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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    If the Z axis does not move I would expect some alarm to come up.
    The Z homes homes first. Are the drives enabling (turning on)?
    Axis drive fault? Gross positioning error? Fuse? Overload?

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Hi guys.
    Anyone of you still have that maintenance dokumentation for this
    KTK interface board and MT 1-1.

    I did happend to get an almost unused BP interact 2 Mk 2 from the school here. And i know that machine well cause my dad was the theacher in the class for cnc. It doesnt have a lot of hrs in use and looks as new still, so i think its to bad to scrap it.

    The problem is that if trying to start spindle it says spindle drive fault.
    And i heard the MT 1-1 board humming/buzz.
    An electrician did check the boards but he was not able to find the problem, but i think if having the needed information its easier.

    So if anyone got it i be pleased if you coul e mail me an copy.

    Geir Ove
    ([email protected])

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Spindle Drive Wont work!

    Hi all -

    I'm new.. I have a Bridgeport Interact 1 MK2.

    The MTI-1 board blew up.. replaced the Varistor, Caps, Resistors and some diodes.. Light come on, on the PCB, but the Spindle motor wont switch on.. No errors given, program just hangs waiting for motor to start...

    I see here the transformer on MTI-1 pbc could be blown?

    I will also check the outputs from TNC Unit, but if anyone still has this info pack that would be amazing.. my email is [email protected]

    I see some people have had motor problems, but the motor wasnt running when my MTI-1 board blew up, I i susspect there is a fault else where?

    Many thanks for any advice


    **update.. Since then I have also found 2 Diodes blown up in the supply cab.. Replaced both of those..

    I injected 24v @ 5ma on 22 MT1 board and the spinndle motor run, removed volts and it stopped

    My Problem is currently. Once the controller has done its memory test it is not reporting Y- Axis over mark... The Orange Motor Drive on Switch/Light will not stay on Now

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Is the red led on the MTI board lit. If not i think its the MTI board who is faulty.
    I had mine fixed now, and the above was my problem.
    I had it fixed at Machine Support Services
    I did mail them and talked whit Mike Colton [[email protected]]

    Sendt him the board and had it fixed at a reasonable price.
    It came back tested and ready to plug and forget.

    I guess he also is able to help whit servos and problems of indexing the machine. just mail or call to ask.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Hi everyone!

    I'm new on cnczone, actually my recently purchased interact 4 brought me here for a first post but I silently read since a long time.

    I'm really sorry to ask for a favor in my first post, but I bought the mill at scrap metal price, not functional of course, it had been stopped after smoke came out of the spindle drive cabinet.
    I found two blown condensers (0,1 uF, 1000v RIFA) on the power board, I don't know if they're the cause or the effect of the problem, I'm still searching, but I checked the spindle motor and it's fine.

    So, could someone please send me the KTK service notes? That help would be much appreciated!

    I also have another question about these DC drives, is it possible to upgrade this machine (TNC155 control) to a Mentor 2 drive, in the case the KTK wouldn't be salvable?
    I can get a Mentor at a very reasonable price and the PCB of the KTK drive has been quite damaged by the blown capacitors.

    Thank you for your help.


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    First, it would help to have a email address to send the notes to

    If you replace the spindle drive, the new drive may require a set of parameters to match it to the control and motor, etc.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by cantause View Post

    I also have another question about these DC drives, is it possible to upgrade this machine (TNC155 control) to a Mentor 2 drive, in the case the KTK wouldn't be salvable?
    I can get a Mentor at a very reasonable price and the PCB of the KTK drive has been quite damaged by the blown capacitors.

    Thank you for your help.

    Francois,if you can afford it and have the knowhow the Mentor 11 is a good retrofit.
    Unfortunately they were made obsolete a while back but Control Techniques still have some at a good price.You will need to do a fair bit of interfacing to replace the KTK as it had so many onboard functions but the manual is very comprehensive and the free support from CT is very good.
    I`ve just replaced a KTK on another make of mill with an SSD 590 drive which is another good retrofit but cannot support spindle orientation if you have a toolchanger.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Thank you guys for your help!

    Actually, I think that the drive has been at least repaired once, someone changed the transistor equipped with a sink on the MTI-1 board and maybe some other components. This time it seems that's the THY-1R board which is faulty and I have no idea what will be next...

    This is the reason why I asked about the Mentor 2, as I have seen it on more recent interact (4 too?), I thought it could be a good replacement candidate.
    When I bought the machine, without seeing it, I thought of a faulty axis drive, and then decided to go for a complete retrofit in order to run the machine with mach3. Actually the axis drives seems fine, the TNC155 too, and it's "just" the spindle drive which need to be repaired. However I still consider a retrofit in the future, but I have no experience in cnc at all and don't know what would be the drawbacks of such a retrofit.
    Yesterday I bought a brand new M25RGB14 drive, a bit without knowing but for 400$ it was a good opportunity to have a 4 quadrants replacement drive, I hope that I didn't make a mistake and that this model can be adapted to the mill. I checked with all the informations available that I had, but I couldn't figure out what "GB" meant, factory site?

