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View Poll Results: Do you like global warming?

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  • Yes I love it.

    314 62.06%
  • No, it's bad.

    192 37.94%
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Results 181 to 200 of 415
  1. #181
    I meant longevity. The whole global warming thing is a myth. We do not have the capability of monitoring all the variables. We don't even know what all the variables are. The Earth, Life and Death, Weather, Cancer? Sorry not man's realm yet. Man only guesses at these subjects. We know a little but not a lot.

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Global warming = evil world teaching to control all and remove all freedoms from everyone.

  3. #183
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Well, I think there are more problems to worry about than Global warming..
    Read this!!

    That will keep all entertained for weeks to come!!

  4. #184
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Prosper View Post
    Well, I think there are more problems to worry about than Global warming..
    Read this!!

    That will keep all entertained for weeks to come!!
    Prosper, I suggest you read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timelin...stian_Prophecy
    Being outside the square !!!

  5. #185
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Well, I was not really into the "Christian" prophecy but the fact that there is a fire burning below ground.....

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    You mean like the molten lava deep in all the earth?
    Being outside the square !!!

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    ...molten lava deep withing the earth, seeping through the mantle in vast unknown quantities in the sea floor...warming oceans (and land, as in Kilimanjaro) to degrees we can't calculate...

    Lava creating superheated vent water, heating cirmcumpolar currents along sea floor faults.....or just making islands in the sun..


    Lotsa heat happenin'.

  8. #188
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    ...molten lava deep withing the earth, seeping through the mantle in vast unknown quantities in the sea floor...warming oceans (and land, as in Kilimanjaro) to degrees we can't calculate...

    Lava creating superheated vent water, heating cirmcumpolar currents along sea floor faults.....or just making islands in the sun..


    Lotsa heat happenin'.

    Is there any thoughts/theories that undersea volcanism is responsible for GW, ocean currents, ocean warming etc?

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rancherbill View Post

    Is there any thoughts/theories that undersea volcanism is responsible for GW, ocean currents, ocean warming etc?
    Probably not on a wide spread basis, after all the Earth's heat has always been here and the total is certainly not increasing.

    However, you might have seen alarmist stories about regions of the West Antartic ice sheet moving faster 'due to Global Warming'; it is possible this accelerated movement has been caused by localized volcanic activity under the ice.

    Similar rapid glacier movement occurs in Iceland on the big ice cap in the southern region, Vatnajokull (or something like that). There are numerous volcanoes under this ice cap and when they burp dramatic things happen, like enormous floods down the rivers. I splurged on a trip to Iceland ten years ago and went hiking up this ice field; it is really neat being at 7000 feet hiking across a glacier and coming across boiling mud pools, geysers and a volcanic crate gurgling and steaming right there at your feet.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  10. #190
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Do you suppose Al Gore would like to purchase my carbon credits? My time on this heated ball is limited and I'd like to buy some cold beer before it gets too warm. lol

    Dick Z

  11. #191
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    When we hear the hoopla about Gorebull Warming, and the ice around Antarctica crumbling into the sea, we seldom if ever hear about the volcanic influence...and there is some real serious influence.


    Draw a crude line from the upper volcanoes to the lower ones....then look at this temperature profile....


    Gee, I wonder if there's any significant effect on polar water temp profiles...

  12. #192
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    No matter what people think, like life, change happens.

    It will change whether we are here or not. We MIGHT help or hinder the rate of change a bit, but we cannot stop it. We do not have the power or united determination to do much in any direction. ... Most folk consider killing others a 'bad thing'. We keep doing that, both on an individual and collective basis (murder, wars, poor driving 'habits', etc).

    In the '60s and '70s the big thing was the 'coming ice age', now under 50 years later we are 'global warming' as our doom and gloom. I heard that things have been getting COOLER since 2000, so we are headed for another ice age. ... Whatever pundants say, they are wrong, and they are right. But it doesn't matter what they say.

    Which set of extremist wacko's is right? Both? ...

    Now my philosophy... This and $10US can get you a cup of coffee most places...

    Do right as best you can as you see it,
    for yourself and others. Whether anyone is looking or not.

    If you learn what you have said/done is wrong, change your ways.

    To quote a salutation from an old Star Trek: Live long and prosper.

