Quote Originally Posted by drutort View Post
I only had files as large as 9mb but never had any issues with slow saves, maybe the bigger the file got it got a fraction of a sec slower, I believe that has to do with the solid state drive, maybe other programs are causing issues? any antiviruses? if you have them try to disable them and repeat the save to see if they do anything. I know that antivirus programs and regular HD's kill IO as the virus program runs and scans stuff constantly.
Nope, no antivirus other than windows defender. I thought maybe you might have something so I disabled the real-time protection but it didn't change anything. I also timed the save for one of my smaller files and it took 4min to save a 6Mb file to my server. Pretty sure it's a Sprutcam issue because no other programs have the issue with writing to the server.