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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Uncategorised MetalWorking Machines > Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!
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  1. #221
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Keep going with linux. A little bit each day and you'll be running in no time. Skip the atc until you understand how to program it. Mesa and linux will be very good machine when setup. You can change to path pilot later to make setup easier as well.

  2. #222
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    You have a beautiful machine. I would be careful in selecting the cnc control. The MASSO controller while it looks great from a few videos posted it is really not ready for prime time based on the few people who have posted their experience on the zone. LinuxCNC is a good package with a realtime environment which is great but you really need to be a programmer to implement everything. The commercial type controllers like Centroid are very robust but also very costly. The KFLOP/KANALOG boards from Dynomotion.com are very robust and often used when several people upgrade old industrial iron, look on youtube. They have some C programs that need to be modified to get everything working but they have fantastic support and can handle everything I have seen on your machine including the tool changer, spindle, servos, etc. The Dynomotion hardware costs $250 for KFLOP, $250 KANALOG, $200 for KCONNECT the additional IO board, etc. The hardware comes with a very software called KmotionCNC which is very good. Unlike Mach3 it is very repeatable and never goes off and does stuff unexpectedly. Just my two cents. I have KmotionCNC and Mach4 with a Ethernet Smoother stepper on my two machines.


  3. #223
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Quote Originally Posted by charlieslasher View Post
    Keep going with linux. A little bit each day and you'll be running in no time. Skip the atc until you understand how to program it. Mesa and linux will be very good machine when setup. You can change to path pilot later to make setup easier as well.
    I decided to push forward with LinuxCNC for now, I am implementing it on my lathe build which I'm completing currently and then hope to use that experience to transfer it over to the mill. Then if I get comfortable I will try the switch to pathpilot on the lathe and if successful again transfer the knowledge and experience to the mill!

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  4. #224
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Quote Originally Posted by CNCMAN172 View Post
    You have a beautiful machine. I would be careful in selecting the cnc control. The MASSO controller while it looks great from a few videos posted it is really not ready for prime time based on the few people who have posted their experience on the zone. LinuxCNC is a good package with a realtime environment which is great but you really need to be a programmer to implement everything. The commercial type controllers like Centroid are very robust but also very costly. The KFLOP/KANALOG boards from Dynomotion.com are very robust and often used when several people upgrade old industrial iron, look on youtube. They have some C programs that need to be modified to get everything working but they have fantastic support and can handle everything I have seen on your machine including the tool changer, spindle, servos, etc. The Dynomotion hardware costs $250 for KFLOP, $250 KANALOG, $200 for KCONNECT the additional IO board, etc. The hardware comes with a very software called KmotionCNC which is very good. Unlike Mach3 it is very repeatable and never goes off and does stuff unexpectedly. Just my two cents. I have KmotionCNC and Mach4 with a Ethernet Smoother stepper on my two machines.

    I looked at kflop a while back and it seems more complex than LinuxCNC and considerably more expensive. Not sure I would want to trade one learning curve for another with a higher cost..lol

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  5. #225
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    The support you get from Dynomotion is well worth it. And the learning curve is not as bad as you think because of the great support.

  6. #226
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Good discussion.

    I would also add that for many if not most AC motors, 3 phase allows the motor to start turning without needing a starter circuit. Single phase motors need a starter circuit and a solenoid to shut it off once the motor starts spinning (that "click" one often hears once a large single phase motor gets up to speed). This is because single phase is a 180 degree system, so applying power to one leg means the other leg is opposing it, stalemate with out a starter circuit. With 3 phase, applying power to one leg gets no direct opposition so the motor can start turning. I apologize if this is not as clear as it could be about the way the starter circuit works, but it's been years since I learned about that...

    This looks like an interesting mill. I'm wondering if it will give the Haas Tool Room mill line a run for the money... I'm looking for something for my home shop; only problem is only about 40 amps single phase 220 going back there...

