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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Uncategorised CAM Discussion > Anyone use PartMaker Mill-Turn Or Mill
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Partmaker Post

    I bought Partmaker a few years ago. I love the software. I tried the demo and it looked great. In fact, I had my office manager follow the demo dierctions and she was able to write a program. I did this to make sure the software was user friendly and that any new programer we hired could learn the sofware well without any excuses.
    We paid for posts on all our Citizens. They never worked right. We paid for support year after year, specifically to address post issues. They never fixed it.
    Now, our programmers cant use the software because the post doesn't work. Partmaker refuses to help.
    I feel this way about things: If I charge a customer for a part, it had better be right. I can't tell my customer, Hey, that's your problem. Live with it. Even when we ran parts that were in inventory at the customer's location for a year, if there was ever a problem, we ALWAYS took care of it. Not so with Partmaker.
    I hope partmaker reads this. They need to make good on their work and fix our posts that were paid for. As long as I programed using Partmaker, I worked around the problems. But the programmers I hired can't and don't want to work around the post. I had one very talented programmer who specifically said he WOULD NOT use partmaker because they would not support their post. He uses another software program.
    The machine dealer we bought our machines from told me, after I bought the software, that their applications department refuses to use partmaker because of this problem.

    This is how I feel: If I paid for something this expensive, it should work. If it doesn't, the company needs to fix it, no questions asked. Same service I give our customers. They cashed my check, took our credit card and gave us a non-operative post that negates the value of the overall product. What good is CNC software if your post does not work?
    support and got nowhere.

    If anybody can give me support at a reasonable cost let me know.
    C-32 & L-20. Unless Partmaker fixes their posts, I cannot recommend the software to anyone.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Sorry you feel that way

    Hi Joe,

    Because of what you said I looked up your records. I don't mean anything by this but to find out where the situation stands. As I always say, I do care people are happy with PartMaker. You had 13 total support records. I will email more exact information to you if you want.

    Operator Error 6
    Post Fix 2
    Post Enhancement 2
    Asked for information from Customer with no reply 1
    Support 2

    13 total record in 4 years. Thats not really a lot of records for someone who had as many issues as you indicate. Also, the majority of those records came down to operator error in settings. This can cause of lot of issue with people not having faith in the software as you descibe.

    If you would like, I can talk with Brian Disley and discuss these issues with him and you to help see what we can do from our end. Please let me know.
    Bill Cain

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I'm going to take you up on this offer. Get my posts to work and you have a loyal fan. Call me or send me an e-mail.
    I've always been an advocate of your software,but now I have programers working in the shop and they refuse to work with it because of the post.
    Make these posts plug and play so our programers can use it and you'll have three more new fans also.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    By the way, just to prove our point, we went the extra mile. I was out sick and we contracted on an emergency basis to have you guys write a simple program for us. You charged us for this as it was not a service you perform. But the program did not work. I had to end up correcting it as we always do. (work around the non-operative sections of the post) You had the ser no of the machine, etc. There was no excuse on your part.

    I also noticed that I complained twice about the post but it was not addressed. Thank you for the reminder. Maybe you will finally fix the post and make sure it works this time before sending it back to me.

    I'm a bit upset that the answer I've gotten from Partmaker is that we have to "catch up" with a maintenance fees in order to get the posts fixed. I say, fix the post and then I'll decide if I want the maintenance without my back against the wall.

    We haven't used your software since we stopped paying maintenace because I don't write the programs now. We have programers and they are not as familiar with the citizens as I am, which is why it is IMPERATIVE THAT THE POSTS WORK RIGHT. A set up guy doesn't have to become an engineering guru just to get partmaker to work after a company has invested over 20K into it. It should work right out of the gate. Otherwise, don't market your software for swiss machines. Its false advertising. I want my posts to work the way your tutorial works. That is what you advertised to me, that is what you promised me, and that's what we paid for.

    Why was my office manager ableto do the tutorial and post comes out right but a 40 year veteran can't get your bona fide sofware to work the same way (after having put down the real money, by the way).

    I even offered to work with you guys to get it right--you guys can work on the post till you get it right by using our shop. But every time we tried to get help it was the same result. No go. I have a shop to run and can't do your job and my job too.

    I'm putting this here to let people know...we didn't use your software for the past 18 months or so. And you guys want us to pay a maintenance fee. Why pay a fee for services not rendered? Fix the posts first, which were paid for, and then we'll get back on board without having my back against the wall. I feel like like you guys are twisting my arm.

    Why are you competing against me when I have to compete with China? Why do I have to pay you for a product and then have to pay you for support just to get it to work?

    Come on you guys. Be fair and make this right. We'll pay for maintenance when you do what you were contracted to do by giving us a post that works.

    I don't mean anything by this, but I think that if you pay for a service or a product you should get what you pay for. If I paid Partmaker for Citizen posts and I alerted you on numerous occassions that they were not working right, then you should have made good then, or at least now and not demand more money.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Helping you

    Hi Joe,

    You bring up some good points. I understand you want things to work as expected.

