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  1. #7621
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    "Without prejudice to anyone in particular, I would have to say that if'n you scratch in the soil for your sustenance, and expect to be intelligent, chances are you cannot grasp the enormity of your situation that you are making for yourselves and your future generations."
    Well I can't say much with whether 'modern' lifestyle is indeed the 'holy grail of life.' I for one use technology when it befit the necessity... I guess for me, having food on the table and 'scatching toe soil' for a living and surviving is the basic necessity of all creatures on earth... Other things can come after the belly is filled... Yes modern techniology is a double edge sword. Having technology does not mean we are all going to lead happier or contented lives, or indeed whether we are going to enjoy the lives we are leading...creature comforts excepted, I have seen how technology has actually destroyed the lives of individuals...I have seen how computer games can destroy the lives of young children, how TV can occupy the lives of children that they don't even know how to spell or use language effectively...of course other things also play a part in this ... the striving to become 'rich' and to have all the modern conveniences has most probably become a bane of modern society... if you really examine the amount of problems we are having, you might be lead to think that there is a lack of 'balance' in how the younger generation of humans take all these things for granted... but that is not to say that technology in itself is bad... it is how we use it and its impact on us now and in the future. I have heard of brain surgeons warning that they are concerned at the alarming rise of brain tumours among the general population... well not being a brain surgeon, and also knowing that these learned people have no vested interested in the mobile phone or electronic appliance industry, I can only speculate that they are genuinely concerned that somwhow there could be a corelation between the use of mobile phones and other electromagnetic devices and the rate of brain tumours. All in all, it is how we define poverty and also how we define wealth....and happiness as well....living in a 'rich' country does not necessarily mean that there is an abundance of happiness or that everybody is happy...and living in a 'poor or third world' country also doesn not mean anything...it is how individuals perceive themselves... I, for one can say that happiness is in the mind.... I have lived and studied/worked in the USA, and have also lived in a 'stone age' country, Papua New Guinea for a number of years, and have experienced the differing environments.. both countries have high crime rates, a lot of social, political and health problems, not every citizen is 'rich' or 'happy'. The 'rich' country have much the same problems as the 'poor' country. In China, as much as in India, the Phillipines, Canada, Singapore, Australia etc...however we look at things and whatever we want to conclude about whether things are 'good or 'bad' third owrld or first world, in the end, what matters is how the citizens of that country cope with living conditions and wherher they can survive...yes people some countries cannot survive without foreign aid bacause they are unable to grow and produce their own food. That is what i am saying, if you cannot grow your own food, or as you say " that if'n you scratch in the soil for your sustenance, and expect to be intelligent, chances are you cannot grasp the enormity of your situation that you are making for yourselves and your future generations." then how are you going to survive? Food is the basic stuff that we creatures survive on...nothing else matters if you cannot grow your own food or have drinking water etc... you can have all the technlogy you want, even try to use genetically modified strains of foods to produce more (I could point out to you that many scientists are concerned about the safety of GM foods, although there are many differing views on that topic, you can google that at your leisure) but in the end, long term survival is what I am concerned about. Growing food is a basic necessity... whether you are living in a 'rich' country or a 'poor, country. Intelligence is not about making the atomic bomb and destroying generations of beings...intelligence is knowing where you can get the basic necessities to survive and be happy in whatever environment you happen to live in.... By the way, I have been to many countries, both 'poor and 'rich' and have always been fascinated that even people who have 'nothing' by modern standards, are happy living in their own environment, till foreign exploiters come into their country and destroy their environment by mining or deforestation... human greed has no bounds, and ignorance then follows close by... I have also discovered that many people would not mass migrate or flee their countries if their way of life and their environment have not been destroyed by war, foreign invaders or famine.... in the end, no matter who we are, if we are to survive, food, clean water and fresh air are the basic necessities of life...whether we are living in a 'poor' or third world country or a 'rich' first world country it is who survives that matters.... no matter how rich or poor a country is, an earthquake, tsunami, or massive tornado can wipe out masses of people all at once....

  2. #7622
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Survival is not a choice, it is an option, but to some it is a way of life.

    I'm a product of the modern World, and as such I embrace all the modern marvels as I see fit, but at the same time I would not blame someone else for my misuse of the latest gadget that made my life expectancy less than it should have been...that's my choice.

