I reinstalled the gantry rails and tube today and fitted the cable tracks one last time. I spent about 45 minutes adjusting the rails and gantry to get everything dialed in. Once I fully bolt down the rails I'll check again, but I don't expect them to move so it should be a moot issue. The gantry rolls up and down the rails very nicely with full engagement of the V-rollers. Everything looks good, so I'm going to remove the cable tracks, open up the tracks (the top is hinged) so that I can install all of my steppers and machine torch. I'll string everything out on the floor, loosely hook up loop everything, and lay a pull string along side to aid in pulling any addition wire or air tubing in the future. The gantry tube cable track will have the following:

Machine Torch Lead, Two 1/4" Poly Air Lines, Z-Axis Motor Lead, Y-Axis Motor Lead, 18ga 2 Conductor SO Cord for Torch Switch, Pull String

The lower track will have all of the above and:

X-Axis Motor Leads

Once that's done I'll fit all of the parts to the table, do a little soldering, and install the pulleys and gears. I'm going to sit the electronics under the table at first and then figure out a good mounting location. I'm trying to keep the bottom shelf free and clear for sheet storage as necessary, so the control box and plasma will sit off to the side below the cable track channel.

I also got the water pan painted today and all I need to do is weld a couple of bolts onto the bottom so I can ground the pan to the table, and also install a ground clamp lug on the side of the plan for connecting the lead from the plasma cutter. I'll do that tomorrow since it will take about 15 minutes and then the pan can go back into the table as soon as I fit the casters. I'm done for today as I have chores to do.