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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Uploading to CNC90 - How?


    we're struggling with how to import ISO code to an old V.Alberti machine that uses CNC90 (V3.1).

    Until now it's always been programmed directly on the control using the CNC90 software, but we can prepare g-code files from a CAM program and want to take those files to the machine.

    We think we might be missing a program called "import.exe" (and also a file called "import.lng" if we want to see instructions in a language different to Italian) that would let us import ISO files and compile them within CNC90.

    Alternatively we've seen it's possible to make a bunch of files and folders ('Sorg' and 'Comp' are the main ones) and import an already compiled program to the CNC90.

    It seems TensorCADCAM (Tensor | In dialoog met uw cnc machine) have a post-processor that makes the compiled program and the folders etc. ready for import whereas e.g. BobCAD offers a post-processor that makes the ISO file that needs to be imported to CNC90 and then compiled.

    We'd be happy with either route - but we don't understand how to make the folders etc. for the compiled version or how to import the ISO code to CNC90.

    Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance if you do!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ciao, anche io ho lo stesso problema. Ho una Alberti edit 3000 di seconda mano e stò cercando disperatamente il modo di trasferire file dxf in cnc90.
    Se vuoi ti posso dare il dare il programma versione 3.1 in modo che tu possa risolvere una parte dei tuoi problemi.
    ho trovato un post processore per bobcadcam ma non ho il programma vedi se riesci a trovarlo tu ... e dimmi dove!!
    Se hai qualche notizia in più su come importare file iso sarei felice di conoscerla.
    A presto

    CNC FORUM :: Edytor do Alberti format 90

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Hi Genova,

    I've passed your reply through Google's translator and re-touched it and get something like...

    "Hello, I too have the same problem. I have a second-hand Alberti edit 3000 and I'm desperately looking for a way to transfer files in dxf format to the cnc90
    software for post-processing.

    If you want I can give you a copy of the program to version 3.1 so that you can solve some of your problems.

    I found a post processor for bobcadcam but I do not have the program. You see if you can find it ... and tell me where! If you have any more news on importing ISO file would be happy to meet you.

    See you soon"

    You may have something that could help us. In the documentation for the CNC90 software there is a section on how to import ISO files. Basically it says that there is a program called 'IMPORT.EXE' that can do it but it is not supplied with the installation disks for CNC90 (i.e. they sold it as an extra). We don't have it - we only have the 5 installation discs of the typical CNC90 installation with no extras.

    Please search the computer on which you have the CNC90 software installed and your installation disks to see if you have this program called IMPORT.EXE, because I am confident that if we can find that program we can overcome the hurdle.

    I can tell you that the problem has 2 stages: first you need to be able to generate output in an appropriate ISO format for the machine to understand, and second you ned to be able to get that ISO format information into the machine so it can compile it as the machine requires.

    The first step is not too tricky - the ISO format the machine requires is well documented and it would not be too difficult for a decent CAM software with a deent post-processor generator to churn out appropriate ISO code. As we know, BobCAD have a post-processor that generates appropriate code (more or less).

    It's the second step that's tricky. What was passed to us by the people at TensorCADCAM was not only an ISO file, but a whole bunch of folders and sub-folders (SORG, SRG, COMP to name but a few) and with that we could load the file(s) into the machine.

    In principle I think we either need to find this program 'IMPORT.EXE' which would let us import an ISO file such as the one BobCAD considers to be a CNC90 post-processor (but is only half the story unless you've got import.exe) or we need to understand how to make the whole bunch of folders in the way the TensorCADCAM people know how.

    If money's no problem, the answer is buy TensorCADCAM. Our situation is simply that we already have a competent CAM program that could quite easily be made to output ISO code for the CNC90, but we don't know how to get it into the machine.

    Now, passing that back into approximate Italian...

    Si può avere qualcosa che potrebbe aiutarci. Nella documentazione per il software CNC90 c'è una sezione su come importare i file ISO. In sostanza si dice che c'è un programma chiamato 'IMPORT.EXE' che può farlo, ma non è in dotazione con i dischi di installazione per CNC90 (vale a dire che ha venduto come accessorio). Noi non ce l'hanno - abbiamo solo i 5 dischi di installazione dell'impianto CNC90 tipica, senza extra.