    Food supply is now an expectation, courtesy of the centralised supply system, and for that end the central intelligence who happen to be in power are trusted with the centralisation of food supply, energy and water, at the same time too we enjoy removal of the end products of all that centralised food supply and product residue.

    We also have a set of standards that regulate the various manufacturing methods to ensure that food, water and manufactured products are of a standard that will be safe to use and give value for money.

    Unfortunately we cannot rely on other countries to comply with our expectations of a sane World.

    An article in the Thursday Age news paper dated 16th June 2011 highlights this with glaring clarity.

    Approximately 200 people in a village in China went on the rampage at the local lead acid battery manufacturer's offices and totally wrecked the the place....their children were diagnosed with extremely high levels of lead in their bodies, despite the fact that the children are nowhere near the factory, only the parents worked in the factory and understood that lead is a very dangerous substance to be working with without stringent safety measures, for which the Chinese Authorities were totally negligent (not ignorant) in their application, and had been for decades. It also went on to point out that a large area of present day China engaged in lead acid battery manufacture is heavily polluted with lead, and cannot reverse the pollution.

    China, is at heart, a 3rd World country, and has no qualms about disregarding safety measures that the modern countries are used to and apply and strictly enforce.

    The veneer of civilisation can only make you look good but is not a solution to making you think good.

    BTW, the population growth, at the exponential level, will ensure that future generations will not enjoy the "modern" way of life that we are enjoying, but when you ignore the ramifications of overprolification, you pay the price in reduced living standards.

    In my opinion central supply is the answer to modern living, anything else is a recipe for 3rd world living standards.

  3. #7623
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    "In my opinion central supply is the answer to modern living, anything else is a recipe for 3rd world living standards."
    Well said....lol..just pray (if you believe in the existance of a God) that there is no natural disaster or pestilence etc. occuring in any of the central food source...otherwise starvation is the end result.
    "It also went on to point out that a large area of present day China engaged in lead acid battery manufacture is heavily polluted with lead, and cannot reverse the pollution." Yes lead, mercury, cadmium are some of the most toxic substance when used incorrectly. Makes me wonder why our demand for such substances/ingredients could cause others to sacrifice their land, rivers and population to meet that demand...in the end, we are all responsible for what happpens...this World has an uncanny way of equalizing anything that is unbalanced...like the winds, waves and ocean currents....everything in this World is in the process of equalization..and sometimes we get caught up in it's midst to our detriment...

  4. #7624
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    Makes me wonder why our demand for such substances/ingredients could cause others to sacrifice their land, rivers and population to meet that demand...in the end, we are all responsible for what happpens...this World has an uncanny way of equalizing anything that is unbalanced...like the winds, waves and ocean currents....everything in this World is in the process of equalization..and sometimes we get caught up in it's midst to our detriment...
    You're serious????? Really?

    Your country's lust for money is causing you to sacrifice your land to provide coal to China, a country that burns it in vast quantities without regard to the environment.

    You say that "...in the end, we are all responsible..." Then why don't you take some responsibility?

  5. #7625
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    "You're serious????? Really?

    Your country's lust for money is causing you to sacrifice your land to provide coal to China, a country that burns it in vast quantities without regard to the environment.

    You say that "...in the end, we are all responsible..." Then why don't you take some responsibility?"

    lol....you're serious??...lol.. Did you manage to stop the war on Iraq (BullS**T on Weapons of mass destruction on the pretext to control the oil market? There are many dictatorships that are a threat to World peace, like North Korea, Iran even some countries in the middle east ..why only pick on Iraq?) that literally started the Terrorism that affect so many countries and innocent lives? Bin Laden came into force specifically because of the Invasion of Iraq....Like I said we are all responsible in one way or another for things that happen but as we are not in direct control of the situation, we are powerless in this respect.....this is NOT a blame game but just an observation of what is happening. It was not meant to offend anyone but really?? why be so sarcastic about what I have said? ..... Your country has committed more than it's fair share of atrocities...both in the humanities, utter waste of valuable fossil fuel with the manufacture and use of gas guzzlers, not cleaning up nuclear waste in Pacific countries when the hydrogen bomb was exploded, animal extinction, weapons of mass destruction including chemical and biological weapons, the use of subsonic submarine transmission that affect whales and dolphines among other things....the list goes on....