    Quote Originally Posted by lcvette View Post
    Most industrial power is 3 phase power and most residential power is single phase power.

    Single phase usually has (2) 120v legs and a neutral and can be either 120v between one power leg and the neutral, or 240 volt using both power legs which are 180 degrees out of phase to each other.

    3 phase power uses 4 wires.. (3) 120 volt legs that are configured as a Y and each leg is 120 degrees out of phase to the next.. 0, 120, 240 degrees out of phase to each other. In aY configuration it is considered 208Y/120v. Or also 230v 3 phase. 3 phase power is more efficient and components usually run much better on 3 phase then single phase due to the increase in power from the tighter phase split (120* vs 180*).

    Most bigger equipment use 3 phase power for this reason and it's cheaper cost due to smaller gauge wires being acceptable for the drop in amperage requirement and list of power due to resistance which is lost as heat.

    Hope that helps!


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  7. #227
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Congratulations Chris for this discussion. It is very interesting and very informative about a new perspective in this market!

    I discussed with Fred yesterday as I am tempted by the characteristics of this 7130.

    Fred offer turnkey solution with KND or GSK or Siemens. In my case I design with Fusion 360 and then use Mach3 to run the G-code. I would not mind using whatever controller that can drive nicely and smoothly my g-code. I do not know these KND GSK Siemens controller but what is appealing is that the machine may run not too long after I receive it. The question : do you think one of these CNC package installed by Fred can be a success ; if so is there one that may be a better choice?


    Edit : I use Fusion 360 ; there are post processors available for Siemens (many), one is available for a GSK, and none for KND. ; the Siemens option is above 2000$ more than KND.... Now I do understand the route Chris took.

  8. #228
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    New info : KDN run Fanuc code !

  9. #229
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Quote Originally Posted by mpilon View Post
    Congratulations Chris for this discussion. It is very interesting and very informative about a new perspective in this market!

    I discussed with Fred yesterday as I am tempted by the characteristics of this 7130.

    Fred offer turnkey solution with KND or GSK or Siemens. In my case I design with Fusion 360 and then use Mach3 to run the G-code. I would not mind using whatever controller that can drive nicely and smoothly my g-code. I do not know these KND GSK Siemens controller but what is appealing is that the machine may run not too long after I receive it. The question : do you think one of these CNC package installed by Fred can be a success ; if so is there one that may be a better choice?


    Edit : I use Fusion 360 ; there are post processors available for Siemens (many), one is available for a GSK, and none for KND. ; the Siemens option is above 2000$ more than KND.... Now I do understand the route Chris took.

    When purchasing the machine I was informed that the low cost Chinese systems did not offer smooth arc m movements but rather small lines to make up the arcs, this was unacceptable for my application. Whether I was misinformed or not I don't know as that was difficult to determine through conversation with Fred, he insisted that it wouldn't do true arc interpolation. So be sure you get what you need in the control system!


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  10. #230
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Hang in there Chris. LinuxCNC has a steep learning curve but it's totally worth it! I would echo what others have suggested in focusing on getting the basics going first before you dive deeper into Path Pilot / the ATC. There's help out there. Get an IRC client running and join the chat rooms. Mesa's after sales support is terrific too.

  11. #231
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Hi i would propose to get the machine run using close to Standard config with Mesa Card and linuxcnc if you get the drives Limit Switches and spindle to run the translation to pathpilot is done in an Hour ... atc wise i might be able to help doing an Box which behaves As an atc control from pathpilot Point of view means it has USB and some Relais done ...

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  12. #232
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Chris First I would like to thank you for your very informative post

    I have read your complete post several times and thought you had said somewhere that you mentioned you have made a list ( check list) to make it more simple to order a machine with different configs.

    Would you mind posting me a link to the company that supplied the tooling package that you used?

