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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Benchtop Machines > Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    cool it will help the OP at any rate, yes the doc's for Linux are bad, unless you already know it or have someone to help

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    linuxcnc docs are pretty darn good and being updated all the time.


    RCaffin - why do you want to try linuxcnc? what issue are you having with mach?

    The 5i25 (pci) or 7i92 (Ethernet) by themselves act like 2 high speed printer ports. (for $89) The boards take what is called a BIT file that configures what the pins do. If you have some standard bobs - there might already be a bit file that matches your pinouts. Then theoretically you could plug in the mesa card and cables for a swap.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    that worked roger if you wont someone in the know it's samco

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Hi Samco

    Yeah, I have no problems with the Linux docs. Been there before. Played Sysadmin on various OSs.

    WHY am I considering LinuxCNC? Several reasons -
    * Why not?

    * Mach3 has bugs which will never be resolved. Actually, they can NOT be resolved: they are faults in the core design and structure, not in the programming. I can reliably crash Mach3 (and have done so). Rewriting the core is called Mach4.

    * If there is a magic combo that lets one switch between Mach3 and LinuxCNC just by swapping a board and two ribbon cables, and NOTHING ELSE, then it is tempting to dabble toes.

    I will read up on the 7i92. Thank you.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Hello All,

    Thanks for all the great replies. I would have never imagined this much of a response. I have not had a chance to get to the PC part yet and am still working on getting the machine ready. I built a new frame and plan to set the machine in the frame soon. One that is done, I am sure to come back and ask many questions as I will be getting to the PC part then. I have no idea which version of Mach I have and if it is a legit copy. I will sort that out soon. Anyone curious about my progress can have a look at Marc's G0704 build thread. Thanks again everyone and i hope to ask more informed questions soon. However I do have one other. Since my machine already is set up on Mach3 is there a good online guide or book I could buy to get myself up to speed on its use? I am still very much open to changing, but I ay as well try and see if I can use what I have in the meantime.

    Take care,


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Visit the Artsoft web site and find the documentation page. You want 'Mach3Mill_1.84.pdf' at least, plus any other useful-looking files there.


  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Quote Originally Posted by samco View Post
    linuxcnc docs are pretty darn good and being updated all the time.
    The documentation is too complex to the point of uselessness for the vast majority of machinists i have met in real life, and that includes myself.

    there are a number of 'aftermarket' solutions to this problem, but even the instructions on how to install them are too cryptic or not documented at all for linuxcnc. i'm talking about the gui's

  8. #28
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    The documentation is too complex to the point of uselessness for the vast majority
    Ah well, very true: written by nerds, for nerds.

    Mind you, a lot of Windows doco is so far below the Windows for Dummies level it is a pain - sometimes.
    I do remember the time I was trying to help someone over the phone: they could not get any keyboard command to work.
    Eventually I realised that they did not understand the function of the Enter key.


  9. #29
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Eldon_Joh if you have someone like samco to help it is not so bad he is one of the good one's.

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  10. #30
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    Jun 2014

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    I don't believe uccnc just runs smoother, it's more accurate imo. Can't seem to get tollerances as tight with Mach 3.

    I've said this before with people saying what are you talking about in regards to Mach 4. But I heard new fangled solutions let go of their original programmers and hence why it's not finished and hasn't been since I last posted this years ago which kind of suggests was I heard was correct. So wouldn't keep your hopes up for a finished version anytime soon or likely ever.

    A uc400 + uccnc license is €160/£110 not sure what Mach 3 is at the moment but not a lot in it. Except uccnc is more of an equivalent to what mach4 was intended to be and as development goes it's fully functional and Using it it feels very refined.

  11. #31
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704


    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  12. #32
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Can't seem to get tollerances as tight with Mach 3.
    I am machining to 10 microns (micrometres) on a routine basis with Mach3. My machine resolution is 0.8 microns, which can be seen in probing results.

    As to the Mach4 programmers - don't know.


