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  1. #5801
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Rah Rah Rah, what's it all about Alfie? Does the world owe China or India a living?

    The world in certain quarters probably owes their hearts and souls to the Chinese company store, but it was in payment for goods bought, nothing wrong about that.

    As far as I've been led to believe, the US of A is up to it's eye balls in debt to.....You guessed it.....good ol' Chairman Mao country, and now the big man in the "Big Hoose" is going to scrape the wall paper of'n the White House walls so's he got sumtin' to give to the Chinese and funnily enough the Indians come reckoning day.

    If 'Ol Bama signs at Copenhagen, then as insinuated by the frantic antics of Lord Monkton, the US of A is doomed to go willingly to the chopping block, to be ceremoniously sheared, and then unceremoniously bled dry before being relegated to the back waters of the world stage, they wish!

    I wouldn't mind betting my agriculteral quality jock strap, that someone will take it into their heads that it aint gonna happen, be warned Bama, if'n you got yo' damm fool head up sh!t creek so deep that yo' can't see the daylight, yo' gonna be a one term president make no error.

    Who in their right minds would sign away their countrie's prosperity so that another emerging country, who incidently is mooted to be the prime cause of their economic problems, could be subsidised by their country so deep in debt to that country it makes borrowing from Peter to Pay Paul seem like a normal exercise in Ponsy economic strategy.

    The World has gone mad, but the people that are in power are madder.

    But who put these people in power...........don't look now but the Humanoid nation is going into a downward spiral, and it only takes a mark on a bit of paper to make nobodies from the backwoods, sombodies in a White House on a hill.

    Did I hear someone say 'what about 2012'?.....Well the Ides of March may have come, but they definately ain't gone.

  2. #5802
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    If 'Ol Bama signs at Copenhagen, then as insinuated by the frantic antics of Lord Monkton, the US of A is doomed to go willingly to the chopping block, to be ceremoniously sheared, and then unceremoniously bled dry before being relegated to the back waters of the world stage, they wish!

    Who in their right minds would sign away their countrie's prosperity so that another emerging country, who incidently is mooted to be the prime cause of their economic problems, could be subsidised by their country so deep in debt to that country it makes borrowing from Peter to Pay Paul seem like a normal exercise in Ponsy economic strategy.

    The World has gone mad, but the people that are in power are madder.

    But who put these people in power...........don't look now but the Humanoid nation is going into a downward spiral, and it only takes a mark on a bit of paper to make nobodies from the backwoods, sombodies in a White House on a hill.

    Who, Ian?
    Australia, that's who. Rudd is at this moment prepping a bill that is going to RAISE YOUR POWER BILL BETWEEN 5 AND 20%

    By 2011 Kevin Rudd wants you to reduce your carbon emissions (not really) and begin paying carbon credits. Climate Change Minister Penny Wong is even more anxious to...how did you put it..."sign away ,, countries prosperity".

    Laugh and make fun of the U.S., while you in the Lucky-But-Not-Too-Bright country skip down the very same road you blast us for paving.

  3. #5803
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Unfortunately what this is all about is something that's probably too much for most to handle. Faced with the truth on this subject would likely bring the seeker of answers to a point where they wished they hadn't asked the question in the first place. Ignorance is bliss. And what's to come, being that we can't do much to change it should remain a mystery to the masses. Things have gone too far to turn back. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

  4. #5804
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JeffCNC View Post
    Unfortunately what this is all about is something that's probably too much for most to handle. Faced with the truth on this subject would likely bring the seeker of answers to a point where they wished they hadn't asked the question in the first place. Ignorance is bliss. And what's to come, being that we can't do much to change it should remain a mystery to the masses. Things have gone too far to turn back. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
    With all due respect...
    Is what this is all about to much for me to handle? Do you know something we don't?

    Faced with the 'truth'....? Don't suppose you'd mind explaining which truth that would be...or would that be too much for me to handle?

    Sorry, it just feels like you're leaving us hanging.

  5. #5805
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Climate Change

    I don't have anything from a "peer reviewed" journal to share so anything I add will be quickly dismissed. So what's the point? Let me put it in the form of a question. If there was an asteroid on it's way here that would wipe out all life on the surface of the earth would you want to know when it was going to hit? Would it be a good idea to tell everyone? Also what preparations do you think people in power would make to prepare for such an event to assure the survival of the human species?

    Asteroid is just used as an example.

    What if there was something that sounded too incredible to believe but it were true? It would be quickly mocked, called names and dismissed. In the case of strange bugs children stomp on them. In the case of incredible information adults stomp on it. lol

    I watch the people in power very closely and get my information based on what I see them doing and preparing for. George Bush and family are moving to South America. Not a bad idea.

