When you make your purchase, keep in mind the operating cost of the plasma cutter as well as the purchase price. The consumables on the Hypertherm units have traditionally been the longest lasting, even when compared to the other big name brands (Therma Dyne, Esab, Miller). I buy only industrial quality equipment, and without exception, my supplyers have always recommended the Hypertherrm brand over the others that they have had on display. I have actually seen quite a few of the Hypertherms listed for sale, and it is usually from people wishing to upgrade to a larger, or newer machine with fine cut capability. If you buy a used plasma cutter, try and find out why it is being sold off.
No one wants to be in a position where they are down to their last electrode, and the supplier tells you that the next shipment will be arriving in ONLY two weeks.
Good Luck.