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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > BobCad-Cam > Don't waste your time with Bobcad
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by winaa View Post
    I'm sure its got something to do with cheap hardware and graphics card.
    I know its no fault of BobCAD just a hardware issue.
    Have you tried changing the screen resolution? Some settings revolt against certain software .

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Running Vista 64 bit.Just follow what Bob says to set up,and away you go.By the way Joe,like the comment,"Microshaft didn't want to completely alienate all of its potential customers by completely obsoleting their softeware right away."
    I like the Microshaft part.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe S. View Post
    There is one thing I would like to see altered in Bobcad, I would like the post to increment the program number on each post until it rolls over @ O9999. As it now defaults to O100 I often forget to change it in the post and overwrite the program in my machine. I often use separate programs instead of dumping it all into one.
    I wrote a script that warns me if I've forgotten to change the program number and allows me to change it when I hit the post button. Interested?

    Yeah, I've done that more times than I care to think of
    Mastercam X9/2017 Multiaxis for SolidWorks - Bobcad V29 3ax Pro 4ax Std.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    bert7, it generally doesn't take long to get someone going with our software. What is the issue you are having? Or better yet, email me at [email protected] and I can help you. We appreciate that you are our customer. So let's get you some service and help get you going?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I have V23 running on my Windows 7 64 bit Fujitsu i7 laptop. It works fine. The one problem I have is that the tool looks a little weird in verify. I need to mess with the graphics settings, but I can't find the FAQ section on the support website anymore. I know there was a procedure to optimize graphics settings. My laptop probably didn't come with the ideal graphics card for Bobcad, but it seems to work well anyway.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Oh ok. We are working on FAQ's and should have them up on the new site hopefully tomorrow. Let me look and see if I have that one now though...

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    We don't have one for optimizing graphics cards. There are simply too many of them to cover but maybe we can help you with yours if needed.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I'm running an Nvidia GeForce GT 330M

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Tool looks wierd

    Quote Originally Posted by Fadal Error View Post
    I have V23 running on my Windows 7 64 bit Fujitsu i7 laptop. It works fine. The one problem I have is that the tool looks a little weird in verify. I need to mess with the graphics settings, but I can't find the FAQ section on the support website anymore. I know there was a procedure to optimize graphics settings. My laptop probably didn't come with the ideal graphics card for Bobcad, but it seems to work well anyway.
    Call support 727-489-0003 We can help you with this.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Ok so I know Mastercam, Solidworks, Geopath, Sigmanest companion, AutoCAD, Solid Edge, Vectric, Oh and BobCAD v23. I have Formal training in a few of them aswell. I am a Red Seal general Machinist. With a manufacturing technician diploma. I work In a cnc shop where I program setup and run a 6 axis lathe. Ive spent to much time trying to make BobCAD perform. I use it for simple stuff I do at home period.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Fadal Error View Post
    I'm running an Nvidia GeForce GT 330M
    try setting the 3d graphics dead center between quality and performance
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jrmach View Post
    I like the Microshaft part.
    HeHe HE, that came to me as I was writing it. Having bought Dos5,6.,6.21,6.22,win3.1,win3.11,95,98,NT4. . . . and computers with XP,Vista, and 7, thank God I never bought ME, that stands for Misrable Edition !
    Too many computers are a mismatch of various parts that May or May not get along with each other and various software, and the Hardware makers dance to MS's tune instead of the other way around, ever wonder why computers no longer support a serial port? Ask BG . If you sell computers and want to call it a Windows computer it can't have those.
    There are other settings in the BIOS which affect compatability regarding cache, video cache, what to do on error . . .
    As always the statements listed above are believed to be true, but not guaranteed to be anything more than My opinion.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    What a load of crap. I have some utilities that I wrote on Windows 3.11 that are still running today. They were written in Microsoft C, and they still compile in Visual Studio C++.

    One of Microsoft's strengths has been its commitment to keeping compatibility with older versions of software, even when it is not necessarily in the interests of the company and its customers ... those foolish enough to keep running IE6, for example.

    And as for Vista's alleged faults, I ran it from the internal dogfood program until it was replaced by Win7. I did presentations, demonstrations and proofs of concept day after day through its entire lifecycle, and I had less than five crashes/hangs/problems during that entire time.

    When Microsoft specifies a standard platform for Windows it is to make sure that consumers get a machine which will fully support the software and peripherals. No plot, just making sure that everything works.

    As for ports being killed for some evil, twisted purpose ... would you still like to carry a "portable" the size of a sewing machine? Consumers want smaller, slimmer devices with fewer port types and faster IO rates. THAT is what killed the serial port, and the parallel port as well.

    Honestly, think about the computers you used five years ago. Then look at those available today. You can't, in all seriousness, deny that consumers get a better, faster, prettier, and CHEAPER experience today than they've ever had in the past.

