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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    SolidCAM Purchase questions

    I am getting ready to finalize a seat of SolidCam and would like to know if everyone is happy with the support and functionality of the software. Our projects are challenging 3D at times so any info on how it handles with large and complex programming would be helpfull.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Ditto, I've been in contact w/ them re- a seat of their software and am curious as to the same points.
    The more I know... the more I realize I don't
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    They seem like a very good company to deal with, I asked the Rep if I could use one of our own files for the demo and they agreed and that was a big plus (visual mill also honored my request) The part is one that we spent several days on in MCAM X3 and could not get the bugs out of it. It was a VERY healthy challange for the SolidCam Demo guy but he finally got it and seeing how he was able to manuver around the software under pressure was very valuable for the decision process. So far they are the top choice but more info from techs using it on a mega size pattern/mold job will be good too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    For big files the CAM is no problem; I generate well in excess of a million lines and there are no hitches. What was a problem was SolidVerify (pre SC2010) which is a third party module and due to Windows limitations, didn't like handling threads / processes of more than 1.2 Gb. There is a fix which I have tested up to 3Gb.

    The functionality is good, especially the HSM and five axis modules but there are niggles. For example. the very powerful Machining Processes cannot be created for HSM or 5X jobs; for those you have to use Templates which lack the functionality of MP's. The biggest plus for me is the open access the user has to the post-processor. Over the years I have made our posts "bomb-proof" to the point I never manually edit code before sending to the machine and have actually incorporated some probing cycles into the post functionality.

    On the support side, I think that is a local issue. Here in the UK the support I get from SolidCAM UK and SolidCAM Europe is excellent but if look back through this forum you'll see that users in the US & Canada have been less than happy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    i am from canada and can tell you over the last 4 years the suport from solidcam has improved ten fold they have some new people there that are very good at what they do and have fixed every problem that i have had to date. i can also tell you as a ex-visualmill user i am not looking back with any regrets to the change to solidcam i from time to time go back and use it(visualmill) to remember why i changed over. to have a program inside solidworks is great if you design in solidworks. i did have some problems with importing files from other programs but that turned out to be a soildworks problem and worked with them to fix it. i wouldnt compare soildcam to visualmill i would think mastercam vs soidcam is closer.

  6. #6
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by axis View Post
    . i wouldnt compare soildcam to visualmill i would think mastercam vs soidcam is closer.
    That is what I realized after doing the demo, it looked like a good package for general shop use, the price was sure right enough for that. I do believe MasterCam toolpaths are the best, it just has other issues.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I bought SolidCAM two years ago or so, if I had it to do over I wouldn't do it again.

    I've made a lot of good parts with it, and honestly I really want to love it, but for the money there are way too many bugs. In a el-cheapo package like bobcad you expect that, in a package that costs $10K to $15K (without SolidWorks) it's just inexcusable. I've also begged to get a list of what has been fixed in the update releases but it's apparently top secret, so I can't make an informed decision as to whether I will get any benefit from the upgrade.

    Some bugs I've reported many, many times and they still aren't resolved. For example, rest roughing will trim the toolpath where the part is close to the edge of the stock (even though the constraint boundary has plenty of room). No logical explanation, and I've been through this with support many times. There are lots of others, none will prevent you from using SC, but I find myself spending a lot of time working around issues instead of making parts.

    Every minor release of the product seems to break my post (which they provided and maintain). Parts that worked before the upgrade generate g-code with errors (invalid radius, for example) and multi-part setups have been a real frustration.

    The simultaneous 4th axis is cumbersome and has ruined more parts than it's made -- even after getting a clean bill of health from "solid verify". Maybe that is the "state of the art" in multi-axis, I don't have a good basis of comparison.

    I have had operations in the feature tree get "corrupted" and you are no longer able to edit them. Usually you can delete the operation and re-create it, but if you've spent any time tweaking the settings in the operation it is a real pain.

    Larger parts (3 axis parts about 15" x 6" x 4") are really problematic to verify with solid verify, if the resolution is turned up enough that you can evaluate cusping I get a lot of crashes in the simulation. A bigger computer with a 64bit OS may help that, but I have a core 2 duo and 4gb XP machine. I went back and forth with support about this for maybe a month, and never got any resolution in time to get the job completed successfully.

    I don't think I've ever gotten through programming any "complex" part without it crashing. In fact, as I type this it has just crashed. Maybe the 2010 version is better...maybe I should renew my maintenance.

    I like the usability of SC, I found Mastercam to be very klunky. Setting up a part in SC is a breeze. The fact that it runs within SolidWorks is great and offsets a lot of the negatives.

