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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Uncategorised MetalWorking Machines > Vertical Mill, Lathe Project Log > Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Well. I have to say that I have a very successful week, my machine is hooked to the computer and they are talking to each other! I have to say to every one that try one of this kind of endeavors, check the "Stupid $%^&*(:boxing Serial Printer port cable for continuity on every single pin! I have a brand new one.. (chair)and go figure brand new and only 4 (flame2)pins where actually sending and receiving signals from the computer.... So needless to say! I literally try a few thousand things because I couldn't conceive to think that it was the Serial printer port cable.
    I will be showing my RPM sensor working on Mach3 and hopefully I will have some kind of Way Cover to protect my electronics cables and switches before I start to cut some threads,

    Thanks for all the support, and Hope to hear again from the guy that told me that I wouldn't need a Encoder to make my tool changer work! I would like to ask hem a few questions of the how!
    Mach3 have excellent macro tutorials an I'm looking forward to see my machine working for me and making parts for my projects.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Hey Brother........

    - - - Updated - - -

    ok bro

  3. #23
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    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Well here is my promised video of the machine connected and running! I'm not working with it yet because I'll be making sure I have a Way Cover to protect my wiring electronics and switch!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Here are a few more photographs of the project up to date but I will be making this pics a bit more comprehensive in the future!
    Attachment 240568Attachment 240570Click image for larger version. 

Name:	P6210115.jpg 
Views:	0 
Size:	149.3 KB 
ID:	240572

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Electronics Wiring/ Programming and misery of a cheap CNC Breackouboard

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well I have to say that it have been a wild rye... I'm almost to the point to start to cut some test pieces..but my breakout cnc board is giving me hell.(chair). not only I have to ping it jolting "Enable wire constantly... to establish communication between the board and the drivers but then the stupid system only work for about one or two minutes and then literally stop... and loose the link between the cnc board and the drivers again! I have been fighting with the vendor.... Thus there is not human forces on this planet :bat:for them to give me access to the customer support from the company that manufacture the stupid CNC breakout board""" :argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue:
    One good thing come out of it! I actually managed to get the up to date manual for the "A145 CNC 6 Axis board" any one that actually need it I will be willing to help! Attachment 240792Attachment 240794 The last picture show the Translator chips that have a really bad case of the soldering Kid of hope that the magnified picture can show it.

    Any one that may be able to throw me a Bone? or a Cookie?? I'm kind of lost! with this problem!!! I don't even know where to go to ask for help with this problem!!
    Attachment 240796Attachment 240798

    Well I guess that my next message will be posting a few dry runs of the motors and machine running! I actually have to turn around and mount a "CNC4PC dot com" board that will enhance the signal to the RPM, thus I can have a better resolution and get better threading..

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Sorry for the double post, I really try to redacted! but it come back exactly the same!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Well my lap top die last night, sorry no dry run video, I make a cardinal mistake and burn the mother board of my humble laptop...

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    First Dry Run, very hot motors do! "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Well:tired: here it is running by it self steadily.. not conflicts any more! Interestingly enough the Stepper motors have been getting super hot!(flame2) I have been trying a combination of a less amperage and reducing the speed of the motors! I even went to the point of unplugging them while I was doing any kind of setting changes. hopefully i would find the sweet spot soon. I have reduce the speed of the X axis to literally a crawl... is so depressive how slow it moves... also I even remove totally all and if any resistance for the screw that move that particular axis...

    Also I will be grateful for any help making sure that I can set the limit dimensions on mach 3... I still very crude on my cnc skills so I'm just getting my feet wet. I try to set the those limits on homing and it literally reversed the rotation of the X axis.. so any help or hints will be appreciated.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Steppers will run cooler at speed not hotter because the average current is lower at high speed. You need to lower the idle current or running current or the PS voltage. Running them slower is the wrong approach.

    If you post the stepper voltage and or inductance it is fairly easy to calculate. The rule of thumb is the supply voltage is 32X the inductance. The China drives will let you set the idle current or set it to be be full power and if you run full power they will get really hot. You might want that on a lathe so a lower current or supply voltage might be what you want.