  6. #7626
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Prosper, you'll never win with that argument....every country has at one time or another committed the most deadly of sins and lusted after power and glory, to what end eventually I might ask, so when the pot calls the kettle black, it's probably with a fresh shade of whitewash it's wearing.

    It just so happens that we'all have a huge reserve of coal that China is enjoying for their prosperity drive, but that doesn't mean we've got to play God and deny them the product just because we think the sky is falling down.

    Playing god is a very noble attitude, but just make sure you're on the winning side, otherwise the udder side gonna tell yo' to go stick yo' book up yo' arse, man.

    At this moment in time it's in vogue for the whiter than white pot to be calling the darker shade of black kettles black, when they in their turn are now leaning to the shade of Green.

    Now all kettles are required to be Green.

    I wonder what the very early Man would have thought, if'n he had been around when Gondwanaland broke up and started drifting around the World in those very early hazy crazy days.

    I expect the Very Earlly Man would have put a ban on wood fires to prevent the continental drift, so saving the World for generations to come......(where have I heard this drivel before).....but several million years down the track the World is unbelieveably still here and doing very nicely, thank you very much.

    So somewhere in the dim and distant unrecorded past, Very Early Man put into place conditions that satisfied their needs and so the world was saved.....until some arsehole shivering in a cave got the bright idea that if'n you rubbed two sticks together the light of day would gleam in the far reaches of his smelly cavern......history has a way of repeating itself....and Very Come Lately Man has found bigger sticks to burn, but at the price of making all his kettles and pots black....LOL......enter the Alchemists with their super efficient pot scourers!

    I wonder where the world's banks fit in with this, and the fact that they charge interest for lending money that does not belong to them.

    In the real World, you have sub divisions of affluence and prosperity, and those that can't run with the money have it taken from them.....it is better to be a million dollars in debt than ten cents in credit, as anyone in a 3rd World impoverished community bank will tell you.

  7. #7627
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    BTW, Prosper, if'n the war in Iraq hadn't happened, Israel might well have been blown off of the face of the Earth, as Saddam Hussein intended, but the Good 'ol Boys back home decided to protect their friends in Israel, 'cos lots of them come from there, and so Saddam, and for that matter Bin Laden too, had to go, where else would America get to test it's weapons of mass destruction, better than a real war zone?

    Did you know that with all their mighty Nuclear submarine fleets, neither America or Russia EVER fired a single missile or topedo in anger?...but the UK, with just a couple of outdated Nuke subs, actually did sink an also very obsolete and oudated battleship in some skirmish down in the Southern Atlantic over a bit of real estate that nobody really cared about, to prove their worth, and win Maggie Thatcher a bit of breathing space before the people saw what she was about and kicked her out of office.

  8. #7628
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    Bin Laden came into force specifically because of the Invasion of Iraq....

    this is NOT a blame game but just an observation of what is happening. It was not meant to offend anyone but really?? why be so sarcastic about what I have said? ..... Your country has committed more than it's fair share of atrocities...
    If you are going to vent your hatred of America, at least get your facts straight....

    bin Laden was on the Most Wanted Terrorists for his involvement in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings. From 2001 to 2011, bin Laden was a major target of the War on Terror, with a US$25 million bounty by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    The U.S. Embassy bombings were a series of attacks that occurred on August 7, 1998, in which hundreds of people were killed in simultaneous truck bomb explosions at the United States embassies in the major East African cities of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. The attacks were linked to local members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad that brought Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri to the attention of the United States public for the first time

    911 attack by bin Laden was for western troops stationed in and protecting Saudi Arabia and America's support of Isreal, his actions had nothing to do with Iraq. In 1990, Bin Laden believed the presence of foreign troops in the "land of the two mosques" (Mecca and Medina) profaned sacred soil. Bin Laden's criticism of the Saudi monarchy led that government to attempt to silence him. Shortly after Saudi Arabia invited U.S. troops into Saudi Arabia, bin Laden turned his attention to attacks on the West.

    October 12, 2000,Seventeen sailors were killed and 39 were injured in the blast against the USS Cole. A short time later, Osama bin Laden was reading poetry about the murderous attack and publicly taking credit for it. The asymmetric warfare attack was organized and directed by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist organization. In June 2001, an al-Qaeda recruitment video featuring bin Laden boasted about the attack and encouraged similar attacks

    This is just a small amount of bin Laden's history and it all occurred long before the Iraq war. Quit falling for the left's talking points..

