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IndustryArena Forum > Events, Product Announcements Etc > Polls > Have you finished a cnc machine?

View Poll Results: How many CNC Machines have you finished?

1148. You may not vote on this poll
  • Not planning on building a cnc machine.

    24 2.09%
  • Still planning 1st cnc machine.

    280 24.39%
  • Building 1st cnc machine, but it's not done.

    313 27.26%
  • Finished 1 cnc machine.

    339 29.53%
  • Finished 2 cnc machines.

    100 8.71%
  • Finished more than 2 cnc machines.

    92 8.01%
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Results 21 to 40 of 160
  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Have only done some small jobs on my machine since I stripped it for painting and put it back together.

    I just have to set up the rails again and finish the electrics.

    I have spent the past three months finishing an aeroplane I m building (full size) which must be completed before the 10th June so after that I will be able to get my machine up and running.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I am still building and designing my first cnc router. Got my controller done and tested finally though. I started out designing and building the Z-axis first then
    I did the Y axis and now I am working on the main gantry structure. Will do the X-axis and stand last.

    I found as I was buidling I kept expanding the size of the Y and x axises to allow for more usefullness of the machine. HEHE

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I am at the design phase myself and find
    for every idea I want to use I figure 3 more out

    the machine changes so often I can't get a start on it until I quit reading about all your guys great ideas
    so I can stop and build one

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    finished one worked well, modified it and it worked even better, modified it again and improved it every time. I'm now starting a whole new second machine. I hope this stuff never ends
    never set a pace that you can't maintain

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    yes YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    still gathering parts for my first.
    Dan Sherman

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I chose 'still working on my first machine' when the poll came out.
    Since then I have finished it and already used it to cut parts for my RC plane project.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I've got the steppers, stepper controller boards (from http://www.embeddedtronics.com/), PC and bearings (from http://www.modelfixings.com). I'm waiting for delivery of the ACME rods and zero backlash nuts. I have a transformer for the power supply, just need the extra bits to convert to direct current. When I get the ACME rods I'll start cutting the MDF.
    My mill will use a movable table and have a 30cm x 30cm x 15cm freedom. It will be used for cutting model helicopters parts mostly.
    When everything works perfectly I'll add a fourth axis.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I have almost finished a retrofit on a baby mill, just have to attach the limit switches, I have in the meantime completeted several machining projects without the limited switches

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Is one EVER done?
    I have just finished putting ball screws on the X and Y axis, but Now I find there are other things that I want to do to imporve it.


    Right now, it works, so some may say it is done.

    Now to improve it.


  11. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I'm working on making my Bridgeport Series II work again. Control was stripped out by the person who sold it to me. I suspect that it didn't work before that, but I wanted a stripped mill because I wanted to put a control in myself. It is getting a little tiresome though.

    There is a project log for people who are retrofitting mills here: http://cnczone.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=221

    The project log seems to be a popular feature for routers, but for mill retrofits there is only my log and two others.

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Just started constructing the bearing assemblies(skate bearing set up) for my first. Haven't finished planning though, too many great possiblities gleaned from this site. I have to get started on the construction or I won't ever get to it....

    You guys have been great answering questions. My thanks to everyone who contributes here!! I keep finding answers, and no question has proven to stupid, thats a big encouragement tto those of us completely new to this obsession.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Been at mine seriously for about 3 months now and progress is posted in the DIY project log forum at http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6840

    There are still loads of questions to be answered and if it was not for finding this site, I doubt I would have had the nerve to start. I had been thinking about it for years but this site gave me the necessary confidence to get stuck in.


  14. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    first uni-polar small (200 x 300mm)gantry router up and running still some software bugs but it works!
    mini mill retro-fit half done (bi-polar/software problems)
    600 x 500mm gantry router to be assembled gathered all parts just need time!

  15. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I've got my first picstep driver up and running.
    My XY-table is 80% complete, my spindle and Z-axis 60%.
    Things start to come together.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I have 1 CNC machine running. Don't know that I'd say it's finished though. I don't think it'll ever be really finished to how I'd like it. I made the mistake of cutting with it before I got the home/limit switches on, plus a few other odds and ends. Starting to plan for the second one now. The first was made from parts I had lying around. I spent around £100 on the actual machine. Probably the same again on building PICStep drivers. The second machine will be built more to a design I'm still working on.

    Some pictures are on my website if you fancy a look.

    Regards Terry.....

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I have 3 Picstep boards complete and running well on the kitchen table !

    My up's and down's are on this thread :-


    I'm battling with free time at the moment so bashing away building it in CAD first.

    Quite surprising from the poll how many are in a similar position

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Working on my first.

    Testing it now and exterminating the bugs.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba
    Is one EVER done?
    I have just finished putting ball screws on the X and Y axis, but Now I find there are other things that I want to do to imporve it.


    Right now, it works, so some may say it is done.

    Now to improve it.

    Bubba has nailed it. Any complex project, inevitably, is a work in progress. Even if it is in hard use, the builder KNOWS what could be done to improve it. And the lure of improvement is very strong. I "finished" a mill quite a while ago, and I'm still messing with it. I'm currently adding much needed swarf-guarding for the ballscrews and rails. If you are scratch-building a mill, router, or lathe, I HIGHLY recommend you plan on the swarf guarding from the beginning, rather than try to add it later. Once it's all together and aligned, it is a pain to tear down portions of it to add bellows, etc.

    While I was building CNC mill Mk1, mill MK2 parts were also being produced simultaneously. Once set up for an operation, it is not too much trouble to produce 2 or 3 parts, rather than just one.

    I'm finding out the planning and building of CNC tools is every bit as rewarding as creating stuff on the finished machine. I used to think this was kind of a waste, but really, the reason we do this at home is to have fun, and if you are having fun creating CNC machinery, then that in itself is a fine thing.

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Mini mill conversion up and producing , the blondes still not shure i should be in the house if things are running in the garage but it runs and makes money. wooohoo.
    next fine tuning - better finish -ball screws- bigger machine e.t.c.
    and that 600x500 gantry router.

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