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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > BobCad-Cam > V26 Open Pocket problems
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    They have done updates on V26 and not changed the build number. NOT a good practice, as we see in this thread!
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    It's one of those spoon fed lines. Watch MS do a 180 on that soon.
    Fingers crossed


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mcphill View Post
    They have done updates on V26 and not changed the build number. NOT a good practice, as we see in this thread!

    It may have been a bad download I had but.... well if they have its certainly not a good thing. Will have to try the update on the laptop when I can wrestle it free from the better half and see if it cures its crash on closing the sim.


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I can't say as I completely disagree with just leaving the update number the same. The update was out for about 2 hours, but those of us who tried it right away discovered there were quite a few new bugs, so they took it down. Within about 36 hours, they had re-released the update with all of the fixes to the new issues, so there really weren't many people who would have likely got the initial update. It might have been more kosher to give the update a new number, but perhaps they were aware of the number of potentially affected people based on their server data and decided it was unlikely that there would be a problem with leaving it the same. There were enough little things there that you wouldn't want people rolling back to that particular version of 1182 anyways, so leaving the build the same would prevent the bad version of the build from seeing the light of day beyond those who happened to update in the first 2 hours it was out. All in all, I recall being impressed with how responsive they were to very sudden feedback they got from the forums here and the turn around considering what had to be done was simply fantastic.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I think I remember that mmoe, so not sure if that was my problem as I definitely updated after it was released for the second time, unless of course I had just done so at the workshop computer and not so here at home.
    If I recall when I installed the update last night it just installed rather than giving me the normal defaulting to repair I would have expected if it was the same build, then again it was the early hours so maybe I just clicked my way through on auto pilot and never really took notice.
    In any case it all seems fine so at least now I can do my job


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    There is still a bug lurking in the V26 Build 1182 Adaptive Roughing strategy but I can't remember if it was in the 2D or 3D. It is related to the problem mmoe found with the conventional stepover setting. If I recall correctly it had something to do with ignoring the stepover parameter for Conventional or it had Climb Cut step and Conventional Cut step backwards. Something like that.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Ok, I found the file I was looking for. It's not exactly a bug, it's more of a "I hope I remember that next time". I was milling out a slot in hard material with a 0.1875" cutter using the 3axis - Adaptive Rough. At first I was climb milling only but the return link was too slow so I checked Zig-Zag. My stepover was 0.0375 but when you check Zig-Zag you MUST adjust the conventional stepover. You would think it would default to your Climb Cut stepover but instead it simply defaults to 0.1000" and you barely notice because it is greyed out.

    Small gripe, but having to check a box to change an arbitrary default value is dumb.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I think there are likely lots of things like that but looks to me like BobCAD are doing a seriously good job of fixing things up as they are found, hopefully that continues

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Oh yes, I almost always keep a list of BobCAD issues and V26 has the smallest list yet. They fixed the first update as mmoe said in just a matter of days.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Hood View Post
    Ok case closed, just re-downloaded and re-installed the update and all seems to be working fine now. Must have had a bad install or something, either that or maybe the update has been changed but the build number not, wouldnt think that to be the case but you never know
    Anyway all seems fine now so thanks all for your help.

    Yes, you surmised correctly, the 1182 build was changed shortly after V26 was out, there were several issues that were adressed and yes again, they did not change the build number.

    :rainfro: :rainfro: :rainfro:

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Seems they could have at least done a 1182a or 1182.1. I agree, not TOO many people affected, and I agree they reacted pretty quickly as well - but they had to due to how bad a few of the issues were...
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mcphill View Post
    Seems they could have at least done a 1182a or 1182.1. .
    That is actually how it is setup, although, you only see the revision # during installation. If your unsure, rerun the installation (a few seconds) and read the build version number there.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Well looks like I had never installed the update here on the home computer. I checked at the workshop and it worked fine so obviously had updated there.
    I found the download I had here at home and it was exactly the same as the one I downloaded yesterday. I must have downloaded it and gone onto something else whilst it was downloading and then forgot to install.
    I had looked at the build number and thought I had the latest when in fact I hadnt, so totally my fault


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