    And while you are exercising your holier than thou attitude, you might try not exclaiming that your not placing blame, only an observation then proceed to get up on your pulpit to vent your loathing at America and all Americans....

    Since you feel we are all responsible for everyone else, you did a really good job nailing the Aborigines.

  9. #7629
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    ..lol..thanks dufa, for your info...yes although I was not born during the time that some tribes of Australian Aboriginals were unjustlymurdered, I accept that as humans, we are still responsible for what was done, so we should CEASE doing these things to any creatures on Earth that has a basci right to live peacefully....amrk my words, peacefully. What made you think that I am anti American???? Far from it, I respect peoples of all nations, I am saying that politically there are actions and situations that should be considered more throughly, especially where human lives and wellbeing are at risk. No doubt Bin Laden and his terrorist activities should be curtailed and brought to justice.... What made you think that I am on the side of these terrorist that had destroyed the lives of so many innocent people. I deplore violence and in my whole life, I have never actively participate in any riots or violence, but rather use my time to examine and develop new technologies, especially in information technology and renewable energy. I only pointed out that no country is innocent of any wrongdoing, selling energy to China is not a crime, insomuch as people importing and consuming products that had been made from these energy sources.... I expressed my opinion in a simplistic way and could not understand why anyone should feel offended by what I have said.... My view on climate change is from my common sense point of view. I really find it difficult for anyone to take offence at what I had said before ... that humans are consuming more than what we should and in the process damaging our environment...so one day we are going to 'pay' for that with health issues etc. I have not single out any country in particular before the raft about Australia selling coal to China and I certainly DID NOT say that I hate America or any country at all....As 'handlewanker' said, "every country has at one time or another committed the most deadly of sins and lusted after power and glory" All I did mentioned was the present way of life regarding consumption of energy, goods and the manufacture of things that cannot be considered 'environmetally friendly' as well as the pollution resulting from this, the 'carbon tax' etc. and some one has to say the Australia is selling coal to China etc.. meaning that Australia is doing something illegal? I am not here to argue with anyone, just to exchange opinions and reading about what other's have to say... if that offends anyone, it was never my intention...

  10. #7630
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    As recently as the 1970's Australia was removing aboriginal children from their families and placing them in homes of unrelated whites to re-educate and civilize them.

  11. #7631
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dear Fizzwizz, get your "facts" right, they weren't actually Aborigines, (Aborigines are 100% indigenous people that have populated Australia for at least 30,000 years or more), but they were people (children actually) that were half and quarter white that the bible bashers thought should have a better life seeing as how the Church mob thought they were superior beings....and with the power of the law, removed the kids from their Mothers and "resettled" them in good upstanding civilised White homes....eurcccchhhggh......pardon me while I wipe the vomit from my shirt, I've just thrown up...., better.....but now in the cold hard light of day the children have grown up and the do gooders are now the most despised and despicable group of "do good Bible Bashering nut cases", worse even than the Catholic Church run orphanages that actively abused the kids in their care and did nothing when the abusement was publicised.

  12. #7632
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    I am saying that politically there are actions and situations that should be considered more throughly, especially where human lives and wellbeing are at risk.
    I would then suggest that you inform the rest of us how we, as common citizens, control anything that the politicians decide to do.

    Those demonstrations [for whatever cause] that you never involve yourself in usually turn into riots after the government decides that the gathering is anti-country and turn loose their respective police or military forces on the peaceful gathering and begin bashing heads.

    Don't try to say that we can vote the people in or out. Most politicians, when in office do much the same thing as those that came before and many times worse..

    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    No doubt Bin Laden and his terrorist activities should be curtailed and brought to justice.... What made you think that I am on the side of these terrorist that had destroyed the lives of so many innocent people.
    I suspect that when you hear or read something, only the information that fits your world view sinks in. Your specific statement that "Bin Laden came into force specifically because of the Invasion of Iraq...." when, in the real world, he has been engaged in terrorist operations since 1987 long before any Iraqi actions. You don't seem to let facts disturb your world view..

