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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Novakon > PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Thanks for all the help getting PP installed. Everything is working great with the help from Brian. The only problem I have, and it seems minor, is that when I exit out of the PP software it says it's going to shut down the computer - but then it just shows the PP background wallpaper and I manually have to power off the PC. Any solutions to this? It's probably not a big deal but I feel like it's not a great idea to do a hard power down on the PC everytime I want to shut it off.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Quote Originally Posted by rickjamesbrown View Post
    Thanks for all the help getting PP installed. Everything is working great with the help from Brian. The only problem I have, and it seems minor, is that when I exit out of the PP software it says it's going to shut down the computer - but then it just shows the PP background wallpaper and I manually have to power off the PC. Any solutions to this? It's probably not a big deal but I feel like it's not a great idea to do a hard power down on the PC everytime I want to shut it off.
    Rick mine doesn’t shut down either - I hit the menu bar and tell Linux to shut down. When I get home from vacation I will look into updating to pp 2.02 and seeing if I can fix the shutdown issue.

  3. #23
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    My PC would never power down with PP1.9x. Using version 2.x it powers down as expected.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Same here, though I only have the 2.01 on the lathe.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Here we go again. I installed (successfully) pp1.9 on my pro and am inching towards pp 2.0 (or later). I think I'll buy a separate SSD and use that for my conversion attempt so I can at least, revert back to 1.9 if it proves to be as challenging as last time.
    I'll report for later reference when the attempt is made.
    Helicopter def. = Bunch of spare parts flying in close formation! USAF 1974 ;>)

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Quote Originally Posted by bill south View Post
    Here we go again. I installed (successfully) pp1.9 on my pro and am inching towards pp 2.0 (or later). I think I'll buy a separate SSD and use that for my conversion attempt so I can at least, revert back to 1.9 if it proves to be as challenging as last time.
    I'll report for later reference when the attempt is made.
    I got 2.0.2 running last night on my servo based Torus. I'll post files.

    Instructional Videos for CNC Guitar Building

  7. #27
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Quote Originally Posted by sagreen View Post
    I got 2.0.2 running last night on my servo based Torus. I'll post files.

    Great work Scott! I need to update mine to 2.02

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Thanks for the offer Scott!
    I'll look forward to your post.
    Helicopter def. = Bunch of spare parts flying in close formation! USAF 1974 ;>)

  9. #29
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Quote Originally Posted by bill south View Post
    Thanks for the offer Scott!
    I'll look forward to your post.
    Files posted on separate new thread. No instructions yet. You can mostly follow Bonedoc's instructions. These files are still a work in progress to clean up. I have some commented out lines and other stuff that needs deleted, but these are working so far.

    Instructional Videos for CNC Guitar Building

  10. #30
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    Apr 2005

    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Thanks Scott!
    Helicopter def. = Bunch of spare parts flying in close formation! USAF 1974 ;>)

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Quote Originally Posted by sagreen View Post
    Files posted on separate new thread. No instructions yet. You can mostly follow Bonedoc's instructions. These files are still a work in progress to clean up. I have some commented out lines and other stuff that needs deleted, but these are working so far.

    I tried your files on my Torus Pro Servo machine with 2.0.2. It mostly works, flashing the MESA went fine, I have movement in all 3 axis, but spindle wont turn on. Error is: Invalid RPM Setting, RPM must be between 0 and 0 with this belt setting. I dug around in the novakon_mill_base.ini and the novakon.hal and I saw where the min and max in both Low and High belt positions was correctly set to 250-6000. I'm going to continue to plug away at it, but in the mean time, any ideas?


  12. #32
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    I ran in to that, can not remember what it was. I will remark the and change some things on the hal and INI files I am using now and post them.
    I have my machine set up with out the gear reduction in the axis drives. instead of 10000 counts to a inch, it is now 50800counts to a inch.
    I will try to get them posted tomorrow night

  13. #33
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Quote Originally Posted by powerr View Post
    I ran in to that, can not remember what it was. I will remark the and change some things on the hal and INI files I am using now and post them.
    I have my machine set up with out the gear reduction in the axis drives. instead of 10000 counts to a inch, it is now 50800counts to a inch.
    I will try to get them posted tomorrow night
    That would be a great help. I can diff the files and figure out what I am missing.


  14. #34
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by WTFover View Post
    That would be a great help. I can diff the files and figure out what I am missing.


    I think I recall fighting that at some point in the PathPilot conversion, but im not sure. Just for the heck of it could you change the "High/Low" spindle and try to run your spindle? I'm at work, but there is a button on the PP window that allowed people to select which pulley they had the belt on for a Tormach machine. Each has different RPM min/max. Its possible that they are set for only one of the 2 options (high/low).

    Instructional Videos for CNC Guitar Building

  15. #35
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    OK, so small progress. I was able to bypass the error by issuing S500 in the MDI. It now works and I can manually stop and start the spindle. However, there is a new problem, the spindle rotations are reversed. FWD runs CCW, and Reverse runs CW. I issued an M03 in the MDI and it started running backwards, then stopped and started via the GUI with the buttons and verified consistent behavior. I do remember my system doing this in PathPilot 1.9 as well. I never got around to fixing it (or even using the mill) because I was moving and I am just now getting everything set up again.

  16. #36
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Have a look at these, The spindle direction output have been inverted so it goes the correct direction, added a line in the novakon.hal so when a program is running it displays the spindle rpm.
    inverted the axis direction and step output so it matches what the novakon board is expecting.

    sagreen did a great job getting it running so I thank him for that.

    let me know if they don't work. Been doing other modifications and took them out because I am not sure if they are working quite well enough.
    Found that we have access to the second port on the mesa card, so figured why not try to add a MPG. It is working at the moment. and will post the files for it later. you will have to add mux4 and ilowpass to the rtlibs.

  17. #37
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Thanks for those, I had to go out of town for business, but will be home Wednesday night and give it a shot then. Also thanks for annotating your changes to the hal file. I'm definitely no developer, but I like to think I can follow along and maybe learn a little something. I'd love to here and see more about your pendant setup.

    Also, I have noticed every once in a great while, when I fire up the machine, and then go to reference the axis' , the homing goes in the wrong direction of travel. If I shut the machine all the way down and bring it back up, everything seems OK. It's not the end of the world, but it's happened at least twice.

  18. #38
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Make sure it is not setting on a limit switch when you go to home the machine. I have not figured out why yet but I had to put a large home offset in the z axis because if Z calibrated it first it would not come off the switch. then do x or y and it would move the other direction to try an clear the limit.

  19. #39
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    So I tried Powerr's files as-is, and the spindle now runs the correct direction, although the speed seems to be 16% off. 500 Commanded, PDB shows 420 actual. Also, all the jog and homing are now completely backwards from what they were before. Over the next few days I am going to try and take parts of both configs and get it to do what I need it to.

  20. #40
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    Re: PathPilot on a Novakon Questioin

    Interesting, we both have servo machines I wonder why the different travel directions. In the INI file I changed the direction sign for SCALE to flip my travel directions. had to change HOME_SEARCH_VEL and HOME_LATCH_VEL signs too.
    At the moment I am using 2.1.3 and having a Issue with the tool table getting wiped out with each shutdown of the machine.

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