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View Poll Results: Do you like global warming?

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  • Yes I love it.

    314 62.06%
  • No, it's bad.

    192 37.94%
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Results 361 to 380 of 415
  1. #361
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Sa78rahh View Post
    mention more dinosaurs.
    OK. Dynosors eat SPAMbots.

  2. #362
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    You be first. I like technology. In the 51 years I have been on this planet, the temperature hasn't changed. Mother Nature will get you no matter what you do. Your time is finite, enjoy the short ride.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  3. #363
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Markonn View Post
    due to global warming the world is suffering a lot as disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis,drought,cyclones. these are creating only damages to our environment and these things major causes are too much pollution, too much cutting of trees,too much use of CFC gases through AC AND REFRIGERATOR. all these things must be stopped to prevent us from natures curse
    You forgot to mention that global warming is also causing higher taxes.

    Before global warming there were no earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, cyclones, ugly women, or rap music. When the temperature was just right, everything was normal.

    One of the first things we should do is lower sea level by draining the oceans.

  4. #364
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Fizz, everyone knows politicians have to insulate themselves from any society with the taxpayers cash.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  5. #365
    "due to global warming the world is suffering a lot as disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis,drought,cyclones. these are creating only damages"

    Why do environmentalists hate and fear Nature? Look at it this way: Droughts dry out flooded lands, cyclones bring welcome rain and a refreshing breeze when the weather is sultry, a tsunami brings surfable waves to places that rarely see any and earthquakes help remind idiots that our planet has forces at work that are far more powerful than we are.

    We should be thankful for what little global warming there is. It warms frigid lands, replaces snow and ice with forests, meadows and bunnies. How can an environmentalist hate bunnies?

    It's called 'Nature' and Nature has been doing this for billions of years.


  6. #366
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Bunnies, yeah would could hate bunnies? Now that was funny. I might have to buy a G540 in support of that.

  7. #367
    "too much use of CFC gases through AC AND REFRIGERATOR. all these things must be stopped to prevent us from natures curse"

    Wow. You sound like a superstitious peasant carrying a burning torch in one hand and pitchfork in the other like an extra in the Mel Brooks classic movie "Young Frankenstein". "Ve must stops you! Nature's kursings iz mitt you! I vill stick you vit mien pitchfork if you notternenzeoff ze ACundREFRIGERATOR!".

    I clicked on your profile. I see you live in NYC. I'll bet you have AC and a refrigerator.

    Are there still people around like that? Is that how bad education is today?


  8. #368
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    "too much use of CFC gases through AC AND REFRIGERATOR. all these things must be stopped to prevent us from natures curse"

    Wow. You sound like a superstitious peasant carrying a burning torch in one hand and pitchfork in the other like an extra in the Mel Brooks classic movie "Young Frankenstein". "Ve must stops you! Nature's kursings iz mitt you! I vill stick you vit mien pitchfork if you notternenzeoff ze ACundREFRIGERATOR!".

    I clicked on your profile. I see you live in NYC. I'll bet you have AC and a refrigerator.

    Are there still people around like that? Is that how bad education is today?

    Watch out.... he could throw his not-to-exceed 180calorie soda at you!

    (don't know what you've got against peasants.... my three beans have worked out very well so far. I'm down one cow, but you oughta see the plant in the back yard!

  9. #369
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hoooo hummmmm, all you have done is waken a sleeping giant from a deep sleep and fill him with a terrible resolve....I think I'll go back to sleep until something more interesting occurs.....all this cat fighting is getting on my nervesssss...Zzzzzzzzzzz.