    Steppers do run hot almost too hot to touch.
    youtube videos of the G0704 under the name arizonavideo99

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Right. Steppers can get too hot to hold onto and still be in good shape. Heat does kill most things, but as long as they aren't smoking hot, they should be okay. I run Gecko's almost exclusively and they have a standby current or something and they do operate steppers less hot, but still pretty warm. Not to warm to hold onto though. I'd say that there is concern if they are above 150 degrees F.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    The motor that is getting super hot is the 57BYGH603 Voltage: 8.6V /Current:1.0 A/phase/ Resistance: 8.6Ohm/phase Inductance: 18 mH, and here is the website that have it!

    Hybrid Stepping Motor 57BYGHM:Hybrid Stepping Motor 57BYGHM wholesaler

    "Now... they don't have the exact number they actually have the 601 and 604, don't know why the one that I bought is not listed! But after a very healthy amount of *****ing... I get them to send me an other one that actually is capable to handle 3 amps in stead of one! the drivers are the DQ542MA and the power supply is a 35 V .their web page is here

    Stepper Motor Driver DQ542MA:Stepper Motor Driver DQ542MA wholesaler

    from the driver side I have been trying to keep the motor running with the least amount of amperes that the driver is capable of.. so 1 Ampere, and the least amount of steps per revolution// 400. now as it stands the configuration of the inches per minute of this motor, that is the one that it actually have reached those 150 Fahrenheit. is 3" per minute.. and the speed is the same 3" any faster and I mean Any faster and the motor starts to hang behind and starts to make this noise that make one believe that there is a very piss off cat inside ready to come out and bite you!.:wee:. the pulley system on the motor is a 2.5/8-1 which means that the motor is not really going under a great deal of stress! a motor of this kind should be able to do a direct drive with no reduction... so I firmly believe that the motors is a faulty unit! Now I have to say that I feel that the seller on Ebay was very good "Hey That thread of a negative feedback goes a long way" and once I convince Him that the motor wasn't working to the minimum standards they send me a replacement! I guess that it will be here with in the next two weeks!

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Thank you very much arizonavideo. your imput is greatly appreciated.

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Well as many people try to let me know about it, the original motor didn't have what it was needed to do the job. I have one video showing a threading process failing, that ll be loaded next time I get on line. Have expended the last three days mounting a 2.5 Hp DC motor that should solve that nuisance, and I will be able to start to make parts very soon. Thanks to every single person that actually have give me any kind of advice. it truly take to actually do and work on it to understand what really happen on every single step of the process.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret! GETTING STOCK"

    This is what happen when one don't consider the power output of the machine that one start working with! No big deal! already replace that weak motor with a 2.5 HP DC motor! and it really rocks! :banana:
    I actually already start to cut pieces with the new motor! and it works just fine! but that will be a video for the next time I work with it!

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    I hate to say I told you so, so I won't.

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Well LeeWay, I'm grateful for every single bit of advice, and even if I was hoping to get away from that particular problem. in the next video you will be able to see that I was prepared for that event! ever since I heard that the main motor was a "POS" I started to get a hold of a larger more powerful motor that was DC and that have a controller... so I acquire the largest one I can afford that have those particular characteristics.
    Attachment 241960Attachment 241962
    Also it can be seen that the way that the electric and the pulley covers as the control panel have not changes! It was important for me to keep it looking "Somewhat" stock...

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    That looks like the same motor that I have on my newer lathe. It is quite capable and I never have had any trouble with it.
    First image is the motor drive and speed controller I used.
    Motor drive is from Surplus Center and Speed controller from Homann Designs.

    This image was before I adjusted the belt alignment. This motor was the same color as yours to start with. Metalic blue.

    I don't think you will be screwing up many more threads. That is one advantage of the stock lathe over mine.
    I can't yet do threading. I still have a fully stock 7/12 though and it handles any threading I occasionally need.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Hey Lee, hope it is not to much to ask but would you care to share the rest of that project? Will love to see it! also! may I ask how do you hold to a really nice and steady RPM? I use the reduction hoping to have a really neath and steady RPM. but I find this to be very hard! even when I manage to have a good RPM lock on. As the cutter take material off the stock.. it reduces the RPM! making a nightmare to have a pristine Thread.. Ho and by the way! I have a very nice CNC4PC RPM gauge that is very effective and works flawlessly..

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Small lathe build with "ATC" Automatic Toll Changer Turret!

    Now I guess that the next step " and the most feared one is the work on those Marcro's" so I can get that automatic tool changer up and running! any kind of advice will be greatly appreciated.

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