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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by JerryBurks View Post
    Cool. Thanks! That was what I was looking for.
    Note: If you manually apply updates MS turns on auto updates back on automatically. Be sure to check the updates setting after your machine reboots for updates.

    MS: Silly user, You disabled automatic updates! Let me fix that for you, and not tell you either that I've re-enable auto updates

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TechGuy5002 View Post
    Note: If you manually apply updates MS turns on auto updates back on automatically. Be sure to check the updates setting after your machine reboots for updates.

    MS: Silly user, You disabled automatic updates! Let me fix that for you, and not tell you either that I've re-enable auto updates
    Turning off automatic install is persistent, at least in Windows7. And a manual install will not auto-reboot, just nag incessantly.

    Auto-check/download may behave as you describe, but they are more-or-less benign in this context.

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