! Would love to see a tutorial of you do this again! Especially if you did it all with vcarve/cut3d.

No radiused edge though? or are you going to use a plain router for that?

Planning on making a neck or did you size it to use a stewmac or similar neck?
I find it quicker to just use a round-over bit on my table router for the edges, and then a set of flat and round files to cut the neck contours for easier fretboard access.

I've only made trial cuts for guitar bodies (I've done 6 so far with scrap material) and I am working on my first neck. When I have a process down for completing a usable body, I'll post a quick tutorial on my process.

In the mean time, I'm watching these posts for ideas on improving my skills!