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  1. #301

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Well said, Kenny.

  2. #302
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Skyfire CNC owners?

    Great posts Jack and Kenny.

    TiFab - I'm sorry Dan but I feel this needs to be said, there will be no more on this from me after this post - right, so this 'some dude' you just happen to be in a taig group with, just so happens to have bought a new taig mill at exactly the same time as you, not only that but just so happens to have built an enclosure that looks exactly like the design you posted on here, and you just so happened to post a link on this site to the new haas owners Facebook page 'some dude' created when he bought his new HAAS? Not only that, but you both just so happen to be part of the Skyfire Facebook group and you just so happen to post exactly the same rants directed at exactly the same people on here as he did on the Facebook page? All just a big coincidence I'm sure...

    Come off it, who do you think you're kidding? I withheld your identity from this site out of common courtesy, I'm not sure that I should because I don't know why you feel you have the right to make up wild and spurious claims and accusations as well as outright lies about other people, their experiences, businesses and their services and products without being held to account on it. Stop being a coward and stand behind your words, if everything you say is the truth you've got nothing to worry about have you?

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  3. #303
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadstercycle View Post
    As far as a PR save, no freaking way, I just wanted to post a video showing my experience and show off a new automatic flood coolant control.

    You have given me the only reason I could justify for going with the 5 axis controller. The P-Cool like coolant nozzle adjustment will be nice to have if I go with the Skyfire.

  4. #304
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    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny Duval View Post
    You have given me the only reason I could justify for going with the 5 axis controller. The P-Cool like coolant nozzle adjustment will be nice to have if I go with the Skyfire.
    You need the 5 axis control if you want rigid tapping too, it's not supported on the 4 axis version.

    Are you on the Facebook group? There's quite a fair bit more discussion and info on there. In fact, anyone looking into these machines who makes it this far to see this post, I would recommend joining it.

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  5. #305
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    I don't Facetube. I don't even let it in the house....it dies at the firewall outside interface. I'd rather have my scrotum hair set on fire.

  6. #306
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    According to Adtech the 4640 supports rigid tapping as well but using the 5 axis to drive the motor for the coolant aiming is a clever idea.

  7. #307
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    Skyfire CNC owners?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny Duval View Post
    According to Adtech the 4640 supports rigid tapping as well but using the 5 axis to drive the motor for the coolant aiming is a clever idea.
    I've heard from two sources that you need the 4650 for rigid tapping for two different reasons. Thus I ordered the 4650, I didn't actually check the manual, I'm not bothered because there's the opportunity to integrate the 5th axis itself or, as you say, this great coolant aiming device, for what amounts to such a nominal extra cost in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really make much sense not to.

    Jason on the Facebook page has a newer much bigger and grander 9 axis (I think) Adtech control to try out. It will be interesting to see how that plays out. Ultimately I believe it will probably be unnecessary unless it has good conversational features or something.

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  8. #308
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    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mmpie View Post
    I've heard from two sources that you need the 4650 for rigid tapping for two different reasons. Thus I ordered the 4650, I didn't actually check the manual, I'm not bothered because there's the opportunity to integrate the 5th axis itself or, as you say, this great coolant aiming device, for what amounts to such a nominal extra cost in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really make much sense not to.

    Jason on the Facebook page has a newer much bigger and grander 9 axis (I think) Adtech control to try out. It will be interesting to see how that plays out. Ultimately I believe it will probably be unnecessary unless it has good conversational features or something.

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    It's probably going to be the 4960 or 9960 controller. Both newer than the 4640/50controllers. Although at this point even though it's EOL for Adtech I don't think there is any reason it's not a good controller. If we are going to hold things to the point of not using them if they are EOL then there are a lot of Mach 3 machines that need to be shut down or replaced. Unless it extends the build and delivery time I'd be good with the 4960 but if it makes getting the machine delivered a little quicker than I'm sure the 4650 would get anything done that I would be doing.

  9. #309
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Well....decision made. After doing a bunch of measuring and layout work in the garage the Skyfire it will be. I just can't make the room for the Syil machine. The enclosure is just too large for me to accommodate without kicking a vehicle out. I'll get my final list of options put together and get on the horn to has out the deal. I have an idea for the delivery process I hope they will agree to as part of the delivery and final payment proceedings. There isn't enough difference spec wise to declare a clear winner on paper and since I have no access to see either in action other than internet videos it really comes down to fitting where I need it to go.

  10. #310
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    I have a sneaking feeling that anything that moves, is mechanically or electrically motivated, is sure to have problems some time or other and mostly at the outset.

    Some time further down the track and it's called fair wear and tear.

    You will never win a perfect functioning machine all of it's life and that goes for any machine made by man.

    The perfect machine is one that can be fixed any time it malfunctions..........those that can't be fixed are the cheapies that are here today and gone tomorrow that hard up people who only buy on price get to own.