    Si prega di ricerca il computer sul quale avete installato il software CNC90 e dischi di installazione per vedere se hai questo programma chiamato IMPORT.EXE, perché io sono convinto che se riusciamo a trovare quel programma possiamo superare l'ostacolo.

    Vi posso dire che il problema ha 2 fasi: prima bisogna essere in grado di generare output in formato ISO appropriato per la macchina per capire, e secondo voi Ned essere in grado di ottenere tali informazioni in formato ISO nella macchina in modo che possa compilarlo in quanto la macchina richiede.

    Il primo passo non è troppo difficile - il formato ISO la macchina richiede è ben documentato e non sarebbe troppo difficile per un software CAM decente con un generatore di deent post-processore a sfornare codice appropriato ISO. Come sappiamo, BobCAD hanno un post-processore che genera il codice appropriato (più o meno).

    E 'il secondo passo che è difficile. Qual è stato passato a noi dal popolo TensorCADCAM non era solo un file ISO, ma un sacco di cartelle e sottocartelle (Sorg, SRG, COMP per citarne alcuni) e con quella che potremmo caricare il file (s) nella macchina.

    In linea di massima penso che sia necessario trovare 'IMPORT.EXE' questo programma che ci permetterebbe di importare un file ISO come quello BobCAD considera un CNC90 post-processore (ma è solo metà della storia meno che non abbiate importazione . exe) o abbiamo bisogno di capire come fare l'intero gruppo di cartelle nel modo in cui la gente TensorCADCAM know how.

    Se il denaro non è un problema, la risposta è acquistare TensorCADCAM. La nostra situazione è semplicemente che abbiamo già un programma competenti CAM che potrebbe benissimo essere apportate al codice di uscita ISO per la CNC90, ma non sappiamo come arrivare in macchina.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    ho letto molto attentamente la tua risposta. Avevo visto anche io che nella documentazione del cnc90 si fà riferimento al programma import. exe, ho cercato sia nell' hard disk della macchina sia nel programma che ho trovato nel forum che ti ho indicato ma nessuna traccia!
    Io non ho neppure i cinque dischetti dell'installazione originale (anzi se puoi postarli te ne sarei grato)
    L'unica cosa che ho è un programma acquistato dal precedente proprietario della cnc , un programma che si chiama symbol e che in teoria sostituisce il cnc90 e d è in grado di tradurre disegni dxf in programma leggibile dal cnc90....piccolo guaio.... il programma è su un vecchio floppy disk e il file di trasformazione da dxf è illegibile. Se vuoi di posso mandare il resto del programma ... magari tu riesci a capirci di più. Mi dici che hai un programma cam che è in grado di produrre file compatibili con il linguaggio cnc90.. come si chiama?
    Cerco di zippare il floppy con il programma symbol e te lo posto al più. presto.
    Felice di risentirti e di scambiare prossime novità con te.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    ecco il programma...... attendo tue buone notizie!!!!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ciao Genova,

    I've passed your reply through Google's translator and re-touched it and get something like...

    I read your answer very carefully. I had also seen that in the documentation for CNC90 reference is made to the program IMPORT.EXE I tried to find it in forums that I mentioned as well as on the hard disk of the machine but there’s no trace of it! I have not even got the five original installation disks (if you can post them I would be grateful).
    The only thing I have is a program purchased by the previous owner of the CNC, a program called 'Symbol' which, in theory, replaced the CNC90 software and is able to import drawings in .dxf format and then completes the process them to a format understandable by CNC90.
    But there's a slight hurdle - the program is on an old floppy disk and the transformation from .dxf file is unreadable. If you want I can send the rest of the program ... maybe that way we can understand each other more.
    You tell me that you have a CAM program that is able to produce files compatible with the language cnc90 .. what's it called?
    I'll try to zip the floppy with the 'Symbol' program on it, and post it on this thread soon.
    I'm glad we've stumbled upon each other and hope to exchange news with you shortly."

    OK I've got the contents that you posted in zip format and I've had a look at it.

