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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Servo Motors / Drives > Elm-Chan smc servo controller programming and tuning
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    You can load it in for example avrstudio and look how much flash it uses.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Can I do this with MPLab ?

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    No, that is for PIC's

    Edit: Well, you could possibly load it in a hex editor if that is included and have a look. Any other HEX editor should work also.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I see your point about the file size (I never actually looked at the file size), but I programmed three drives last night with that file and they work fine, I have only tested the serial comm's and the drives start up in servo mode, then fault at the moment as I have no servo or encoder attached yet.

    I used Pony Programmer and wrote code to flash option and it worked fine. Remember to read up on the configuration bits, they will stop the program working if not set properly, as I have found out


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    This is the wikipedia entry for the intel hex format: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_HEX

    If you take a look you will see that it does not only contain the data but a lot of other thing as well. This leads to the seemingly to big file issue. In addition sometimes the program that generates the file omits unused sections in the file and other times includes the whole address range of the device(unused sections filled with 0xFF or 0x00).

    avrstudio is excellent for setting fuse bits... this utility is very helpful also: http://palmavr.sourceforge.net/cgi-b...=&P=ATtiny2313

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ciao a tutti coloro che si stanno cimentando nella realizzazione dell' Emc3.
    Ho compattato leggermente il Pcb per fare in modo che da una scheda presensibilizzata Eurocard 100x160, si possano realizzare 2 master, risparmiando sul totale dei costi, ho anche madificato leggermente le disposizioni ma il layout è sempre uguale.

    Hello to those who they are attempting in the realization dell' Emc3. I have resise slightly the Pcb in order to make so that from a presensitized card Eurocard 100x160, 2 master can be realized, saving on the total of the costs, also I have changed slightly the dispositions but the layout he is always equal.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Smc3-HP-CL1.jpg   Smc3-HP-CL2.jpg   Smc3-HP-CL3.jpg   Dissipatore.jpg  

    ICQ N° 224-091-233
    Ciao Dario

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Mostro le fasi di realizzazione delle schede.
    Nella foto "Stampa", c'è il PCB, ottenuto con la normale stampante a getto Canon 4550.
    Nella foto "Master", il Pcb, dopo aver passato un batuffolo di cotone imbevuto di una goccia d'olio, sul retro del foglio.
    Nella foto "Eurocard" il risultato dell'incisione di 2 Pcb su di una Eurocard 100x160, con gia eseguita la foratura.

    Scusate la scarsa qualità delle immagini, somo mosse

    Monster makes itself of realization of the cards.
    In the photo " Stampa" , c' it is the PCB, obtained with the printing normal school to jet Canon 4550.
    In the photo " Master" , the Pcb, after to have last a flock of cotton imbevuto of a drop d' oil, on the back of the sheet.
    In the photo " Eurocard" the result dell' recording of 2 Pcb on a Eurocard 100x160, with already executed the perforation.

    Excused the insufficient quality of the images, somo movements
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Stampa .jpg   Immagine 002.jpg   Eurocard.jpg  
    ICQ N° 224-091-233
    Ciao Dario

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Proseguo inserendo le foto del montaggi del drive.

    I continue inserting the photos of the assemblys of the drive.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Mont-0.jpg   Mont-1.jpg   Mont-2.jpg   Mont-3.jpg  

    Mont-4.jpg   Mont-5.jpg  
    ICQ N° 224-091-233
    Ciao Dario

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Those drives look pretty good ! How long until you power them up ?


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    This is great! An open source servo drive...

    This looks like my next project...
    I'm thinking about getting a C6 lathe and wanted to join the magical world of servo drives!

    From the original website, I see it can operate in mode 3 for positional control...
    However, I don't see anything clear about the interface method...

    Does this indicate it requires a controller to interface for cnc?
    It will be suitable for implementation to any embedded 32 bit RISC processors as a middleware.

    I have a bit of experience with programming AVR's in GCC (avrfreaks) but next to none with ASM...
    If it does require a controller, I would definitely contribute my efforts to build something...

