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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > Fanuc 10M Mill Problem with intermitent software key.
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  1. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Fanuc 10MA Spec Details and Ladder Diagram

    Here are the build details on my Comet Milling machine indicating the board numbers etc. I found this very faded sheet in the machine cabinet and was able to read most of it with a magnifying glass. I also found about 20 sheets of what looks like a ladder diagram. Would either of these be helpful in determining why my "y" axis is moving 2 to 4 times further than I program in. i.e. if I ask it to move 1" it moves 2" or 4". the other axis are O.K.

    See attached files. Greg, please let me know if this helps. I couldn't find any other parameter info in the paper work I have with the machine, but I did find a note that indicated this problem had been occuring before the machine was retired. This kind of tells me this is not a parameter issue. Any Ideas?

    Thanks a bunch for your help.

    Attached Files Attached Files

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