    Also I would like to go down the Lcnc route. Did I read somewhere that you had got Fred to terminate all the wiring ( motors, drives, estops and homing switches etc in a control box for you). Clive

  13. #233

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Great read! Like the rest of the crew here, waiting with baited breath to see those first parts roll off the line...

    Hoping you are getting somewhere with the Linuxcnc. I am just completing a new build (small shop-made machine) and had looked into the Linux options.

    I finally decided on Mach3 for the simplicity. But a LinuxCNC can't be too far off in my future. The Linux community is hard to beat - and some patience may prove to be the most valuable currency in this equation.

    Good luck! Looking forward to reading about the final progress.


  14. #234
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Any updates?

  15. #235
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Yes an update would be nice, Im really tempted getting one.

  16. #236
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    Hey guys I'm still in a holding pattern with deciding what to do with the control situation. In the interim in continuing with the small CNC mill I build almost 8 years ago.

    The last few days I've been getting wires for some of the available Chinese controllers. Specifically looking at the newker-cnc NEW1000-Micb-5 (5 axis version for future expandability) with new absolute servos and drives, also waiting on quote for an Adtech CNC controller. So far it looks like it would be around $2600 shipped for everything. Below are some concerns and benefits of I decide to go this direction..


    - plug and play wiring
    - ATC support
    - Oiler support
    - 5 axis linking
    - Absolute feedback no homing limit switches required
    - Absolute encoders 17bit 130000 lines vs differential 5000 lines
    - designed specifically for spindle Servo type Sandler motor with rigid tapping
    - Automatic screw error compensation
    - User definable macros
    - Plenty of user definable inputs and outputs
    - Easy step by step box entry machine setup procedure to marry control and machine requirements.


    - No built in probing routines ( not sure how to add them but guessing its with input for the probe and a macros function)
    - cost.. already have servos and driver installed, wasted money, already purchased mesa hardware and computer, more wasted money
    - I would list customization but I'm not sure that would be an issue since the controller is already 5 axis capable and allows for macros.
    - not alot of reviews on this controller that I've found
    - support from China, not super warm and fuzzy feeling

    I have enough cash stashed away barely right now to cover the cost of the new controller and Servo/drives etc, but had already earmarked those funds for some other much needed some upgrades.

    If I had someone local who was good at Linux CNC it would be an easier decision, but having one person street my decision making on controller and then abandon me when the time arrived has left me a bit gun-shy.

    I'm taking the weekend to contemplate this as well as research more on the control and how to use probing as it's an important part of my requirements. It's been excruciating walking around the machine for the last few months especially when wrestling with the small machines shortcomings.

    Any experience with these controllers is greatly appreciated if you could share!

    Apologies for the delay for those interested!! But hopefully something gets moving shortly!

    Best regards,


    Sent from my QTAIR7 using Tapatalk

  17. #237
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    This is the controller in looking at...

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  18. #238

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    What exactly is the hold up with LinuxCNC currently? I see a page back where you mention Mach3 spindle indexing, and then another mention where you thought you had support and it disappeared. Otherwise it sounds like you have all the hardware and the software to get going?

  19. #239
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    I have all the hardware for Linux CNC but none of the understanding of how it works, I've been a Mach 3 user for the better part of a decade, but would not date use it on this Machine as a crash would be devastating I'm sure.

    If it was a basic setup in sure I could work out linuxcnc, but with the tool changer, someone indexing, rigid tap, oiler etc.. the programming is so far out of my understanding that I would have to depend on someone else again and that just makes me a bit nervous

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  20. #240

    Re: Chinese XK7130 a complete experience Review!

    I've read your posts, gotten advice from you many times, from that you seem more than capable. This thread alone is proof. Start small and build up to it. Are you going to have a fully functional machine right off the bat? Absolutely not. Go axis by axis, get comfortable there. Get some basic machining worked out, no ATC, not rigid tap, no frills. Once that works, introduce the additional variables item by item. You will likely see the same learning curves with other controls just the same.

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