    I never suggested that you were on the side of the terrorists, but now that you mentioned it, I can see how you may be subconsciously tilting in that direction. Your statement about bin laden "....specifically because of the Invasion of Iraq" inferred American actions in Iraq is the only reason that bin Laden exists would point to a subliminal hatred of America.

    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    I deplore violence and in my whole life, I have never actively participate in any riots or violence, but rather use my time to examine and develop new technologies, especially in information technology and renewable energy.
    Sounds like you never participate in trying to correct bad politics but instead concentrate on ways to more efficiently deploy propaganda.

    Your infinite wisdom should be able to realize that no matter what new technology that may come, it will always have to use the old technologies in order to get there or even to manufacture these 'new' technologies.

    By the way, if you take the time to read much of the preceding posts from #1 on, you will find that there is not one post against either renewable or clean energy....all the posts are about the lying, deceitful, destroying way that a large group of people use to push their agendas on the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    I only pointed out that no country is innocent of any wrongdoing, selling energy to China is not a crime, insomuch as people importing and consuming products that had been made from these energy sources....
    According to your own post, it was Handlewanker that pointed out the fact that no country was innocent of wrong doing. Again, keep your facts straight.

    No, it is not a crime to sell coal to China.. but don't come in here holier than everybody, decrying, whether blatantly or by inference, how bad other countries are for using dirty energy and then give yourself a pass for supplying the dirty energy in the first place. That's akin to being against drug use and then selling the drugs. Can't have it both ways...well, in your world, I guess both ways is acceptable.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    I expressed my opinion in a simplistic way and could not understand why anyone should feel offended by what I have said.... My view on climate change is from my common sense point of view. I really find it difficult for anyone to take offence at what I had said before ... that humans are consuming more than what we should and in the process damaging our environment...so one day we are going to 'pay' for that with health issues etc.

    The key here is your statement "...is from my common sense point of view". Your aloofness precludes any empathy and realization of offenses that you generate.

    Your 'simplistic way of expressing yourself' is very similar to a 'catty' woman who sees another woman in a new dress and says, without missing a beat, 'What a beautiful dress,my dear, I didn't realize you were pregnant.."

    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    I have not single out any country in particular before the raft about Australia selling coal to China and I certainly DID NOT say that I hate America or any country at all....As 'handlewanker' said, "every country has at one time or another committed the most deadly of sins and lusted after power and glory" All I did mentioned was the present way of life regarding consumption of energy, goods and the manufacture of things that cannot be considered 'environmetally friendly' as well as the pollution resulting from this, the 'carbon tax' etc. and some one has to say the Australia is selling coal to China etc.. meaning that Australia is doing something illegal? I am not here to argue with anyone, just to exchange opinions and reading about what other's have to say... if that offends anyone, it was never my intention...
    You did single out a country, America..

    In your post you state that it was you that said every country has done something wrong and then it was Handlewanker that made the statement... sort of a contradictory position to take.

    To the environmentalists that I personally know, nothing even pertaining to humans is 'environmentally friendly' While they want everybody to either disappear or go back to living naked in a cave, they, themselves want to keep their own life styles or have others pay their way.

    Again, no one said Australia was illegally selling coal. The mining of coal is 'raping the planet' and the burning of coal is a 'dirty energy source' so by your extension that 'everyone is responsible' and then jumping on America, you have essentially said 'Do as I say, not as I do' thereby, relieving yourself of any responsibility while blaming a people that you have some animosity towards. This is highly hypocritical, very much like the politicians that are creating the problems in the first place.....

    I heard many of your 'opinions' expressed some 60 years ago and read of them being voiced hundreds of years before I was born. Just about every generation has a doom and gloom crowd rise and then they eventually fade. The difference this time is that the 'doom and gloom crowd' has gained a substantial foothold, dispensing the same 'facts' as long before and the politicians are seeing the power, control, and the money it will generate. You may get your wish and the world, especially, America, will fall back into a uneducated, agrarian, 3rd world society that you and many others favor.

    You can voice your opinions all you want, just base them on facts and not fantasy, wishful thinking, or agenda.

  13. #7633
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    Sep 2006
    Gor' Blimey, Prospur, you done got 'ol Dufa really steamed up this time, just when we thought he was calming down a bit.......now we'all gotta placate him/her with a bit of good news, otherwise he gonna blow his stack.