    If you cannot ascertain the ins and outs of machine design then buying on someone else's recommendation is your only choice.

    I doubt many people even consider the duty cycle they're going to subject medium range components to work to.....especially if they think that cheap components are just as good and long lasting as the top range stuff.......it's an exponential down curve on wear and tear and you only get what you pay for.

  11. #311
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    Oct 2013

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Just nipped on here, not been on for a long long long time, and I see the Skyfire saga continues.

    I am the owner of a Skyfire, infact let me put it more accurate, I am the owner of a piece of junk metal that has sat there for 2 years doing nothing as it has never worked.

    So as an owner, and right from the horses mouth as Handle put it.....I personally advise you DO NOT PART WITH YOUR HARD EARNED CASH LIKE I DID, IT WILL BE THE BIGGEST WASTE OF CASH EVER!!

    You will definitely do better by the Syil, could you even look at a second hand Haas Mini Mill (they go for a similar price as a new Syil).

    If you want, you can have my Skyfire free of charge and see if you can get it working.

    Everyone I have read up on that has actually received theirs has had problems with it. Take a look at DCT Teacher on YouTube as example, he had one of the latest ones. He has just invested in a Syil!!

  12. #312
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    Sep 2016

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    What is it rusty?

    I’ll have it for free

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  13. #313
    Join Date
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    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    It's been that long I had forgot!!

    It's an SVM2

  14. #314
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    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Where are you

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  15. #315
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    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    UK mate, in the midlands

  16. #316
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    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Quote Originally Posted by rustyh View Post
    UK mate, in the midlands
    Kin ell. Me too! Will ping you a pm.

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  17. #317
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Doesn't work????…..they all work but some work better than others if you know how......my small Skyfire SVM-0 worked right out of the box.....my only problem I had was that I was using a computer that was 64 bit instead of 32 bit......but Skyfire and co fixed it.

    You could be a bit more specific and state what the problem is . .

  18. #318
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    It seems that there are very few skyfire owners .. and many anecdotes about issues with their machines.

    It seems there are very few syil or seig cnc owners, and credible readings from a dti indicate the spindle/rigidity is, in a word, crap.

    Both (or 3) problems stem from the same basic issue.
    Trying to do a very cheap machine, very light, means the machine will be 90% performance limited.
    So one pays 100% for a small machine and only gets 10% of performance from it.

    The section sizes for everything in seig, syil, skyfire, should be at least double, and the spindle column likewise, with thicker walls.

  19. #319
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by hanermo View Post
    It seems that there are very few skyfire owners .. and many anecdotes about issues with their machines.

    It seems there are very few syil or seig cnc owners, and credible readings from a dti indicate the spindle/rigidity is, in a word, crap.

    Both (or 3) problems stem from the same basic issue.
    Trying to do a very cheap machine, very light, means the machine will be 90% performance limited.
    So one pays 100% for a small machine and only gets 10% of performance from it.

    The section sizes for everything in seig, syil, skyfire, should be at least double, and the spindle column likewise, with thicker walls.
    Completely agree with that, and well put. Although I would rate the Syil above the skyfire, Skyfire is everything cheap as possible.

    That why I suggested maybe seeing if you can pick up a secondhand Haas Mini mill, would completely out do these machines. Or a little XYZ mini mill

  20. #320
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Skyfire CNC owners?

    Quote Originally Posted by hanermo View Post
    It seems that there are very few skyfire owners .. and many anecdotes about issues with their machines.

    It seems there are very few syil or seig cnc owners, and credible readings from a dti indicate the spindle/rigidity is, in a word, crap.

    Both (or 3) problems stem from the same basic issue.
    Trying to do a very cheap machine, very light, means the machine will be 90% performance limited.
    So one pays 100% for a small machine and only gets 10% of performance from it.

    The section sizes for everything in seig, syil, skyfire, should be at least double, and the spindle column likewise, with thicker walls.
    These things are half the price or less than a HAAS mini mill or similar. They also take up a lot less floor space, particularly in skyfires case. That was the reason behind my purchase because I literally couldn’t fit anything bigger in (there is 50mm space at each side of it).

    FWIW mechanically it’s actually pretty sound and does a decent job in aluminium and mild steel. It can do everything I need it to. You get a test certificate and actually, I tested it all and it was all bang on to spec which was much better than Tormach will promise. Nothing you could think of worse than 0.02mm out and spindle taper runout wouldn’t even register on a micron indicator.

    Electrically it’s a different story. Anyone looking to buy would be better off buying the hardware and fitting your own controller etc to it, the adtech 4650 is an absolute car crash (though I think they’ve changed the standard offering to the 9960 which looks and sounds to be much better). The home and limit switches are useless and let water in... so many problems with electrics and within the adtech itself.

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