    First of all, these programs (there are a whole bunch of tiny programs: CNC.EXE - CNC90.EXE - CONFPAR.EXE - EUROSORT.EXE - EUROVERT.EXE - FIRST.EXE - GEODXF.EXE - IND.EXE - LICAD.EXE - PTP400.EXE - SER.EXE - SORT.EXE) are so old I had to install a 'DOS emulator' to be able to do anything. I installed a program called 'DODBox' (0.74) and it has let me find out a few things:

    There's a 'User Manual' (of sorts - it's very brief text doc.) for the GEODXF.EXE program.

    GEODXF is an import program/module that imports a 2D geometry file in .DXF format that has to have been prepared beforehand according to a set of
    rules that basically relate the colors assigned to geometrical elements in the drawing to different operation types.

    (white lines and arcs = panel or workpiece profile, yellow point = startpoint, red lines and arcs = milling profile, straight yellow lines = Circular Saw, straight green lines = horizontal drilling, white/blue circles = vertical drilling)

    Once this purely 2D geometry is imported, GEODXF prompts the user to add the extra information required that cannot be ascertained
    from the 2D geometry, such as e.g. the thickness of the Panel, the depth at which drilling and milling is to be done, the toolnumbers etc.

    So if this route is used, you will need to:

    i) prepare your profile drawings in .DXF format specifically following these colour rules,

    ii) still have to add all the extra details inside the program (which is probably CNC90 after using GEODXF to import the profile.

    Basically it's not going to do the whole job! I wanted to be able to make an ISO file with full instructions for the machine, i.e. choose the tool numbers, control all the Z movements, so that I take a file to the machine and it can be run. With this route, if I try to use it seriously, I'll definitely being taking not only a .dxf file to the machine but also a list of notes about tool numbers, workpiece thickness, etc. to complete the task by the machine.

    That said, it may be the only way to be able to import profiles that contain complex curves - e.g. splines, ellipses etc. that have been eploded to lots and lots of tiny straight line segments - because we can't possibly input profiles like that by point-to-point profile drawing in CNC90, but if it does handle importing a .dxf file with that detail, then it could be helpful.

    Apart from that, I won't be able to look closer until I load the ontents of the disc onto the machine after the holidays, because some of the prorams fail to launch giving a message saying 'failed to find hardware lock' (on my laptop). The next step is to see if these programs launch and work when they can detect the hardware lock on our Alberti machine!

    Now, passing that back into approximate Italian...

    OK Ho i contenuti che avete inviato in formato zip e ho dato un'occhiata a questo.

    Prima di tutto, questi programmi (ci sono un sacco di programmi minuscoli: CNC.EXE - CNC90.EXE - CONFPAR.EXE - EUROSORT.EXE - EUROVERT.EXE - FIRST.EXE - GEODXF.EXE - IND.EXE - LICAD. EXE - PTP400.EXE - SER.EXE - SORT.EXE) sono così vecchia, ho dovuto installare un 'emulatore DOS' per essere in grado di fare nulla. Ho installato un programma chiamato 'DODBox' (0,74) e mi ha permesso di scoprire un paio di cose:

    C'è un 'Manuale' (sorta di -. Doc è un testo molto breve) per il programma GEODXF.EXE.

    GEODXF è un programma di importazione / modulo che importa un file di geometria 2D in formato. DXF che ha a che sono stati preparati in anticipo secondo una serie di
    regole che riguardano sostanzialmente i colori assegnati agli elementi geometrici del disegno di tipi di operazioni diverse.

    (Linee bianche e archi = pannello o il profilo del pezzo in lavorazione, il punto giallo = punto iniziale, le linee rosse e archi = profilo di fresatura, linee rette giallo = sega circolare, linee rette verde = perforazioni orizzontali, bianco / blu cerchi di foratura = verticale)

    Una volta che questa geometria puramente 2D viene importato, GEODXF chiede all'utente di aggiungere le informazioni supplementari richieste che non può essere accertata
    dalla geometria 2D, come ad esempio lo spessore del pannello, la profondità di foratura e fresatura che deve essere fatto, il ecc toolnumbers

    Quindi, se questo percorso viene utilizzato, sarà necessario:

    i) preparare il vostro profilo di disegni in formato. DXF specifico seguendo queste regole colore,

    ii) devono ancora aggiungere tutti i dettagli extra all'interno del programma (che probabilmente è CNC90 GEODXF dopo aver usato per importare il profilo.