  8. #8
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    May 2007
    WOW!!! I have not yet dropped the hammer on the deal. After the MCAM deal I am extremely cautious about buying software. The only software that makes me happy has been Solidworks 2010, I wish they did their own CAM package and it would be a slam dunk sale. Yes MCAM is klunky my version is X3 and its poor quality, they do have the best toolpaths. I have one part the I spent several days on and could not get the toolpath in MCAM, when SolidCam did the demo they used this file and had the exact same problem as MCAM X3!!! Their very seasoned tech managed to do a work around with it and got the toolpath correct. Right now a MCAM Guru is going to look at the part and try to find out what is up with it.

    One thing is for certain, it will be a Solidworks plug-in platform, the integration is priceless for me. But what to buy?????????

    Is your machine ISV certified? I run Dell Precision work stations and a M6400 Laptop both are ISV certified, it does make a BIG difference. Gibbs CAM did a demo for us a few years ago and he came out with an el-cheapo laptop, IT CRASHED 3 TIMES DURING THE DEMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then sends a quote for $20,000 dollars.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Thanks for the reply's. I've also not dropped the hammer yet. I tried a Demo if HSMworks and was impressed.. might be another program to look over..

    I still haven't decided at this point [but gonna have to here pretty soon!]


    The more I know... the more I realize I don't
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I am not really sold on HSM, its just did not turn me on, that package is more than SolidCam or pretty close in price. The hammer needs to drop here in the next few weeks, only thing thats holding me up is couple new products got delayed because of lightening getting my laptop. Have you ever seen the boss cry? fortunatley the Dell tech brought it back to life and the hard drive was fine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010

    SolidCAM Purchase questions

    Quote Originally Posted by JerryFlyGuy
    Thanks for the reply's. I've also not dropped the hammer yet. I tried a Demo if HSMworks and was impressed.. might be another program to look over..

    I still haven't decided at this point


    I am sitting exactly where you guys are right now. I have MCX2 now. Lathe mill and wire. I just send our trial of X4 back to cnc software. I really like what I see in Esprit. I called our local dealer and was told I have to purchase $1500.00 worth of training dvd's before we can demo thier software. Told me it is company policy. Maybe just here in Ontario Canada. Seems odd to me but what can I do. Can't shop around the way the dealers are set up. Any one else heard of this? I also like the looks of CamWorks and they were great to talk to.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    John, I'd run [not walk] away from them... if they seriously want to sell software.. they will give you the demo for free.. and provide some website links on the how to.. [or something similar]... if they are going to charge you a little just to demo.. imagine what they will charge you when it comes to other parts of the business [posts?]..

    I'd tell them your running away also.. sometimes people get their head stuck up somewhere [where the sun don't shine?] and need a good swift kick to dislodge it..

    JFG [I won't be paying for no steekin' demo's :nono:.]
    The more I know... the more I realize I don't
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2007
    John, what didn't you like in X4? was it stand alone or Solidworks plug in version.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2010

    SolidCAM Purchase questions

    Quote Originally Posted by foxsquirrel
    John, what didn't you like in X4? was it stand alone or Solidworks plug in version.
    Was a stand alone. We use SolidWorks 2010. The plug in is only for mill. Nothing else.

    In wire edm you can't select solids information even even though it says you can in the what's new in X4. You can select faces from a solid model to creat a chain. Wow.

    As for lathe. I don't have solids. I was trying to use the wcs to machine and then verify. Since I don't have solids I can't move the lathe part. Without another 1800.00 for solids I can't verify I was told until X5. I am not going to pay for a promise of something in the next version.

    And even if you could move the solid to machine in lathe the software is so stupid when you open it again it tells you the file is not the same as the solidworks. It will show you a compare of the move. Great feature.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I have the solids and I could do better with Autocad in DOS! As far as SolidWorks goes, after first the plug-in demo I was 100% convinced NOT to go stand alone again, that did knock down the number of vendors heavily. Its pretty bad when BobCaD can offer a plugin and some of the other major players are still stand alone.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010

    SolidCAM Purchase questions

    Quote Originally Posted by foxsquirrel
    I have the solids and I could do better with Autocad in DOS! As far as SolidWorks goes, after first the plug-in demo I was 100% convinced NOT to go stand alone again, that did knock down the number of vendors heavily. Its pretty bad when BobCaD can offer a plugin and some of the other major players are still stand alone.
    Have you made a decision yet?


  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBigJW View Post
    Have you made a decision yet?

    yes, I believe SolidCam will be the one. Our sales have dipped for a couple months in a row. Since the rough ride over the last couple of years I am hypersensitive to changes in the world/US economy. Until things pick up alittle bit I'll be stuck shouting profanities at the computer every time MCAM does another good one.

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