Purchased a vise for finishing out back sides easier. Just a cheaper Shars.
So far seems to work well for what I need to do. Just need to make some proper clamps and a keying setup so i can add and remove quickly.
Attachment 267716
Facing throws chips everywhere and I really did not need coolant so I stuck my dust shoe on to contain the mess. It worked great!
Attachment 267718
And a couple hours later all the backsides finished up for this batch of parts.
Attachment 267720
The new vise worked great. Had a stop setup so same datum for all the parts. Just. Load up each program and swap parts. Ran them all twice instead of doing tool changes for each part. With a vise and stop easy to swap them out multiple times.

Also ran a 3d profile on a couple parts testing out MeshCam. 1/16" and 1/32" Ball mills to create a belt lock plate that meshes with a 3M belt.