    Yes, I work for Microsoft.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I have just upgraded from 23-24. In following the install CD directions I went to my graphic driver company's website and reinstalled/updated my driver, before the install. I feel this may have been a mistake for me as my 23 and 24 are crashing a lot now. I am running Vista 32 and have NVIDIA GeForce 7150M/nForce 630M
    Any help is much appreciated.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Reply to Flame

    Yes, I work for Microsoft.
    Congratulations, I never doubted it.
    As for ports being killed for some evil, twisted purpose ... would you still like to carry a "portable" the size of a sewing machine? Consumers want smaller, slimmer devices with fewer port types and faster
    IO rates. THAT is what killed the serial port, and the parallel port as well.
    Only you mentioned evil. Why does "Bill" feel the need to dictate to the world . . . ?
    When Microsoft specifies a standard platform for Windows it is to make sure that consumers get a machine which will fully support the software and peripherals. No plot, just making sure that everything works.
    And while they are improving at that, it doesn't, and maybe it's the other software developers fault
    for not freeing the memory etc etc. Still imperfect.
    And as for Vista's alleged faults, I ran it from the internal dogfood program until it was replaced by Win7. I did presentations, demonstrations and proofs of concept day after day through its entire lifecycle,
    and I had less than five crashes/hangs/problems during that entire time.
    While I never really liked Vista it seemed stable for my use, never had a problem that only vista had.
    One of Microsoft's strengths has been its commitment to keeping compatibility with older versions of software, even when it is not necessarily in the interests of the company and its customers ... those foolish enough to keep running IE6, for example.
    I cannot make an argument here, I wouldn't use IE anything, Why because your employer is so set in it's ways as to believe only they know best IN FACT i USE very little ms SOFTWARE BECAUSE OF THIS
    What a load of crap.
    And that's MY Opinion, unqualified, unverified, but it is YOU who Flamed ME.
    So unless you are here to help, I have nothing more to say to you, except
    I hope you feel better.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    *lol* ... what a rant ... did you tear a hole in your tinfoil hat?

    "Bill", assuming you mean Bill Gates, doesn't work for the company any more, and hasn't since June 2008. These days he spends his time on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, working to improve the lot of the world's poor and sick. You know ... the stuff that evil dictators typically do ...

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Dunn View Post
    *lol* ... what a rant ... did you tear a hole in your tinfoil hat?

    "Bill", assuming you mean Bill Gates, doesn't work for the company any more, and hasn't since June 2008. These days he spends his time on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, working to improve the lot of the world's poor and sick. You know ... the stuff that evil dictators typically do ...

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    Hail Caesar ! Easy to be charitable when you can buy the world. As for my "tinfoil hat", my fashion is not your concern, Chill out dude.

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe S. View Post
    Hail Caesar ! Easy to be charitable when you can buy the world.
    It's easy to be charitable, period... I do it everyday and I dont have tons of cash sitting around...

    Pretty sure that Saddam Hussein, Idi amin, and thousands of other dirtbags I could mention are/were Swimming in gold... Hmmmmmm.

    Bill Gates. A smart guy that became very successful. Seems not something to praise and be proud of.. Something to daemonize and spit on?

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BurrMan View Post
    It's easy to be charitable, period... I do it everyday and I dont have tons of cash sitting around...

    Pretty sure that Saddam Hussein, Idi amin, and thousands of other dirtbags I could mention are/were Swimming in gold... Hmmmmmm.

    Bill Gates. A smart guy that became very successful. Seems not something to praise and be proud of.. Something to daemonize and spit on?
    No not at all, and You are to be commended for your charity. I never accused Bill Gates of being a sociopath, But I do not agree with everything He thinks or does either. For instance he thinks the government can better manage what gets done with 45% of his money than his heirs can. I figure if he wants 45% of his money to go to the government, he could simply will it to them, but NO he is in favor of inheritance tax. How stupid is that? The money was overtaxed while it was earned and then re-taxed at death? I personally do not care what he does with his money, but his opinions buy a lot (of politicians). If he likes charity wouldn't it be better to simply have his leftover money go there without filtering it through "THE GOVERNMENT" ?
    Anyway I think you and I have thread jacked this thread too long here. Good Day sir.

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Korellibopper View Post
    I have bobcad v23. I guess you have to be a computer wizard to get bobcad to work on your windows 7 64 bit computer. or Its total bull that that v23 even works on a 64 bit computer. Ive used all vectric software and to use something that works. Is completely unreal after Fighting with bobcad v23.
    Working on a Quad-Core i7 on my desktop, Win7 64 bit Pro, as well as an Atom Gateway Netbook that is a few years old, when it was on Win7 64 bit Home, and now upgraded to Pro.

    You DO need to run as Admin (right click the icon, click properties, it is under the "Compatibility" tab), other than that I don't think it takes anything special to get it to work. You do NOT need to run it in any compatibility mode.

    What is yours doing?
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

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