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View Poll Results: Do you like global warming?

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  • Yes I love it.

    314 62.06%
  • No, it's bad.

    192 37.94%
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Results 341 to 360 of 415
  1. #341
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Mammoth Ca. 135 mph winds

    Scotland 165 mph winds

    In just the last week.

  2. #342
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hey man, the body count may be high, soldiers are expendable, but what price would you have wanted to pay if'n you did nothing and became the next Soviet bloc addition?

    Nobody had a crystal ball powerfull enough to predict the lost cause that was Communism.

    You can't have it all ways, either do nothing or empower your president to nominate a strategic campaign of containment.

  3. #343
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Go boil your head Graci33rt....damm spammer.

  4. #344
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Warms in the day and cools at night.

    Android Dinc2

  5. #345
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    What's that white stuff yo' bin sweeping, boy......looks like dandruff, but he's been dead 20 years now....LOL.

  6. #346
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Global warming = fraud

    Global warming is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the mankind by All Gore, George Soros and similar shysters to make millions from carbon trading. The so called alternative - solar, wind - is hogwash, it can never provide the base load power.
    In Australia,from 1 July, we are going to pay $23AD/ton "carbon tax". This is going to kill our industries and move them to China or somewhere else.
    At the same time we are exporting millions of tons of coal to China to feed theirs coal fired power stations to produce cheap power to enable Chines to produce cheap goods that are flooding our and Americans markets.
    How stupid is that?

  7. #347
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi all first post on cnczone I have read this whole thread and would like to make a few points.
    1: That big yellow ball we see daily is the main driver of temperature and hence weather patterns,higher up toward the poles where sunlight angles are shallower it is much colder,then it goes away overnight and gets colder by large degrees not piddling amounts they try and use to justify Climate Change.
    2:NASA solar dynamics observatory gives out regular press releases such as SSRC2008 1&2 etc worth a read where they predict the coming Global cooling that has been occurring for the last decade when the Global warming gurus changed tact from Global Warming to "Climate Change" that alone is a dead giveaway to the crock this whole theory is.Hint it is the Sun that drives Climate mainly.
    3:Follow the money as always is the path to truth,I Regularily use the Edgar2 system on the American Security and Exchange Commission site to trace the money trail as well as just who owns what these days,Boring as bat**** but a very good source for information if you bother to chase it.
    4: Regarding Canadian and Northern California deforestation because of rampant beetles maybe just maybe the California Greens have much to answer for here,Forget that when someone posted blaming "Global Warming for this issue they neglected to highlight the other method of Nature to control these pests was Fire.
    Control fire and not allow natural burns to occur and they spread farther afield seems logical to me so the Greens have responsibility there to some extent,That also accounts for the extreme fires experienced worldwide since the rise of Green power.

    If you store more fuel you get bigger more destructive fires,Simple really

    For those interested in provable facts about the state of play just go into places like the Chicago Tribune,London Times,New York times and look at the archives,they can also be searched online,But real paper can be carbon dated to prove it is real from that time frame not altered electronically as so much has been to prove the theory.

    These Resources give a time capsule look into the past with articles such as Captain Robert Peary talking about the new "Ice Age" early in the 20th Century,this was then followed into the 30's and 40's by Global warming and heatwaves which was overtaken by WW2,On into the 60's and 70's with yet again talk of another Ice Age,then the latest storyline to scare the fools.
    Seeing a pattern yet with the media and politicians not to mention unscrupulous business who suddenly change nothing and become "Green and Fuzzy".

    As always it is about power and money,Take the IPCC for Instance a part of the United Nations.

    Let us examine the UN for a Minute logically First mooted by the Left side of Politics the first Nations to sign up were Persia (Iran) and Libya that alone rings my Warning Bells.
    The UN operates on Democratic principles within the main body hence the more votes gain the power on the floor and set the Agenda.

    We in the Western Nations that also include places such as Japan not just Europe the USA Canada Australia the UK etc are outnumbered by over 100 Islamic Nations,who knows just how many closet or otherwise Socialist regimes and a smattering of Nutter Criminals such as Robert Mugabe.
    Here in Australia we were betrayed by successive Left political parties as well as betrayed by some conservatives in not fixing the betrayal by the Left in selling us out to the rampages of the UN with mandates designed to destroy our Lifestyles and Industries as well as personal rights,Even the right to feed ourselves was attacked when the UN Trade bodies mandated we accept tainted Apples from New Zealand,These were banned imports to keep out the Fire Blight disease,World Trade Organization overruled that wise approach and ruled to bring in a disease to destroy crops such as Peaches Pears and Apples all affected by Fire Blight.
    As a side note to the old dears in inner city enclaves who vote Green Fire Blight also kills their favorite Roses potentially destroying yet another Industry.

