I had the power supply go bad on my prototrak plus the main cause is forgeting to turn it off leaving it on all night, mine didn't have a fan in it to keep it cool, they allso asked $1000.00 to fix it, I got the numbers off the board and got on the web, within a few minuts found the same board for $120.00 need less to say they know what makes them go bad but there not telling because they make a fourtune replacing power supplys, I used to work on pinball machines a few years back and that"s mostly what went out on them.
But as for the daynapath 10 I don't know much about but I will shortly just purchased a tree journeyman 325 yesterday with the dynapath 10 controls, I'm going to get it here in just a few min. mabey you guys can share a little programing information looks todaly different than the prototrak plus.