    Nice work!
    If that's eagle, could you post the brd and sch files??
    If not, could you let me know what mosfets you choose, the original schematic didn't mention them...


  11. #31
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The drive takes step/dir inputs in mode three, just like most servo drives. It is a pretty good drive, I am just at the tuning stage right now, and so far so good.

    Oh yeah for those that are going to use the drive the documentation is a little vague on the parameter setup, but you will ganerally want to change p6 to something other than the -1 value it is by default, or bad things happen, ask me how I know It is the step multiplier, I found this in the smc3a text file, it is easy to miss..

    Same goes for most of the parameters but that is a good one to set.

    If you don't set p5 the result is much the same. I will make a little log of my settings and procedure but right now it is a work in progress.


  12. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    I can't seem to access the original site atm...
    Any hints on the layout and component values?
    Did you make your own board with eagle?

  13. #33
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I used mostly the schematic values as per the original schematic, even the 2184 gate driver chip, but I could only get the surface mount version at the time. I am working on a new version now, I did the first one in Eagle but will be doing the next one using Sprint layout. New version will probably use the IR2110 gate driver chip, DIL package, just a little easier for me to work with.

    Going to work on better FET arrangement for heatsinking and including current limit, and a general tidy up of the board.

    I will probably post the layout once I have tested it fully.



  14. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    That sounds great!

    If you need help/testing/anything, don't hesitate...

    I have a scope / Syil X3 / other equipment / and just enough knowledge to be dangerous....

    Also have lots of free time ...


  15. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Just found the previous thread for the Elm Chan Servo...

    Cross-linked for convenience...

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Metto le foto dei PCB realizzati in doppia faccia con rame da 70 micron, soldermasc, fori metallizzati, serigrafia, etc. etc. etc.

    I put the photos of the PCB realized in double face with copper from 70 metalized micron, soldermasc, holes, serigrafia, etc. etc. etc

    Mi scuso ma non parlo inglese e sto usando Babel fish
    I make excuses myself but I do not speak English and I am using Babel fish
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Servo-9.jpg   Servo-8.jpg   Servo-7.jpg   Servo-6.jpg  

    Attached Files Attached Files
    ICQ N° 224-091-233
    Ciao Dario

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    As for implementing current limiting.... Kreutz has an elegant solution on the hi power UHU board...
    Using a quad comparator LM393 instead of the TL082 negates the need for -12 vdc...

  18. #38
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hi Krazatchu, yeah I was thinking of looking at the UHU board for inspiration, it is a little ironic, the ELM Chan started as the basis for the UHU (as is my understanding anyway ) and now we are looking at using their current limit. I will check it out in the next day or two.



  19. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The complete updated schematic is posted on page 138, post number 1652...

    The thread is " DIY Servo controller " in " OpenSource CNC Design Center > Open Source Controller Boards" ...

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Just got back from the market, mainly went to check what drivers were available..

    Going to do as much SMD as possible... Less drilling and a bit cheaper than thru hole parts...
    None of the SMD parts are nearly as bad as the AD9833 DDS in MSOP package I soldered a while back...
    (had to take a pic with the camera and then zoom in to check it)

    Picked up a used Hitachi 36w 24vdc servo with a 200 count encoder for 20USD...
    There was quite a bit of selection of used servos... Mostly Japanese stuff...
    Found an 80W for 40USD and a 300W for around 100USD....
    Will have to calculate what size will be needed ....

    So far I have acquired...
    ir2184, irf540, her107-t, cd4013, lm339, 74hc14, max232....
    Couldn't get the 20Mhz tiny2313 in SMD, already have a bunch of DIL parts...
    May have to order it... Might stick with the the DIL part and not include the ISP connector...

    The schematic is almost drawn up in eagle... just "borrowing" Kreutz's current limiting now... Thanks Kreutz!!
    Will do the layout once I get the rest of the parts...

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