    In fondo non sta andando a fare l'intero lavoro! Volevo essere in grado di fare un file ISO con le istruzioni complete per la macchina, cioè scegliere i numeri strumento, controllare tutti i movimenti di Z, in modo che prendo un file alla macchina e può essere eseguito. Con questo percorso, se cerco di usarlo sul serio, io sicuramente essere presa non solo un file. Dxf alla macchina, ma anche un elenco di note sui numeri strumento, lo spessore del pezzo in lavorazione, ecc per completare l'operazione con la macchina.

    Detto questo, può essere l'unico modo per essere in grado di importare i profili che contengono curve complesse - ad esempio spline, ellissi, ecc che sono stati eploded al sacco e un sacco di piccoli segmenti di linea retta - perché noi non può assolutamente profili di input che come da disegno del profilo point-to-point in CNC90, ma se lo fa gestire l'importazione di un file dxf. con quel dettaglio, allora potrebbe essere utile.

    A parte questo, non sarò in grado di guardare più vicino fino a quando ho caricare il ONTENUTO del disco sulla macchina dopo le vacanze, perché alcuni dei prorams non riescono a dare lanciare un messaggio che dice 'non è riuscito a trovare blocco hardware' (sul mio portatile). Il passo successivo è quello di vedere se questi programmi di lancio e di lavoro quando si può rilevare la chiave hardware sulla nostra macchina Alberti!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First at Launch.jpg  

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hi Chris, no news ????

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ciao Genova,

    not much news unfortunately. I've tried everything I can but can't get GEODXF to work for us here.

    But you might be able to get it to work, because you seem to have a valid copy of the program and should not have the problem we had with the message 'Sorry No HardLock'.

    This is what I can tell you about GEODXF:

    GEODXF is a translation program that imports a 2D geometry file in .DXF format prepared according to a set of
    rules that relate the colors assigned to geometrical elements to different operation types.

    (White = Panel or workpiece profile, Red = Milling etc.)

    Once the geometry is imported, GEODXF prompts the user to add the extra information required that cannot be ascertained
    from the 2D geometry, such as e.g. the thickness of the Panel, the depth at which drilling and milling is to be done, the
    toolnumbers etc.

    To prepare a drawing in AutoCAD for subsequent translation by Symbol follow these instructions:

    1) Launch AutoCAD

    2) Prepare a drawing in AutoCAD according to the following instructions:

    Command Color White
    Command Line From: X,Y Start coordinate To: X,Y End coordinate

    Draw the 'Panel' (i.e. the workpiece profile)

    The Panel should consist of a closed profile with no cross-over points.

    For example, a simple rectangular panel measuring 800mm x 400mm can be drawn with
    four white lines sharing start/finish points as follows:

    line From: (0,0) To: (800,0)
    line From: (800,0) To: (800,400)
    line From: (800,400) To: (0,400)
    line From: (0,400) To: (0,0)

    The Panel can be made of lines or arcs. It can also be made of more complex forma such as
    ellipses or splines that have been simplified to lines or arcs by using the EXPLODE command.

    Command Color Yellow
    Command Point Single X,Y coordinate

    Note: The Startpoint must coincide with an endpoint of a line or an arc (i.e. of the first line or arc to be cut).

    Command Color Red
    Command Lines or Arcs

    Note: If the milling includes elements originally defined as ellipses or splines they must first be simplified
    to lines or arcs using the EXPLODE command

    Circular Saw
    Command Color Yellow
    Command Line From: X,Y Start coordinate To: X,Y End coordinate

    Drill - Vertical
    Command Color Blue/White
    Command Circle X,Y coordinate of centrepoint Diameter

    Drill - Horizontal
    Command Color green
    Command Line

    A line defining horizontal drilling must start at a point coincident with the border of the panel
    and finish at a point inside the panel.

