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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Mikini problem

    I fired up my machine after sitting for several months. I turned it on along with the computer to warm it up. While moving some stuff around the power strip that my computer was plugged into shorted and popped the breaker.
    This may be two separate things... my computer will not boot (didn't before the short) and now the mill will not operate.
    This is a version 1 machine. The control panel will not come to life though I get a beep with the 'start' and 'stop' buttons and the coolant will operate... nothing else.
    I pulled the control board and found this under the LCD screen... upper left corner.

    I'm pretty sure 'L1' is not suppose to be a tiny charcoal bricket. Any idea what this component was?
    I'll put a call into Phil and see if they have any of these boards around.
    The machine had been worked well for several years and did a lot of milling.

    I now believe it was an inductor. Does anyone know the value of this component?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Sounds like you have a high impedance ground line and your power is obviously out of spec and are probably not using the right kind of electricity...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SWATH View Post
    Sounds like you have a high impedance ground line and your power is obviously out of spec and are probably not using the right kind of electricity...
    I think I may have put imperial electricity through these metric circuits. Perhaps I should divide by zero...

    Circuit boards are removed and shipping to Mikini in the morning.

    Fingers crossed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    An update...

    So far, main control board and from panel are dead... about $1500.00 worth.

    Phil suggested I send the rest of the electronics, transformer and spindle motor to be test which I felt made sense. Replacing boards only to have them toast again isn't wise.

    So, I've sent the entire electronics package off to Mikini.

    I'm also investigating alternatives to replace the dead bits is the Mikini cost for replacement is more than I can stomach.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Something I ran across in my web travels was this site.

    I find this interesting for all sorts of reasons. I mean how many Mikini 1610Ls are out in the world? Less than 50 I would hazard a guess. And yet some third party is doing repair work for the boards now hmm. Anyway I have not tried them but I may try them out the next time something dies. Just thought I would pass it along.

    Cheers, Allen

  6. #6
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    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by allenj20 View Post
    Something I ran across in my web travels was this site.

    I find this interesting for all sorts of reasons. I mean how many Mikini 1610Ls are out in the world? Less than 50 I would hazard a guess. And yet some third party is doing repair work for the boards now hmm. Anyway I have not tried them but I may try them out the next time something dies. Just thought I would pass it along.

    Cheers, Allen
    Wow, I find that extremely interesting. Although it seems that that site is a generic catch all for CNC repair and happened to put the name Mikini in their list of manufacturers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Maybe we should all forward the link to Phil? :rainfro:
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I LOLd I was in a meeting and saw this on my phone everyone turned and asked what i was laughing at.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Maybe we should call them and ask them what kind of problems they see with the Mikini electronics.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    repairs to mikini ...

    Quote Originally Posted by allenj20 View Post
    Something I ran across in my web travels was this site.

    I find this interesting for all sorts of reasons. I mean how many Mikini 1610Ls are out in the world? Less than 50 I would hazard a guess. And yet some third party is doing repair work for the boards now hmm. Anyway I have not tried them but I may try them out the next time something dies. Just thought I would pass it along.

    Cheers, Allen
    Checked out the company (google search) and found this link.

    ACS Industrial Services? - Practical Machinist - Largest Manufacturing Technology Forum on the Web

    They had a few experiences that you might like to take into account.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Can you try your link again? I get this:

    404 - Document Not Found
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

  12. #12
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    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mcphill View Post
    Can you try your link again? I get this:

    404 - Document Not Found
    I can't get the link to work but just google the title "ACS Industrial Services? - Practical Machinist - Largest Manufacturing Technology Forum on the Web" and it will be the first hit at the top.

    Apparently ACS Industrial sucks and no one should use them.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mcphill View Post
    Can you try your link again? I get this:

    404 - Document Not Found
    That forum has been closed off but as "Swath" said Google search will find it.
    For me it was about the 4th one down. You just look for the header that contains 'practical machinist'. It is a little old 2006-'07 but a couple of the comments are interesting. And to me more than a little concerned for their practices.

  14. #14
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    Jan 2006
    To update, I got new main and control boards and re-installed everything. I got everything working again a week or so ago. I had a few issues with the axis not behaving but increasing the 'boot' time seemed to fix that problem.

    I ran the machine with a file had had used in the past to produce a part (not actually cutting anything) and it seemed to be fine. I did this a few times and all was well.

    This past weekend I decided to use the mill to start a project and found I had no spindle. It appears the board is dead. I have power to the board and the fuse is good but no LED.

    I've been in touch with Phil. I tested the line power and I have fluctuations with a max of 253v and about 249v average. Phil thinks this is the problem.

    I'm sending the spindle board to Mikini to be checked and if possible repaired. Phil has offered to upgrade to V2.0 with a discount, etc.

    To be honest, I'm skeptical of the electronics in this machine.

  15. #15
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Sweeney View Post
    I've been in touch with Phil. I tested the line power and I have fluctuations with a max of 253v and about 249v average. Phil thinks this is the problem.
    No surprise there...
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

  16. #16
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    Aug 2010
    If this system is damaged by 250v then they really really need to redesign it since most residential power is still within spec up to 252v and having voltage this high is very common.

  17. #17
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SWATH View Post
    If this system is damaged by 250v then they really really need to redesign it since most residential power is still within spec up to 252v and having voltage this high is very common.
    What I meant was that it is not surprise Phil blaming the power - he has done so in the past as well. I agree 100% that the stated power levels SHOULD NOT affect a properly designed control system...
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I agree. A few volts over 250v should not kill this machine. I'm contemplating what to do.

    Do you guys who have had similar failures know what your power 'condition' is?
    It would be interesting to compare to those who haven't had issues.

    I found an Eaton power conditioner for $800.00 which I may buy if my driver is repairable or the swap over to V2.0 isn't too painful.

    I've also thought of looking for other means to run the spindle.

    I do believe that, at least, the V1.0 electronics are fragile.

    Are there any packages out there that would drive the axis and spindle (assuming the Mikini motor is kept) that could replace the Mikini electronics?

    I am glad that my first job on this machine covered it's cost and then some. Dumping a bunch more money into it without a paying job to cover it I find tough.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    SWATH went through tons of AC troubleshooting, see this thread:


    There was someone else who swapped a v1 controls for v2, search the forum, there are only a few pages, should be pretty easy to find. I recall there were some odd issues.

    Numerous spindle problems posted here, from drop outs, to dips in speed, to not working. Many different things tried, but no consistent fix that I know of. Mine dips any time I run 1000 rpm or less, and takes several seconds to come back up to speed. This has led to numerous stalls and crashes on the spindle, so I try not to run it below 2500 rpm any more.
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Here is another thread that touches on several of the issues...
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

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