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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > PMC-L for 0-A: anyone have a disk for a pgmate?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    PMC-L for 0-A: anyone have a disk for a pgmate?

    Ive got a pg mate, about all the software except for the pmc-l on the 0-A controls...unfortunately the 0-C data disk was 'saved' on the original pgmate pmc-l disk, so I dont think I can just load the 0-A data disk...need a pmc-l and 0-A data on separate disks, or just one saved for the A control...

    nothing urgent, just would like to be able to do As on the mate- right now the only option is using the PG MARKII (have both versions for it- different software for the Mate is required though...)

    just wondered if someone might be willing to let me borrow their 0-A/PGMate disk for a bit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The 0-A, B, C, D all used the same FAPT Ladder software as well as the FAPT Data software (PMC-L, PMC-M, PMC-M with MMC). FANUC did update them over time to include support for new features such as symbolic ladder edit on the PG Mate and support for I/O Link, etc.

    So, if you have a combined FAPT Ladder + PMC-M diskette, you could load that up and simply go to R3 prompt and load in the PMC-L Data disk over the top. The PMC-L will displace the PMC-M data. To confirm, you can go to the EDIT screen and scroll through the R0 pages and you'll see that it did load up the PMC-L software.

    You can then save out a new combined FAPT Ladder + PMC-L to a blank disk, if you like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    pmc-l for 0-c wont do pmc-l for 0-a...2764 vs 27256 roms...is there another parameter or something I missed? havent really used the mate all that much- its small, but slower than the MarkII...thanks for the info!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    It is true that the 0-A PMC-L uses 2764 and the 0-B/C/D use 27256 EPROMs. The programmer knows what to do when you enter the location code of the EPROM you are reading/writing. The programmer uses your specified location code of the EPROM chip to determine the size of EPROM. 011 or 012 means 2764 for PMC-L (0-A). 0E1 or 0E2 calls up 27256 for PMC-L (0-B/C/D). 0F1 or 0F2 is used for PMC-M.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    seriously- thankyou! Made my day- since i'm asking stupid questions, please tell me the original FLADDER for IBM works the same way... Ive been lugging that 'portable' 65 pound P-G MarkII around occasionally for a decade too long if thats the case...now I feel even more stupid than usual

    when we bought the original FLADDER for IBM, we got the disk/license documentation, but that was it...the books were backordered, never thought about it till now- we never did get the paper books, never read up on it...decent software dont require much manual time I guess, and as it worked just like the P-G, never looked at it... I'm pretty sure theres PDFs of the book on a old infolink disk or something...thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The IBM Fladder does not work the same way as the old PG based software.

    FANUC only said that the IBM worked with 0-C/D but you can still use it with 0-B. Unfortunately, it will not support the 0-A.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Here's additional information to correct an earlier post on loading PMC Data diskette into a PG Mate/Mark II.

    You can still overload any of the 3 Data diskettes even if you have initially loaded up a combined Ladder/Data diskette.

    When loading a Data diskette, you need to use the correct Data diskette and you also have to specify an 'operating system' to designate the type of CNC.

    Data diskettes:
    PMC-M (MMC only)

    'Operating System' Selection:
    At the R3 prompt, you insert the data diskette from the above list and select one of the following:

    Request> PMC/OS (used for 0-A)
    Request> PMC/OS2 (used for 0-A with extended functions but give up 500 ladder steps)
    Request> PMC/OS3 (used for 0-B/C/D)
    Request> PMC/OS4 (used for 0-C with PMC-M that uses IO Link)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011
    i have a copy, but how can i send you?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    can you send me ?

    i can help you to convert it , if you EPROM-1 and EPROM-2 are 27C256 .
    i can convert it to *.#ex , then you can use fladder0 to discompile .

    my e-mail : kele225 @ 163.com

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011

    do you need disk for PG? oa?

    i have it, if you need it i can send you. I dont want to pay you a 400 dolars
    i need a emulator for pg, or convert fanuc #ex for 0a 2464 eproms.
    Because my pgmate is broken

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CNCMAS View Post
    i have it, if you need it i can send you. I dont want to pay you a 400 dolars
    i need a emulator for pg, or convert fanuc #ex for 0a 2464 eproms.
    Because my pgmate is broken
    PL send me !