    For example, on the rectangular Panel defined above, drilling 30mm deep at a position half way up the left side would be drawn as:

    line From: (0,200) To: (30,200)

    3) Once the drawing is complete, use the Command DXFOUT (and answer all questions with ENTER)

    4) Exit AutoCAD

    To translate the .DXF file using Symbol follow these instructions:

    Change to the directory that contains LICAD.EXE

    Type GEODXF (from the prompt)

    Note: If you get an error message ( floating point error ) you have not set
    the color white for the Panel ( line colors can be seen by using the LIST Command in AutoCAD)

    After Symbol is launched
    give the Toolnumbers and so on in Symbol, or translate directly
    from symbol into ptp/cnc only the shape and modify in ptp400/cnc90.

    Please let me know if you manage to get it to work! I spent a lot of time and effort on this and would feel better if someone makes progress with it even if it isn't us!

    Chris Booth

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Hi Chris

    Just wondering if you may be able to help me. We have bought an old Alberti Edit 3000 CNC machine which has TPA CNC90 software installed.

    When trying to edit parameters it asks for a password which we don't have and was wondering whether there is an industry standard.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Hi Glen,

    unfortunately I didn't make it through to the other side of trying to improve our programming technique for our Alberti - we still use the same on-machine programming that the company used when I joined them.

    I see you're in the U.K. - you've probably seen that a ompany called CNC Support offers services relating to Albertis - CNC Router service and sales, covering the UK - Alberti

    Sorry I can't help any more...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    i edited a postprocessor from CAM to a CNC90 machine this month.
    To do this i created ASCII Code which could be loaded on the machine.
    Theres no need to create a directory structure or compiled files.

    But the feature is hidden, i can send you pictures, if you send me a message.

    The System (CNC90) runs btw. very fine in a Virtual Box, which helps a lot while testing the postprocessor.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by genova View Post
    Ciao, anche io ho lo stesso problema. Ho una Alberti edit 3000 di seconda mano e stò cercando disperatamente il modo di trasferire file dxf in cnc90.
    Se vuoi ti posso dare il dare il programma versione 3.1 in modo che tu possa risolvere una parte dei tuoi problemi.
    ho trovato un post processore per bobcadcam ma non ho il programma vedi se riesci a trovarlo tu ... e dimmi dove!!
    Se hai qualche notizia in più su come importare file iso sarei felice di conoscerla.
    A presto

    CNC FORUM :: Edytor do Alberti format 90
    Ciao Genova:
    Se hai un CAD della famiglia IntelliCAD tipo ProgeCad, BricsCad, ZwCad vai sul sito IntelliCAM. Dalla pagina di downlad con username IntelliToolPathPartner e password part_set scarica ed installa IntelliToolPath. Una volta installato il CAD-CAM fammi sapere che ti spedisco un post per il cnc90.
    mario m.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ciao Mariotti provvedo ad installare programmi che mi hai consigliato . Dove trovo poi post processor? Grazie in anticipo!!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009



    Yeah, I use TensorCadCam for programming the Alberti CNC90, works great. Take a look on www.cadcam123.com and for a demo here [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZmCVcxJHvo]CNC programming for Alberti CNC90 or PTP400 - YouTube[/ame] and on

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hi pvh2500
    I've had a big problem with my Alberti Edit 3000 machine due to the fact that I've lost all my sw due to a hard disk crash.
    My Alberti (second hand bought) arrived to me without any disk for software, specially for cnc90 and actually I've tried to ask where can I find a versino of cnc90 to be able to rebuild my pc without any success (of course I could pay for an original version of cnc90).
    Can you help me?
    Thank you in advance

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Hello Mario

    Do you think they have a toolpath to a PTP Alberti edit 2000 400?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    qualcuno Potrei passare plancia cnc90 programma per BUSELLATO, la mia email è [email protected] Grazie

  18. #18
    I own a size 90 with cnc90 following alberti machine has a problem hard drive but I must reintaller cnc90 for parametrer ilme request a password someone can help me

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Uploading to CNC90 - How?

    Sei riuscito a trovare?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Uploading to CNC90 - How?

    The Alberti B21's that I used had a password of PSW, but that was TPA's PTP400 software.

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