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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Question ROBOFIL 510 RS232 SETUP

    I am wanting to link our Robofil 510 to the PC to transfer files rather than use floppy disk. I have the Belden cable and the 9 pin and 25 pin plugs but need the pinout info. Also could someone recommend a transfer program for the PC. Any information would be gratefully received. Cheers in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Here you go......
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Thanks very much mate.
    There is another item you may be able to help me with.
    Rather than setting the machine to receive and then sending from the PC. I was hoping to be able to select DNC from the "files" - "change unit" - "MEM, FLOPPY, DNC" menu so that i could see files which are on the pc and run from there. Is this possible?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    All we do is transfer files back and forth. Floppys are only used for loading machine software when it is required.

    I think the DNC capability was an option on these machines but not sure. Unfortunately I do not have experience with what you are requesting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I have set-up the machine exactly as it says and am trying to use hyperterminal but with no luck. Does your machine have the same settings as the set-up guide?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Robofil 510 RS232

    I should be able to assist you with this. We have a Robofil 500 and a Robofil 300 and use the RS232 daily. It is fairly simple to setup but is almost impossible without some help as it is not an intuitive thing. I know because someone helped me get setup when we started doing this.

    If you still need some help, pm me with an e-mail address and I can send you the configuration we use along with the software.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hello everybody!

    I was searching through the forum and I must say I found a lot of valuable information! And also the forum looks great with many expert users! But I did not find the solution that I would like to figure out in our company to help optimize and speed up the productivity!

    So the thing is: We own two machines Charmille Robofil 290 and Robofil 290P The First one is runing on MS-DOS, the second, I am not sure on what. What we are trying to establish is the communication with the DNC3 and the PC. The connection looks like this:

    PC - LAN switch - LAN switch - MOXA Nport 5110A 9DB - Charmilles 290P 25DB
    PC - LAN switch - LAN switch - MOXA Nport 5110A 9DB - Charmilles 290 25DB

    I am using WinProDNC and when I am trying to connect, theres nothing happend. The screen of DNC3 Dialog just stays same old white, like before of connecting.

    I was using several different options to connect through; 4800 BR XON/XOF, 8 bit, 1 end bit, FIFO enabled, RTS DTS enabled, on WinProDNC, also the same on Moxa Nport, and settings on Machines: 4800BR, Protocol 7, Channel 1 (also the same for PP).

    -When I set the channel to 7 and try to copy a file from Machines MEM to DNC3 it says that the file allready exist.
    -When I try to copy it on channel 6 or 0 it says Timeout after time in "Time Out" settings runs out.
    -I was trying to change the dip switches but nothing happens, everything stays the same.
    -When I am trying to copy some .iso file through Windows XP command console to com2, the file's copied succseful, but I don't see it anywhere, especially not in the machines MEM.

    So my questions are:
    -How can I see the DNC is activated on the machines?
    -Is there some problem with Firewall or MOXA Nport compatibility?
    -Should I use FIFO mode
    -What settings should I use, RTS, DTS, CTS, etc?
    -What protocol should this work with?
    -Parity, yes or no?

    I found this PDF with settings for the Charmilles machines but I don't have exact conclusions as stated.

    Would be very glad, if someone can help me

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Red face ROBOFIL510 SERIEL RS232 SETUP

    With help from the members on this thread I managed to setup my PC directly to the Robofil510 with RS232. A seriel DB25 on the Robofil side and a DB9 on the seriel port on the PC with Belden seriel cable.
    If you need any help to connect this way i would try and help you as much as i can.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by tallenttoolroom View Post
    With help from the members on this thread I managed to setup my PC directly to the Robofil510 with RS232. A seriel DB25 on the Robofil side and a DB9 on the seriel port on the PC with Belden seriel cable.
    If you need any help to connect this way i would try and help you as much as i can.
    Thank You for fast respond!

    I very appreciate Your help, but I am only able to establish a connection with Moxa Nport 5110A (DB9) which is directly connected to LAN switch, so data will be sent through LAN cable (2 switches).

    But you can tell me, which way are the dip sweetches on the Robofil turned ?

    We also have the machines working that way on the old location, but on the new location, the PCs and the machines are far away ...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Take a look at the PDF in the earlier post. My cable is set to the "cable normal" setup.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sorry to be a thread Necromancer, but I am currently working on a Robofil 510, looking to utilize some of these ports too.

    What I'm trying to do is get the notification of when a job has been completed. Is the information communicated via any sensors/terminals? I have microcontrollers and computers which can take the input from there, but I don't particularly want to hack apart the machine in order to access them.

    Looking more along the lines of using an RS-232 to asynchronously notify, so I can send text-messages, email, snap photos, etc..

    Thanks in advance!

  12. #12

    Re: Robofil 510 RS232

    Hello I am trying to get info on RS 232 data transfer on Charmilles Machines

  13. #13

    Re: ROBOFIL 510 RS232 SETUP

    Can you write an installation article about the RS232 connection for Robofil 290?

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