  13. #193
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I love global warming, if it wasn't for that Arizona would be one hot sonofagun. I don't know if we had any days in July where it really hit more than 115 degrees, August weather has yet to become a problem its only the 1st so we'll see what comes.

  14. #194
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Chad G View Post
    I love global warming, if it wasn't for that Arizona would be one hot sonofagun. I don't know if we had any days in July where it really hit more than 115 degrees, August weather has yet to become a problem its only the 1st so we'll see what comes.

    MMM 115 degrees, nice
    Remind me of my days paving roads in the summer.
    Course I tend to get cranky when it hit 135 degrees. Boots tend to melt down too.

  15. #195
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Im living on the side of one of them and this dude is fuming and put out red stuff a plenty. Can't figure if it worth trying to load my Victor 18-50 dcl of just give it to Madam Pele as a offering
    dalts Keaau, Big Island

  16. #196
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    um.....define: Like it. please, im confused.

  17. #197
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I saw an interesting note on the news a few days ago.

    The "Old Farmers Almanac" is a publication available annually. One section talks about short term (yearly) and long tern (decades) weather trends. These trends are based on such scientific principles as (1) the bushiness of squirrel's tails, (2) the side of the tree a bear rubs his butt on, and (3) which direction the moss is pointing, etc.

    To make a long story short, they (and their reviewers) claim a better than 90% accuracy and they said "forget global warming, prepare for a 50 year period of global cooling".
    If you cut it to small you can always nail another piece on the end, but if you cut it to big... then what the hell you gonna do?


  18. #198
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sdantonio View Post
    I saw an interesting note on the news a few days ago.

    The "Old Farmers Almanac" is a publication available annually. One section talks about short term (yearly) and long tern (decades) weather trends. These trends are based on such scientific principles as (1) the bushiness of squirrel's tails, (2) the side of the tree a bear rubs his butt on, and (3) which direction the moss is pointing, etc.

    To make a long story short, they (and their reviewers) claim a better than 90% accuracy and they said "forget global warming, prepare for a 50 year period of global cooling".
    The solar cycle has predicted this too, and predictably, the globe has been cooling. It has given up all the temperature increase gained during the last cycle already, and it might give up a lot more.

    The problem is likely to be not global warming, but trying not to freeze to death or starve due to crop failure.

    Interesting that the propaganda about destroying our standard of living gets turned down when our entire economy is collapsing anyway.

  19. #199
    I have been watching the blood-bath unfold regarding the DOW. Seven successive days with major losses with no seeming end in sight. A total collapse from 10,000 to 8,600 this week and probably worse to follow tomorrow. Nothing in it for me because our investments are elsewhere but it's still breathtaking to watch.

    I have belive there is an ill wind blowing. Our 30 years of boom economy may be succumbing to one heck of a recession because it has been held off for so long. The very Devil will have to be paid before it's over. The natural cycle was 5 years boom, 2 years bust. Easily 4 of those cycles would have fit in the last 30 years. Easy pain before, hard pain now to cover what got missed.

    I organized a meeting today for what's coming and how to deal with it. The "hobby" segment will totally dry up because it's discretionary spending and there won't be any of that as I see it. Our emphasis will be towards the OEM market to exploit the inevitable cost-cutting that will ensue. Businesses will get much harder than it has before in the coming months.

    This is the "Alternate Energy, Global Warming" forum. Good luck. When people are laid off and have no jobs, just think of how much they will care about that crap. For what's coming, my pulse says it's bad, very bad. Bad enough that we had a major meeting today with how we will deal with it. Put your raincoats on, bad weather is coming.


  20. #200
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    I have been watching the blood-bath unfold regarding the DOW... Nothing in it for me because our investments are elsewhere but it's still breathtaking to watch.

    I have belive there is an ill wind blowing. Our 30 years of boom economy may be succumbing to one heck of a recession because it has been held off for so long.....

    I organized a meeting today for what's coming and how to deal with it... Businesses will get much harder than it has before in the coming months.

    Its is a damn sight more than breathtaking when you have money tied up in an English bank that is teetering; fortunately we can wait it out.

    Yep we are getting recession x three or four because small corrections were not permitted to occur periodically. Or is it going to be recession^3?

    I fear business is going to get much harder in the coming years.

    Reminds one of the (Chinese?) curse; 'May you live in interesting times'.

    Welcome to the interesting times.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

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