    I don't know why people aren't applying the new vibrant market roller coasting to advantage.

    When is the market stagnant?

    When it's stable and no one's selling or buying, 'cos the prices are at their peak.

    Good for the share holders with lots of shares making good dividends, but for the speculators....piss poor performance on all fronts, nothing moving to make a dollar on the rise and fall of the share market tide.

    At this moment in time the US dollar is at it's all time lowest of low, worse than the 30's debacle (I think, correct me if'n I'm wrong), and who's holding all the dollars that are now so low.....no names mentioned, but someone got a whole big bonus coming when the Yanks by their own unaided efforts eventually right the good ship USA and push the dollar up again....then you gonna see some dollar shedding like you never seen before.

    The exchange rate is now extremely good to be holding new paper Greenbacks, and, if'n you got balls of steel, to be buying up all the spare new dollars that you can get...in expectation of the dollar revival, which is a bit like buying up a block of bare land and waiting for the corn, that somebody else planted on it, to grow.

    Hey, if'n you thinks the Dollar ain't ever gonna rise again, better start coming to terms with walking to work or making home baked bread from the Wheat you planted in your back garden....and the Chinese can go jump for their dollar expectations.

    Take the World currencies that devalued to be worth less than the paper they're printed on and see how they are today...German Deutchmarks form the '39-'45 era, are now collectors items...virtually unobtainable, but were once being paid out by the suitcase full for an hours wage....same for the Zimdollar from 'ol Zimbabwe...a 1 million Zimdollar note, (about 10 cents on a good day) is also virtually unobtainable....try the 'ol Confederate money of the 1850's....now totally collectable and in very short supply, the list goes on.

    There's always a silver lining to most clouds.

  14. #7634
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    Please, get out of the mindset where you are surrounded by disasters an calamities all around you all the time. Stop having the arrogance to believe you can "make a difference". About the bogeyman de jour under the bed; he's not real, he's not there but he does make it easier to ignore what you should be doing.

    You want to live a much happier, longer and more stress-free life? You want to do something that matters? You want to make a difference in this world? Turn off your TV and cancel your news magazine subscriptions. Unsubscribe from "the sky is falling" websites. Then help the people you know, care for those who could really use your support and love the ones who miraculously have found you worth loving. Fix it so when your time comes, someone cares. That will take your mind off of this global warming idiocy.

    Your future ends in (75 - your age) years. Give no thought beyond whatever that number is. You won't be there but I assure you your great-great-great grandchildren will be. The future will take care of itself, with or without your concerns, as it has for 4.6 billion years now.

    There are things more important in life than this popular, vulgar and hysterical fetish. It is a type of twisted religion and you should repudiate it. Our technology is not a sin and it does not require a sacrifice to atone for it. Have no use for a medieval religion, even if it's called environmentalism, that relies on superstition, fear, scientific ignorance and economic envy that offers to cure what does not ail.

    Life is sweet and the sun shines and graces you with its light. You have the choice to see it for what it is or turn everything around you into darkness, fear and crap. The experience you have on life's one circuit on the Merry Go Round will be what you made of it. There are no second rides ever.

    Optimist or pessimist?

    There is a way to stop global warming. Start using the technology you have been given to work more efficiently for a start. Best practise is a must if you are making anything at all Welding ace

  15. #7635
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Please, get out of the mindset where you are surrounded by disasters an calamities all around you all the time. Stop having the arrogance to believe you can "make a difference". About the bogeyman de jour under the bed; he's not real, he's not there but he does make it easier to ignore what you should be doing.

    You want to live a much happier, longer and more stress-free life? You want to do something that matters? You want to make a difference in this world? Turn off your TV and cancel your news magazine subscriptions. Unsubscribe from "the sky is falling" websites. Then help the people you know, care for those who could really use your support and love the ones who miraculously have found you worth loving. Fix it so when your time comes, someone cares. That will take your mind off of this global warming idiocy.

    Your future ends in (75 - your age) years. Give no thought beyond whatever that number is. You won't be there but I assure you your great-great-great grandchildren will be. The future will take care of itself, with or without your concerns, as it has for 4.6 billion years now.