    Unfortunately I don't have the knowhow, but I'm a student in engineering (electromechanical) so I have classes in electrotechnics, process control,... and I'm willing to learn!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    400$ was a good price. That Mentor will do nicely to retrofit.
    Is it the snubbing caps that have gone on the THY-1R board? They are the common problem with that board and have been in short supply in recent years but I know a company in England with stock.
    If you go the retrofit route I will help you if you need it.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Yes it's two of the 6 snubbing caps that failed, it damaged a bit their pcb but mostly cosmetically, I'm a bit more worried about the FAC-1R board which probably took some heat...
    I've already ordered new capacitors, with the same technology/specification, as I couldn't find a place which had these Rifa's in stock, I should have asked here first

    Thank you for offering to help me, I appreciate it!
    I'm not really sure which way I should go for about the spindle drive and the complete retrofit, I have nothing to compare to...
    Is the tnc155 obsolete compared to a computer retrofit?

    Maybe I should start my own thread and keep this one only related to the spindle drive.

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I would think the 155 may be obsolete but it is still a good control.I have two of them and some 145,s,150`s and 151`s.All of these controls are ultra reliable.There only failing is memory capacity and we find it easy to download/upload programmes from a laptop.
    The FACR-1 board is quite reliable,I have some spares but need them as I still have some KTK drives.
    Main problem with the KTK`s I`ve had are the snubbing caps and the field control card going down.Usually the same cap fails on the field card but takes out the resistor next to it.A guy in England does a replacement field card which has some mods to the original and is more reliable.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Do you think that the mentor II could be used with the TNC155?
    I don't necessarily want to remove all the original electronics of the machine, but I don't want to spend a lot of money in repairing the original drive either. If it works just by replacing the blown components it's great but if I need to get a replacement card, I would probably go for something more "modern" like the Mentor (even if he's not really young ).
    The thing is that I don't know if going with the mentor means to get rid of the tnc155 and go for the complete retrofit or if an hybrid tnc155+mentor solution can be found...

    I also have another question, right now the spindle drive is dismounted, the spindle braker is open, is it safe to power up the mill?
    I've never seen it "alive", I bought it as "defective" two weeks ago, I don't know yet if the axis drives are ok or not, nor the tnc control...
    They should be fine, as the mill had been turned off because of the smoke coming from the spindle drive cabinet, but who knows....

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    If you power up the control with the spindle drive disconnected it will come up with a message like "spindle drive fault" or "vrdy not ready" as it will not get the ready signal back from the spindle drive that it expects.This will put an e-stop on.
    The way around this is to feed it a false signal but you must make sure everything is safe.If you mean circuit braker as opposed to contactor it should be ok.
    I don`t have a Bridgeport with this drive on it so I cannot tell you with certainty what connections it needs unless you give me a copy of the drawing.
    The 155 will work fine with the Mentor.
    My Beaver mills with KTK give the following signals to the control.
    Spindle drive ready.
    Spindle at rest.
    Spindle not at zero speed.
    Positioning complete.
    Spindle at speed.
    These are from memory,I would need to look at the drawing to be 100% sure.
    I don`t suppose you have a toolchanger on that model of Bridgeport but if you did you would need the encoder card for the Mentor.These are also obsolete but I believe a few have been found in a desk drawer.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Thanks for the explanations, I begin to understand which parameters are exchanged between the tnc controller and the spindle drive.

    In my case here is the wiring diagram from the maintenance manual


    IMG_2016.jpg picture by cantause - Photobucket

    I can send you the original file if you give me your e-mail address, I had to take pictures as I don't have an a3 scanner, I hope that the quality is sufficient.

    There is no toolchanger on this mill, it's a spindle with a QC40 nut, the power drawbar was an option. It's a bit sad, in the case of a retrofit I would have liked to build a toolchanger, there are probably very interesting things to learn in such a project!

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Bridgeport show the KTK better than Beaver do.Beaver do not show the internal connections between the various cards.
    I will send you a PM with my email address but I would urge you to replace the snubbing caps in the KTK drive and try it before retrofitting it.The caps are not expensive and the KTK is a good enough drive when it`s running.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Just a little update,

    With the help of Gridley (which I thank a lot), we repaired the drive and it now works very well.
    The problem was mostly due to the blown caps, for those who hesitate for a replacement of the RIFA (difficult to find) here is what I successfully replace them by:

    -0,1 uF caps of the power board (THY-1R): Epcos B32653A7104J , they have higher specs than rifa's (500 vac and 1250vdc)
    -0,022 uF cap of the MTI-1 board: Epcos B32652A7223J , higher specs too (same as above)
    -33 ohms resistors of the power board: Welwyn W23 33R JI (10 watts)

    Here is the link of the Maintenance Manual of the Bridgeport interact 4 series II, there are some wiring informations and fault finding which could be useful on other machines too.


  17. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: bridgeport interact 4 spindle drive

    Just a thank-you for these posts.
    My spindle drive packed up suddenly with blue smoke........
    I have used the capacitors to the updated spec above, bought easily from Ebay.
    The drive now works again fine.

    So, Thanks!


  18. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Hi Everyone , Just a quicken , Im working on bringing back my Interact 1 Mk 2 to life , now as many of you know finding the right manuals is difficult and often you end up having to pay for them Now ive been lucky enough that one of the forum members kindly sent me the docs for the ktk drive ( thank you mr Gamble) but i wish it had been easier This is a link to the KTK docs that i now have as well as my manual Happy fixing

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: bridgeport interact 4 spindle drive

    thank you so much for all that most welcome documentation.
    These large chunks of iron could easily outlive the ability to preserve the electronics driving them.
    With this documentation the KTK boards can remain in their prime.

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: bridgeport interact 4 spindle drive

    Thank you so much for sharing great info.This will indeed help me.
    Best Regards

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