Quote Originally Posted by HuFlungDung
If you have a good cadcam, you'll just like it more if you practice with it on the simple things to the point of getting really fast. If you save the cadcam for only the hard jobs, then that just makes them harder to carry out.
And even the simplest CAD/CAM is always going to be faster than hand writing the code, as long as you are proficient with the software you're using.

Some of the posts so far have mentioned simple or simpler programs; how do you define simple?
Simple can mean different things to different people. But like the previous two posts, I'd recommend doing everything in CAD. You still should know how to read and write g-code, and know it well. But the CAD/CAM route will be faster, and less prone to errors (typos).

I don't have cam so I hand write it I have one code that is 374 lines and not even an 1/8 done IS IT WORTH IT????
No. Spend that time learning some CAD/CAM, even if it's A9CAD http://www.a9tech.com and ACE http://www.dakeng.com
You'll have a lot more time on your hands once you let the software write the code.