    Bottom Line the UN is our enemy and so called Climate Change is their baby along with other things such as World Trade Organization,International World bank that has raped and pillaged all through Africa they are aided by Treasonous people such as many current and recent politicians and Big International Industry.

    Bottom line is no matter who you are and from what country these people and their organizations are to you like Nazi's were to Jews they will stop at nothing and continue to run rampant over all people eventually even though you may benefit short term the longer term you always lose.

    So look at what you post consider Human Nature and open your eyes to the facts about arguments from all sides for it is only the average person who can fix this rot and freedom is not a given but a Moral imperative we must cherish Nurture and pass on to future generations as well as enjoy ourselves but it has been paid for in blood time and time again,Remember that Sacrifice and pay it Due Respect.

  8. #348
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I couldn't have punctuated it better myself.

  9. #349
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I couldn't have punctuated it better myself.

  10. #350
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I get the distinct impression that "these people" you refer to are the Socialistically inclined sector of the people, the "Reds under the beds" that the Yanks are so fearfull of, or the tree huggers and Greens to give them another title.

    You have to realise that in a Democracy, the majority get to tell the minority what to do, this goes for the Socialists too, unless you plan on burning all their books and banning all their doctrines to prevent them from exercising their Democratic rights, or you have a "brave old world" planned that you'd rather we all lived in.

  11. #351
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Ian just how would you justify the CO2 Tax when it has been rejected outright by the majority of Australians,That is supposed to be a democratic right where the Majority rules.
    However it seems a very small group of Politicians just under 100 in total are Dictating to maybe 10 Million + who are smart enough to see this for what it is.

    Where do you get the aspect of Living in the past I can't think of anyone who would want to relive times without some of the advances Humankind has made.

    That is of course with the exception of the Radical Socialist Greens who infest the United Nations and many Levels of Government and Public Sector workforce with their back to the past Agenda 21 disguised as LEP (Local Enviromental Plans) or so called sustainability which also called for culling some of the excess billions of people that they consider infest this planet.
    Surely you are not one of those fools,after all having a "Hobby" along with things such as a Pet or Gaia forbid offspring being even worse of an offence against mother earth,Then your presence here would make you a hypocrite or worse.

    Maybe you are not yet old enough to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff and recognise Lies when that slap you in the Face if you are that young then this sums it up best.

    "We sent Man to the Moon with not much more than a Pocket Calculator,Just what has the Younger Generation achieved with far more recources"

  12. #352
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    How?....because the Government says so, and I'm getting compensated for it.

    The Government was elected to office by the majority of party voters, not by the majority of the people.......I'll explain it if'n you don't understand that fact.

    Suposing you had 5 parties fighting to rule the country, Labour, liberals, Democrats, Greens and Communists.

    Supposing the labout got 21% of the votes and the others 19% each....who rules the country....Labour of course with a clear majority vote.

    Supposing each of the other parties hate each other's guts and will never combine to oppose the Labour initiatives.

    21% of the people decide who will rule the other 79%....that's Democracy.

    The more political parties on the stand the weaker the Democratic process.

    The carbon Tax is a Labour initiative to provide for a sustainable energy future away from the reliance on fossil fuels and pollution production, and the Greens will support them with their vote too.

    The other parties therefore do not have the best interests of the people in mind.

    When you give carte blanche control to a group of people to rule you, then you have to abide by their decisions.....one of the fundamental pillars of Democracy.

  13. #353
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lymanbrandon33 View Post
    of course global warming is a threat to the existence of human being. global warming-more air conditioner-more heat in air-iceberg melt-larger sea-less land-less people.

    you forgot to mention more dinosaurs.

  14. #354
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    you forgot to mention more dinosaurs.
    Dinosaurs eat SPAMbots...

  15. #355
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by jameswe View Post
    .damm spammer.

  16. #356
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    SPAMbot is getting bashful with the little red Xs...
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaso7wnp View Post
    punctuated it better myself.

  17. #357
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Geo45rgejjl View Post
    looks like dandruff

    Little Xs look like dandruff, but not for long.

  18. #358
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Mildred470 View Post
    I couldn't have punctuated it better myself.
    This thing is relentless, but so are humans!

  19. #359
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I think global warming is not good for the world as because of it there is the chance of occurrences of natural disasters that is not good for the world and specially for the countries surrounded ny mountains and glaciers.
    check this url >> http://www.prlog.org/12068683-ashford-coupon-code-grab-2013s-exciting-40-off.html

  20. #360
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Juaner View Post
    I think global warming is not good for the world as because of it there is the chance of occurrences of natural disasters that is not good for the world and specially for the countries surrounded ny mountains and glaciers.
    Well then, just outlaw countries surrounded by mountains and glaciers.

    Now. Which ones would those be??

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