    There are things more important in life than this popular, vulgar and hysterical fetish. It is a type of twisted religion and you should repudiate it. Our technology is not a sin and it does not require a sacrifice to atone for it. Have no use for a medieval religion, even if it's called environmentalism, that relies on superstition, fear, scientific ignorance and economic envy that offers to cure what does not ail.

    Life is sweet and the sun shines and graces you with its light. You have the choice to see it for what it is or turn everything around you into darkness, fear and crap. The experience you have on life's one circuit on the Merry Go Round will be what you made of it. There are no second rides ever.
    The truth if ever it was spoken. However, there is no political hay to be mowed by divide and conquer politicians with ulterior motive with the truth noised abroad; gotta throw in a little drama and mass hysteria - easier to control that.

    Do you really believe organizations such as universities, research institutes and the like are really going find a solution once the multi-million dollar government tax dollar grants begin. Not a chance brother.

    Or do you think a multi-national, corporate CEO, FCO, FOO, %O is going to chance his/her kazillion dollar annual bonus without an edge? Again, not a bloody chance in hell.

    I would dare say the volcano Kilauea that has been erupting non-stop since 1983 has spewed more toxic and greenhouse gases than all the history of humanity by orders of magnitude. The sun is approaching middle age: just take a look at all the middle aged people you know - are they too expanding?

    Climate change has been going on since the Big Bang and will continue until the Universe runs its intended coarse. Government wants more of your money and freedoms to the benefit of an elite few - Corporations just want your money and the money of your progeny and for the same reason. (nuts)

  16. #7636
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    Sep 2006
    I think Stugod said to work.... efficiently....which is a direct cotradiction to the now accepted and more emotive GOING GREEN method.

    For instance, I ride t work in a Benz, get there in 20 mins on the freeway, get paid $40 an hour for whatever, 37 hr hour week etc.

    One of my colleagues rides a bike to work, takes him 1-1/2 hours dodging traffic and riding in bike lanes.....who pays him for the travel time...and what way is more efficient, maybe not enviro friendly, but more efficient?....do the sums.

    If'n you wants a Green World, forget efficiency....efficiency is for the bottom liners that just think they can skin a turd to make an extra dollar or two.

    When it comes to generating electricity with windmills, forget the efficiency, go Green, the government will make you go Green, trust me.

    Which are more efficient, CFL light bulbs or incandescents?....the list goes on.

    I feel I must make an assertion here, in case some think I shun from embracing new technology and would rather be a Luddite, far from it...I love all things that flash lights and go ding dong wizz bang wallop at the press of a button, and if'n it comes in different colours, I'l have a dozen too.....just waiting to get my sweating palms on an Ipad2....woaaHHHH!

  17. #7637
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Did anyone here get some emails from infantry11b - got hacked from china and peru and they started sending emails. if you did, DON'T FOLLOW THE LINK, JUST DELETE IT! think I have to solved.

  18. #7638
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Infantry11b, you poor B..., I got an email from a "nice" girly in Russia, wants to spend the rest of my life with her, so I said if'n she sends me the plane fare I'll come over and give her the once over....she didn't reply......something I musta said, oh well, that's better than the ones I get from Canada for Viagra, or the ones I get from Nigeria trying to give me 2 or 3 million bucks for a measley $100,000...what'd the one from Peru offer you?

  19. #7639
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    they did not offer me anything, they hacked into the account, got the address book and then sent out emails - yes all my cnc and these type of sites, got emails with links. the links are to sites with a virus. i caught it because my wife is on the list and i keep her computer clean and i saw the email. i was not dumb enough to follow the links - but searched if anyone else had problems with that site; and the answer was yes. it downloads what appears to be a microsoft program and thinks you will approve it.
    got hit 4 different times until i fixed the problem.

    and watch the russian girl, they are really cute until that harry mole and moustache and those cute chin wiskers show up - around the age of 14.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Infantry11b, you poor B..., I got an email from a "nice" girly in Russia, wants to spend the rest of my life with her, so I said if'n she sends me the plane fare I'll come over and give her the once over....she didn't reply......something I musta said, oh well, that's better than the ones I get from Canada for Viagra, or the ones I get from Nigeria trying to give me 2 or 3 million bucks for a measley $100,000...what'd the one from Peru offer you?

  20. #7640
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Is it just me or do these new posts from "Prosper" look a lot like the trouble-making rantings of our old buddy Handlewanker??

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