  10. #370
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    i dont want to be part of the cause of globalwarming,and have sacrificed many bussines,and job oportunities ,i find it very difficult to get info about wether it is indeed human provoced,what would be a responsable energy consumption per person,and what means the point of no return.what i learnt in school is that in the 60 they discovered it and that they were measuring the effects of the pollution of the 30,to me it seemed logical that in order to be sure we dont destroy the climate for future generations we should aim at the level of the 30 or below,this is of course far from political and economical reality,i think this has to do with the short term thinking in fixing the price of natural resources such as oil ,took millions of years to grow i should last that long as well,apart from climatedamage,are we humans a plague or are we able to think and comunicate? for this reason i adress tis comunity to help develop real clean technology even though this is not very rewarding in the moment.one subject that particualy interests me is storing energy as compressed aire for a sailingboat to have auxiliary power generated during a voyage to safely aproach the port,i think bateries are dirty and dont last ...... help! i feel so alone in this strugle

  11. #371
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bartnordwest View Post
    i dont want to be part of the cause of globalwarming,and have sacrificed many bussines,and job oportunities ,i find it very difficult to get info about wether it is indeed human provoced,what would be a responsable energy consumption per person,and what means the point of no return.what i learnt in school is that in the 60 they discovered it and that they were measuring the effects of the pollution of the 30,to me it seemed logical that in order to be sure we dont destroy the climate for future generations we should aim at the level of the 30 or below,this is of course far from political and economical reality,i think this has to do with the short term thinking in fixing the price of natural resources such as oil ,took millions of years to grow i should last that long as well,apart from climatedamage,are we humans a plague or are we able to think and comunicate? for this reason i adress tis comunity to help develop real clean technology even though this is not very rewarding in the moment.one subject that particualy interests me is storing energy as compressed aire for a sailingboat to have auxiliary power generated during a voyage to safely aproach the port,i think bateries are dirty and dont last ...... help! i feel so alone in this strugle
    You get a gold star on your forehead for being the most subtle introducer of SPAM yet..

  12. #372
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    If you want info on the weather, turn on the radio....LOL.

    BTW, it's "You Humans are a plague" count me out.

  13. #373
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    This is a joke, Right?:wee:

  14. #374
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Machiner1 View Post
    This is a joke, Right?:wee:
    Are boreholes a joke? Are your tax dollars a joke?
    .....just askin'.

    The message from boreholes « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax

    (in case you were wonderin'.... Michael Mann is a joke, just not a funny one)

  15. #375
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Burt Rutan's view was an interestingly fresh opinion. I generally don't waste much time pursuing the words of doomsayers or chicken little followers. History tells me SOME people have been using scare tactics like this since the beginning. I was born in 1961, do you want to guess how many times it has been predicted the earth would end or be altered in some significant way during my existence? Funny I am sitting here texting this response on my phone in comfort. Mankind will be around a little longer. The next guys might have to wear a coat or not. Big deal, adapt or perish.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  16. #376
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Global Warming Poll

    Global warming is the unequivocal and continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's climate system.

  17. #377
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Global Warming Poll

    And this is your tryout post before the monsoon of spam we are going to see next...

  18. #378

    Re: Global Warming Poll

    Judith, you are such a fool. Temperatures have fallen for the last 18 years and no one in high school now remembers when temperatures were warmer. Don't believe me? Look at this; genuine US data from genuine US satellites:

    Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

    Don't embarrass yourself by saying stupid things. It just makes you look like a dumb bimbo.

  19. #379
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Global Warming Poll

    Love things like this;

    What is the Earths perfect temperature? (its been around a few billion to our few thousand years) Maybe the earth likes it a little warmer??

    We actually occupy about 1% of the earths land surface, and that is only 29% of the total area. Do you really think even if we tried we could raise the entire earths temp??

    I could go on and on but why,,,,,,,,,,,,

  20. #380

    Re: Global Warming Poll

    This 'Judith' person was just a drive-by global warming Alarmist. She (?) will never read the reply and was just doing it as a homework assignment from some instructor in some basket-weaving class she is taking.

    The Earth's temperature? For over 300 million years its been around 22 deg C and CO2 was north of 2,000 ppmv. Now it's 15 deg C and CO2 is an impoverished 400 ppmv for the last million years. We live in unnaturally cold times.

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