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    need disk command for pg

    Hi from france
    must copy a 3,5 '' system disk on a PG MARK II
    i must use R3 key
    and use the "SAVE" command but
    i don't know how to format the disk

    Many thank for your reply


    PS : i'm also serching for a fapt doctor

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Invoking the SAVE command will format the diskette in the FANUC format before it performs the write to disk. If you have other data diskettes that you would like to format with the FANUC formatting, you can enter DINT at the R3 prompt.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    yep, DINT... silly question,why are you looking for FAPT doctor? looks like a useless piece of software to me?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    many thanks for your helpful reply :cheers:

    in fact i need fapt doctor do perform a ram and keyboard test

    the CAN key has an unusual behavior :

    i write some 111111111111 on keyboard and after i press can, all the caracters are deleted => it normal
    but if i press the key "1" for one or more time again, i have 0 or 1 caracters on my screen => not good !!

    and if use "BS" key to delete the line, the behavior is correct

    i suspect some bad ram chip



  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I see... yeah FAPT doctor has testing routines...

    are you running P-G, or P-G MarkII, or P-G Mate?

    if a P-G or MarkII, I bet the trouble is a sticky shift key- mines done that before...try tapping the shift keys firmly and see if it goes away I cant use the left shift key on mine or it gets a bit goofy, but tapping on it fixes it (until I use it again- DOH!)

    on a Mate, no idea, the membrane keyboards dont usually go bad by 'sticking', they usually just dont read keystrokes.

    remember your coiled keyboard cable on these unplugs from the screen too- might be a connection issue there- bought mine in '89, only ever unplugged it once to dissasemble and clean- the fans on these things really cake them up with dust...suggest if taking apart to clean, remove the disk drives(or carefully cover them) before blowing out, I blew dust into one drive and had to take the diskdrive apart to clean it- not fun...

    when copying files on a pig, the command is 'remove'... 'save' will store the current running software to the designated floppy, but if you want to copy a file called 'abc' on drive 0 to a blank disk in drive 1, put the new disk in 1, at r3 type "DINT 1" answer any prompts, then hit NL to get command line again, then type "remove 0:abc 1:" and it will copy that file over (its been a while, but 99% sure thats the sequence)

    funny, when we bought our P-G MarkII in 1989, we got all the software except DIE-II, and it cost almost $35,000.00, list price on the little 'mate' was about 15k without software... times sure have changed...these things were really built though- mine still works great, just the red drive on the CRT is fading...my 'mate has a lot of dead pixels on the plasma screen, but it still works otherwise, sure would be nice if they had a harddrive, I must have literally 500 floppy disks for the goofy things...

    if you are using it for ladder work, waaaaaaay back I found how to transfer from the pig to ibm and back, just need a ASCII text editor to add some percent delimiters in your IBM files...we only had our pig a year or so when we got fladder for ibm, and fanuc wasnt very helpful on how to migrate over, if i recall right, we showed them how to do it...if you need info on that, let me know- I use a antique version of procomm to move files back and forth from the pig to the fladder...fladder ibm still wont work on a Zero-A...this was mentioned way earlier in this thread- my version 1.0 fladder wont do chip 011/012, so I still gotta use a pig to burn the zero a chips- maybe later versions work, but not mine I'd originally thought it needed a new data disk, but was told in here it just needed 011/012 instead of 0e1/0e2, but it wont accept it on the ibm- bummer.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    FANUC finally did include instructions in the appendix of the FAPT Ladder for IBM manual on how to transfer a text file between a PG system and the IBM system. It may have been based on your instruction to them. Involves MODE and IO commands to to match up the communications settings.

    As for ROM chip loc. 011/012, they never did put that capability in the IBM Ladder SW. They only claimed that the IBM Ladder worked for the 0-C/0-D; however, the 0-B PMC-M used the same addressing so you could get by using the IBM ladder on the 0-B, as well.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    tc429: are you talking about the yellow Fanuc box with FAPT PG System? I loved that thing back in 1988 with the FAPT Tracer.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    yeah, we bought a lot of little yellow boxes from General Numeric back in the day...I never got into the CAM side of it, our programmer used it for just a little bit, then we got into 5 axis and they bought mastercam or something- mostly because back then FAPT DIE-II was over 30k just for the diskettes! I remember before the pig, we had a NOVA-4/COMPACTII CAM- used 8" diskettes, and a DecWriter typewriter instead of a monitor

    its amazing how the technology has evolved...I did like the simple reliable old stuff, but stuff like programming a R-C robot was a bit 'fun'

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    hi tc429
    i've clean pcb, exchange keyboard, invert static and dynamic ram => always the same problem
    can you send (and sell me) the 3,5" fapt doctor diskette
    its for a pg mkII, and my customer use this machine only for NC programming


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