  13. #33
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by RCaffin View Post
    I am machining to 10 microns (micrometres) on a routine basis with Mach3. My machine resolution is 0.8 microns, which can be seen in probing results.

    As to the Mach4 programmers - don't know.

    Spent endless hours with it, most tolerances where there but think it was something to do with the trajectory planner just doesn't seem to be as accurate overall for me. Bugged the hell out me for months with endless adjustments until I migrated over.

    Wether it was because I was running a uc300 that it was better suited to uccnc than Mach 3 plugin. Could well have been.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    UCCNC has path deviation control, you have control over your job tolerances, you just don't have that with Mach3/4.

  15. #35
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Quote Originally Posted by OlfCNC View Post
    UCCNC has path deviation control, you have control over your job tolerances, you just don't have that with Mach3/4.
    you certainly have that with mach3... its just not via gcode, its a global setting.

  16. #36
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    I'm assuming the OP is not really experienced with Mach 3 or other driver software or he wouldn't have asked the original question. That being the case I'd think stick with what he already has and learn it. Get to know the machine, the software and all the associated pro's and con's. Then, if there are issues or he can't accomplish what he wants, how he wants, try something else. Mach 3 has always worked fine for me, but then I've never tried UCCNC or the others mentioned. Mach 3 was the only really usable option for some time, so yes, it has a following but it's not surprising that some new options have started to surface over the last few years and I'm sure there will be more. That's a good thing in my opinion!

  17. #37
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Quote Originally Posted by ihavenofish View Post
    you certainly have that with mach3... its just not via gcode, its a global setting.
    No, you don't have that, what you have is a rate number which is no real path error value, it is just a rate which only indirectly influances the path error, but the path error will still depends on the acceleration settings of the axes.
    You can't define the max.error in millimeters or inches, you can only guess about the error it will create on different paths.
    Both Linuxcnc and UCCNC has real path deviation control, you can define the tolerances in length units and the software will obey that setting, will not create a larger path error than what you setup.

  18. #38
    Join Date
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Since my machine already is set up on Mach3 is there a good online guide or book I could buy to get myself up to speed on its use?
    There are several informative videos on the machsupport website.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  19. #39
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    I'm assuming the OP is not really experienced with Mach 3 or other driver software or he wouldn't have asked the original question.
    I think this is the point. He doesn't know any softwares yet, so he wants to decide which one to learn and use.

  20. #40
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    Re: Mach3, Mach 4 or Linux CNC for G0704

    Quote Originally Posted by RCaffin View Post
    Ah well, very true: written by nerds, for nerds.

    this is the current issue with linux cnc and mesa hardware. with the 2.7 version, the software can pretty much handle everything. its fast, stable, reliable, has ethernet support, even ethercat. you get a gazzillion io, encoders, analogue, etc etc...

    but the average, and even relatively advanced user looks at it and may as well be deciphering an alien language. the support is definitely there, but even that tends to assume you are at a knowledge level far above what most people actually are.

    this is the one and only thing mach3 has left at this point. its so easy to set up, and easy to run. unfortunately its performance is severely lacking. it was great when there wasnt anything else affordable, and people were stoked to get 25ipm rapids and 0.01g acceleration out of their machines, but time has moved on, and mach3 has not kept up.

    that said, with the latest linuxcnc, and a parport card, and the gecko g540 and just your basic xyz spindle and limits functionality, you can be up and running in a few hours. with the pci mesa cards and their basic break outs and a lot of patience, maybe a day (plus 6 months shipping, sigh). if you want ethernet, or ethercat, or other advanced features, expect a rough ride unless you are a quite advanced user as they dont seem to be as fully fleshed out yet.

    so in summary:
    if you know nothing, and your machine is fairly low performance (acceleration and speed) you might want to stay with mach3.
    if you are more adventurous and your machine is fast, but relatively basic function, then give linuxcnc a try.
    if you want production floor reliability and functionality, call siemens.

    the other systems i have never used, so cant really comment on. on a lot of them i always get the sense that software side was an afterthought and missing too much functionality - but again, ive not used them so it could be a false impression.

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