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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    I can confirm that you can indeed add widgets, if there is space to do so. Coming from 2 decades of using Visual Studio to designing gui's I find Glade to be minimal in functionality, but it beats hand coding :-)

    It is worthwhile starting here for the layout etc. Wiring python code to the actions/signals is probably best learned via other sites relating to gtk and python. Or looking at Tormach code. Perhaps start by tinkering with something simple such as file_chooser.glade and its related python code. Still, it won't be a 10 minute learning curve afaict


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    (;-)I understand that it is not simple I have been making CNC controller screensets for about a decade now. But setting a new button on teh screen and then adding in teh support code for the button press is not rocket science anywhere else but Glade GTK and PathPilot. I have also hand coded many screensets on controllers that did not have a Screendesigner.

    Even teh very basics so far has eluded me figuring out how to do the simple basics things with GTK . So Yes I am looking for hints and suggestions on how to get that far in teh game using it with PathPilot. Looking at teh code does not help with the screenside and Help videos do not cover working with a PathPilot style screen.

    I can somewhat program in basic, mach3 cypress, Mach4 Lua, Uccnc C# and use visual studio and Sharp Developement studio so it is not like I am starting from scratch trying to learn teh process. IF it ends up as programing the screenset by hand then PP is not for me . Been there done that one . I am looking to USE PP for machining not getting a master degree in GTK screen design.

    So far I can only assume that no one has gotten GTK to work well enough with PP to be usefull ???

    (;-) TP

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    but it beats hand coding
    Not so sure. Add a line of Python, and the button appears -- using the GUI builder isn't really all that necessary ...
    And when you do it all in code in one place, the patch to each new version of PathPilot becomes simpler.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    TP: Your problem isn't with Pathpilot but with Glade. It is a minimally useful toy. The total lack of drag/drop is very telling of the limitations of the tool. This is the user manual: https://developer.gnome.org/glade/st...x-info.html.en I kid you not.

    In order to add a button widget you need to have a container to put it in, I learned that by trial and error in the true Linux fashion. If the container is not big enough to hold the button nothing happens, without a hint. Start with one of the smaller glade files for Pathpilot, tinker with that before trying to add widgets to the main gui.
    My admiration for Tormach developers has gone up exponentially this week.


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    Quote Originally Posted by jwatte View Post
    Not so sure. Add a line of Python, and the button appears -- using the GUI builder isn't really all that necessary ...
    And when you do it all in code in one place, the patch to each new version of PathPilot becomes simpler.
    Except you have zero context within the overall gui to go by? When they move something you will still have to sort that out. Perhaps a better statement is 'using the gui builder is not all that helpful" :-)


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    Yes you have a background then you place a container that is the button then you can add a text label or add a graphic to the button then Glade adds in the Python structure to provide a function when the button is pushed or released . That is standard GUI programming no matter what you are using to generate the GUI . BUT there is something strange about Glade and PathPilot . I cannot even do a simple copy and paste to add a simple button to a screen where there is a ton of room so size is not the limitation. It is more a restriction of permissions to be able to modify the Base/background tobe able to add teh button. I keep getting error messages about not being able to modify the parent layer.

    I have tried all teh different types of screensets in PathPilot and NONE of them have allowed adding a button . You CAN change somethings like button labels or tool tips where teh scructure is already layed out and working. But so far adding something directly to pathpilot has eluded me totally using Glade GTK.

    As far as doing mods then updating is very simple to do. Here I save off 5 files that I have modified. I save them to the desktop(simple) Then I do the upgrade. Then I copy the 5 files back to there original folders and bingo it is updated and up and running again. VERY simple so far .

    Hopefully there is someone that HAS made Glade GTK and PathPilot work together.

    (;-) TP

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    Couple of questions for you Vmax549:
    When you run glade-gtk2 with the appropriate gui file, do you see a gtksourceview widget listed in the lh panel at the bottom?
    If not, are you certain that you have copied my latest version of the gtksourceview calatog file to /usr/share/glade3/catalogs? This file internally on the second line must reference gtksourceview2 in two places, not gtksourceview3 as it was in my first copy of that file.

    Lastly, in Package Manager, does yours match the pic attached?

    Without gtksourceview, there is no path forward. In my case, using the instructions I have posted, I do have that widget available and can run the saved/edited gui file successfully.


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    I did check for teh 2.0's in teh sourview file and they are where they are suppose to be. I will try starting over with PP and reloading Glade and see IF that makes any difference. As to seeing the Sourview displayed in the Glade screen I am not exactly sure as to where you referred to. A screenshot would help.

    (;-) TP

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    On the Glade screen the LH side has all the widgets you can use displayed. Gtksourceview should be shown at or near bottom of that display. Also confirm using Package manager that those packages are installed as shown on the screenshot.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    Hi Gerritv, you asked earlier what would happen if I simple open teh Glade file then saved it without any mods. When I do that PP crashes on load. I have to copy over a fresh backup copy of teh Glade file to make it work again.

    (;-) TP

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    yes, I know that. That is why I am trying to get you to do some more troubleshooting aas I can make changes and run the result (albeit the process is mind numbingly stupid but that is the Glade tool afaik)
    Let's get you to point where the open, save results in a usable file before getting to additions.


  12. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    OK I unloaded Glade and did a reinstall it install v3.8.0 I sudo thingyed teh gtksorceview file to it location. Checked teh package manager and it look fine with a lot of 2,s and 3,s like your example.

    Glade loads teh Glade file just fine as it did in the past. BUT exact same problems as before . IF I load and save PP crashes . IF I compare the new glade file to a backup it comes out exact copy. I can then load teh backup file and PP runs fine.

    (;-) TP

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    This is the error message for PP on load. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set buffer.

    Also this time comparing teh 2 files there are differences between the 2.

    (;-) TP

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    Did Glade show the gtksourceview widget at or near bottom of LH panel where all the other widgets show?

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    I do not see anything that pertains to sourceview.

    (;-) TP

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    then there was no point trying to run the saved glade file. The terminal window that you started glade-gtk2 from would have had error messages sayinf it was missing as well. It is worth reading error messages :-)

    And I am quite confident that you are not comparing the correct files, if gtksourceview widget is not in the Glade tool, then any related code is stripped from the glad file on save. Which is why it won''t run in Pathpilot.

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    When starting Glade from a terminal earlier there were NO messages about gtksourceview missing

    BUT since rebuilding everything there are a ton of error messages now from teh command line. Says things like cannot load moduals gtksourceview-2.0 from any search path

    failed to load external library gtksorceview-2.0

    I can only guess what any of it means and how to fix it.

    (;-) TP

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    Please don't be offended but are you certain that you have the path set properly? From a terminal do:
    cd ~/tmc
    source ./scripts/rip-environment.sh
    and see if things improve.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    Please add the output from terminal that you ran Glade-gtk2 from as a file to this thread please.
    Please post a photo of Package Manager as shown in my earlier post (you sort the installed packages by clicking on the lh item in the list header).
    Please post a file with output of "cd /; find / -name gtksourceview* "

    And when you say rebuilding everything, did you reinstall Pathpilot and OS from the original V2 USB? Or does it mean something else. Clarity will help us.


  20. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: PathPilot and GLADE

    Rebuild means I uninstalled all of glade and did a reinstall from Sudo apt install. Posting teh logs may take a while as this Machine does NOT have internet access so I can't post directly.

    I called teh shop and had them bring teh machine down and did the FIND it came back " no such file or directory"

    (;-) TP

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