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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Servo Motors / Drives > Anyone Using Teknic SST-1500 Servo Control?
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  1. #21

    gantry with Teknic drives

    (Hi Victor!)
    With regard to tuning of a gantry setup, I've given it some thought, so here's my 2c worth.
    With your bridge off, if you can come up with a plate or other mass you can bolt to one of the bridge base drives, that is half the mass of the gantry, then you can tune it up and copy the file to the second amp and continue on.

    Obviously though, you must have your mass attached well, so there is no flopping around or other erroneous motion just from the mass during tuning.

    For squaring using only Quickset, I can't think of a good way after power-off other than throwing a square down and using an indicator, and jogging one till it's right.
    If you're using Control Point, it's much easier, as the two axes' position indicator goes green when crossing the index channel on the encoder, telling you the count that it occurs. Then, when you know you are square, you need only to record the count difference from indexes. Next time, jog one till it's the right offset.

    Otherwise, I'd make some precision blocks in place of your hardstops that can enforce the squareness, pull the bridge to these stops, and enable.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    small world

    Thanks for the advice guys. Mike, I didnt know you were on here. I'm Franklin Milton who contacted you about some of your servonut actuators that I got on ebay. Best deal ever, I got 8 THK actuatrs and 2 BE actuators for $300. Anyway, gloating aside, the teknic drives have been very straight forward for me and the documentation is great. Of course they wont give us ebay hunters any help we gave them no money.

  3. #23
    Hi Franklin,
    Oh, you'll love those ServoNut stages. Are they the gold ones with the single bearing rail?
    If so, you may want to defeat the air brake, otherwise you'll need air to de-activate the brake.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    custom motors

    Victor, (or Mike)

    I have some odd Pacific Scientific motors that I want to use with my Teknic drives. You could say that I need to do a custom custom motor setup. I have some questions.

    Is there an easy way to determine the inductance of the motor windings? I need this to set the winding constant.

    The manual says that one can find the RMS limit by dividing the continuous current limit by 23A multiplied by 100. This does not contain units of torque but the custom motor window RMS setting does.

    How to determine Kip and Kii or a starting point for tuning the torque loop?

    Vector Reference Offset?

    TSR angle?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    still out ther victor?


  6. #26
    The best way is to find the datasheet on the motors for the inductance. If you can't find it, there is a rough cut formula for determining it that I can't seem to find yet. I'll have a look. I believe you can get started with those gains at zero. There's also a third party motor setup doc I'll try to track down for you.
    Are you using SST1500-UCX or RCX?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    They are the AVS version sold by Bearing Engineers so im not sure.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Everman View Post
    The best way is to find the datasheet on the motors for the inductance. If you can't find it, there is a rough cut formula for determining it that I can't seem to find yet. I'll have a look. I believe you can get started with those gains at zero. There's also a third party motor setup doc I'll try to track down for you.
    teknic kindly sent me the document.

    If I rotate the motor while tuning there seems to be two modes that will produce different tuning results. This is just a bare motor, most likely of poor quality. I'll try again maybe with a better motor.
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  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by victors View Post
    Hi Carl,
    There are several things to consider. 1 - Tuning the servos, 2 - homing the axis, 3 - squaring the machine and 4 (your question) - running the axis.

    Some of this depends on your controller and some on wiring. To answer your question first, the drives should be wired in parallel to the controller so each drive receives the same step and direction signal at the same time. If your mechanics have the motors spinning in opposite directions you must reverse the direction input somewhere along the way, either in the drive with the reverse function, in the controller or in the encoder wiring. If your controller is capable you can actually use them as 2 separte axes (like X1 & X2) and tie them together in the controller.

    Homing the axes, setting limit switches and squaring the machine will be more challanging. Once the machine is tuned and square you're all set, unless you lose power to the encoders, then the machine must be re-squared and homed. Since you'll likely tune the axis and square the machine with 2 computers this works OK when you build it, but not if you ship it and need to re-square it again at set-up.