    In Talking with Brian Disley, I also have some points to mention.

    1. The most recent post versions were supplied at no cost to you.
    2. To my knowledge, noone there has been formally trained to use PartMaker. These machines are as you know complecated. Getting trained in the software is important to get correct code.

    That said, I will offer to help, but I will have to do some in my personal time as you are not on maintenance.

    What I would like to do here is the following:

    1. You guys program a part in PartMaker.
    2. Send me the Job files you programmed.
    3. I will review them, make changes needed and document them for you with full explanations.
    4. I will send the files back with this information.
    5. You run this on machine and let me know what the results are.
    6. I will fix anything that needs to be fixed in the post.

    My expectations are: If we notice that the main issues are because of lack of training, I expect to see your guys at training and your company back on maintenance.

    If it does not seem like a lack of Training, but I help get you where you need to be, I also expect you to be back on maintenance which you will see we have continued to improve the software.

    If after a reasonable amout of time your still unsatisfied, I will understand this.

    Please however be patient as I will be doing this in my personal time.

    You can email me at [email protected] with the files and any questions.

    Thank you Joe for allowing me to help you guys.
    Bill Cain

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    My Email

    Hi Joe, Just checking to see if you got me email as yours was placed in my spam folder where I dont check often. Thanks
    Bill Cain

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    I'm posting this as an interested observer. I started using Partmaker in 2002 and used it to program a variety of swiss machines and turn-mill machines, including a Tornos ENC-264 which never was an easy machine to program under any circumstances. We had a variety of unique situations that we had to do in the machines, especially with regards to unloading of completed parts.

    While I won't say that that, in all cases, the posts created a perfect program out of the gate, I will say that Partmaker never once let me down. Each time an issue was presented to them, the corrected post was available quickly, sometimes that same day.

    In the process I watched and learned while they made the changes, to the point that, using the post configuration software, I was able to make my own changes. In one case we added some unusual peripheral equipment to a Kia 21LMS trun mill that was controlled by M code. By then, I was easily able to modify the post myself to properly control those additions.

    Let me also say that I've used more than one CAM system over the years. I started with Vantage, the predecessor to Esprit, moved on to Esprit, then Partmaker and MasterCam. All were good products, but they also all required an investiment of time to optimize the ability of the programmer to use them efficiently. Of all of them, I got to the proficient level the quickest with Partmaker. As is always the case when doing something of value, the end user has the responsibility to "get some skin in the game"

    I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them highly.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Agreed. You cannot expect partmaker to complete everything for you (unless its just turning/endmilling/drilling). When you think about the thousands/millions of variables these machines have you can only expect it to push out maybe 80% of the program, which in any case will save you hours of writing it out long hand. I personally use partmaker for assistance vs for full parts as I tend to customize my parts to the very max.

    Plus, we didn't quite invest the time to totally optimize PartMaker. I'm sure it would solve many issues that I personally have. Still, the posts aren't perfect--nothing is.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2012

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Argentina Dealer

    We have a Reseller in Argentina. Here's a link to our Dealers.

    Delcam - Local Support Offices
    Bill Cain

  11. #31
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Post help

    but I need one that does not kill me with the price since I'm studying and need to learn to uzarlo for the company to buy it.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Best thing then is to sign up for our free webinars. You can do this at PartMaker CAD/CAM Software - The CAM system that assures success - www.partmaker.com
    Bill Cain

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    I like it

    Partmaker works great for me!

    I used to program Tsugami machines with it and now im working on lining out the post processor for Hurcos. if you know the code well enough you can do pretty much anything you need. I think people that have issues with the software not doing what they want are the individuals that don't realize that if you are going to implement a new software or a new machine into your facility there is always a learning curve. I do not care if you are a lathe expert, go from a haas, to a hurco, to a mori, to a mazak, they are all different in one way or another. most likely the post for partmaker isn't going to work exactly how you want out of the box, but it will be very close and with minor editing to the post, which i believe partmaker will do if you have maintenance. i know i used some macro stuff in my programs and they could even put that in the post.(they were very simple macros for cutoff) the moral of the story, if you are going to buy any new software, realize that it is different, and the way you programmed before will not match what you will do with the new software. the code may look different, but as long as you can comprehend the code, and it makes your part, who cares!!

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    hello everyone.
    My name is Ivan and I am student on last year of mechanical engineering.
    Reason way I contact You are my problem with PartMaker.
    I have got trial version from my faculty but we did not got any post procesors . I have read help about editing postprocesor and right now I would like to try to edit some. Because of that I am asking You for favor to send me any postprocesor for 3 axis mill and 4 axis lathe.

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Anyone use PartMaker Mill-Turn Or Mill

    hello somebody has a CNC lathe ctx210 GILDEMEISTER. i have lost the parameters all
    can you hel me? control fanuc 32i


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