Quote Originally Posted by SMcDevitt View Post
How could the windows installation effect only when I save the startup.fil? that just doesnt make sense.
It only makes sense because the issue you are having, actually, doesn't make sense. Meaning, it's just plain odd. Your description is very straight forward and I agree, it makes no sense doing what you are doing should cause the problem you are having.

That means whatever is wrong is probably something unconventional, or possibly completely unrelated to startup.fil and CNCSetup. Camsoft's first answer was to re-install their software in case something was corrupted. I'm extending that to the possibility that something is corrupted on your Windows system, and re-installing Camsoft doesn't fix that corruption. If the Windows installation is old or heavily used (lots of software installed and/or removed), this is very plausible. If your Windows install is new, maybe there's another program installed that is conflicting with Camsoft. Now _that_ would not surprise me at all. For example, did you install GalilTools on your PC? That would cause all kinds of issues. The Galil drivers and Camsoft-Galil Drivers are not compatible.

Regardless, the first thing you need to do is figure out what changed on the startup.fil file. Do a _binary_ comparison of startup.fil before and after you open it in CNCSetup. That will give a huge clue. Also, similarly, save a .CBK and do a before and after binary comparison on the saved .CBK file vs. the one you started with. Maybe it isn't startup.fil that's being changed, but maybe CNCSetup is changing some other file that you aren't aware of.

BTW, if you re-load your original, unedited .CBK file, does Camsoft work again after locking up? Until you find what changed, it's difficult to know what to do next.

Regarding Windows, I'm not suggesting you re-install your Windows. I'm suggesting you install Camsoft on a different PC, and edit the startup.fil file on that PC. Copy the edited Startup.fil file to the original machine and see if you continue to get the same problem. If you don't, then there is probably something wrong with Windows on your Camsoft PC that is conflicting with CNCSetup. If you do get the same problem, then it is possible there is something wrong with how you are installing Camsoft - something you are doing different than everyone else. I know, crazy, but I'm just trying to point out the different possibilities. There is no reason why opening and closing startup.fil should change the file and corrupt your Camsoft, but somehow it is. You need to consider all possibilities.

The key starts with finding out what changed.

The password is risk and it is entered everytime I go to enter camsoft.
OK, that's what I thought, I wasn't sure.