    All this can be done with 1 computer if you create a ring for the drives, but you'll still need to connect them to a scope for the tuning. They could possibly be connected to one hard scope on 2 different channels to allow tuning both at one time. When tuning them with 1 PC you'll have to make very small changes to the tuing files as you go back and forth. Torque will give you an idea which drive is working harder.

    There is a ton more stuff we could cover, but some of it depends on how you plan to use the machine, how your controller works and if you're selling the machine to someone else.

    Let me know how else I can help.
    Hopefully there are still people interested in this thread...

    I've just acquired three Teknic sst-1500 drives with Kollmorgen motors.
    Everything works fine until I send step and direction commands (Mach3)to the drive. There is a thump from the motor and the the drive shuts down.
    Using USDigital encoder. Anybody else experiencing similar problems ?

    The motor reacts with a thump and the drive shuts down

  10. #30
    I can help if I know more...
    What do you mean by works fine until you send commands?
    do you know the amps have been tuned to the motors?
    do they lock up when power is on? does the green light flash fast when power is on?
    do you have a programming cable for it and quickset software?
    do you have a manual?
    Is it UCX or RCX?

  11. #31
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Thanks Mike.
    The drives are Teknic sst-1500 ACX.
    The motors lock up and I have them tuned to Kv=20,000 ; Kp=5,000 ; Ki=25 respectively.
    Motors are Kollmorgen H-344 Silverline series.
    The green light flashes upon enabling the drives.
    I have the manual, Programming cable and SSt-Quickset.
    Pulling my hair out here. Other than a possible faulty encoder, don't know what else it could be.


  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by starcat View Post
    Thanks Mike.
    The drives are Teknic sst-1500 ACX.
    The motors lock up and I have them tuned to Kv=20,000 ; Kp=5,000 ; Ki=25 respectively.
    Motors are Kollmorgen H-344 Silverline series.
    The green light flashes upon enabling the drives.
    I have the manual, Programming cable and SSt-Quickset.
    Pulling my hair out here. Other than a possible faulty encoder, don't know what else it could be.

    Hi Tony. ACX's are analog in only, so you'll have to switch the control side to analog +/-10v if it will do that(?), and then you may have to tune the torque loops when it's all together.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    May 2004
    How can I do that with Mach3 ?

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by starcat View Post
    How can I do that with Mach3 ?
    No clue, sorry. You may need a step and direction to +/-10v converter, if that exists. I'd search for "using Mach3 with analog amplifiers". Maybe there's a break-out board that supports that.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Hi Mike.

    Thank you very much. You saved me a lot of frustration.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Thank you very much Mike. You saved me a lot of frustration.

  17. #37
    My pleasure. I'm very interested to know how you get along. I've got a stack of those amps gathering dust, and no inexpensive way to send analog commands, but many options for sending step and direction. I hope you post your progress here, and I'll see it.

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Teknic STT-1500 ACX

    I am new (again) to this forum, I was looking for help on the Teknic drives I find that I am not alone, I pulled my hair for a week until I got them to work, I don't particularly like drives that need to get tuned through serial port and software, (permanently Psychologically damaged by Rutex drives).

    I would like to let you know that they are Step and DIR and that they work very well with Mach3. (You don't need to use them with analog converter).

    I would like to offer help to anyone who wants to try them out.


  19. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    How do I post any videos?

    Sure Mike, just let me know how to post videos on this forum. Or I could post it on Youtube and then pass the link on to you.

  20. #40
    You are absolutely right about those amps taking step and direction, Arturo. I had to call and ask, so convinced I was that my memory was good. My Bad, Starcat, I done steered you wrong, sorry. THAT's how thick the dust is on those amps. I've attached the old specs for that amp.

    My contact at Teknic says you should use Quickset 4 instead of 6 to talk to them; don't understand why.

    I still don't know enough to advise you on the clunk and fail, starcat. Sorry.
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