  6. #5806
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JeffCNC View Post
    ..... If there was an asteroid on it's way here that would wipe out all life on the surface of the earth would you want to know when it was going to hit? Would it be a good idea to tell everyone? Also what preparations do you think people in power would make to prepare for such an event to assure the survival of the human species?

    Asteroid is just used as an example.

    What if there was something that sounded too incredible to believe but it were true? It would be quickly mocked, called names and dismissed. In the case of strange bugs children stomp on them. In the case of incredible information adults stomp on it. lol
    Not sure I get it...are you comparing AGW to an asteroid?
    If so, I'd like to submit that the difference is that we don't know if an asteroid is coming (at the moment), but the AGW claim is that it IS coming.

    Would you support an asteroid tax? Just in case it comes?

  7. #5807
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JeffCNC View Post
    Unfortunately what this is all about is something that's probably too much for most to handle. Faced with the truth on this subject would likely bring the seeker of answers to a point where they wished they hadn't asked the question in the first place. Ignorance is bliss.
    Ignorance isn’t bliss, ignorance is dangerous.
    Some things I don’t want to be ignorant about:
    Taking a bath in boiling water.
    Drinking ammonia.
    Jumping off a cliff.
    Jumping out of a fast moving car.
    The list goes on and on…......I wouldn’t change what I know now if I had the choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by JeffCNC View Post
    And what's to come, being that we can't do much to change it should remain a mystery to the masses. Things have gone too far to turn back. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
    What you are saying is like being charged by a hungry wild animal but instead of running or fighting for your life you simply roll over and allow yourself to be eaten. Add family members into the equation and it becomes even more obvious that giving up is not an option.

  8. #5808
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I don't think the Humanoids are ready for the big question.

    I suppose Que sera sera, (pardon the spelling, I don't speak German) will have to do in the event an asteroid makes things uncomfortable.

    Can anyone, I mean ANYONE whose anyone, expect any stargazer to keep the lid on an asteroid heading anywhere near Planet Mudball?

    Nope I didn't think so, that's why Bushy and co are heading South for the winter, or so someone just said, so does he know something we'all don't, and like a good likkle boy scout is going to "be prepared"?

    Perhaps he consulted with his ASTROLOGER to get the full two bobs worth on forthcoming events, on the other hand he's probably getting as far from the action in case he cops any flack from 'Ol Bama fallout.

    That Copenhagen thingy that 'ol Kev Rudd done gonna sign, maybe it's just lip service to the greater good, you know, appearing to do your bit, waving the flag but not actually doing anything.

    Certainly keeps the natives quiet.

    I reckon the other side will get a lot of handshaking and goodwill promises, but hard cash?
    Pull the other one, no one in power gonna put his head on the block that willingly, 'specially when yo' got lots o' hungry mouths to feed on empty promises.

    It'll probably take a few years to get the "thing" in motion, and by that time all the heads of state, currently in power, will be heading for high ground before the action starts.

  9. #5809
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    I don't think the Humanoids are ready for the big question.
    Is this the answer to the unspoken question?

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMe5dOgbu40&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?[/ame]

  10. #5810
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Well Dynosor, it seems all it takes is a few good men and the whole world is going to be stuffed.

    And how did those few good men become good?

    Why boy, dey bin doing a bit 'o dis and a bit 'o dat, and dey come up wid' a plan to make a universal tax that yo' gotta pay 'cos everythin' yo' gonna buy gonna have a bit added to it like, called carbon credit debit tax.

    Try not paying it......yeah try not to breathe under water....aint gonna do yo' any good, cos every where yo' go, someone gonna have that invisible hand in yo' pocket, not feeling fo' yo' privates, but seperating the hard cash for the Carbon Credit Debit Tax.

    Now everyone gonna be a tax collector, unpaid of course, and those that don't wanna pay it, don't get the goods at the checkout...simple....auto policing too..real cool.

    I get the distinct impression that The New World Order is coming into the station, and the Humanoids are flocking like Lemmings to see what the commotion is about, too late when they find out, to say, "stop the world I wanna get off".

    It don't even matter if'n yo' aint a tax payer or are just criminally avoiding paying tax, everytime yo' buy somethin' yo' gonna pay the Chinese, Indians and any other third world country lining up to suck yo' dry, a portion of yo' earnings, something like working for an absentee landlord in China, India Africa etc etc, but paying them for the privilege.

    Who was it that dreamed up the Carbon Tax thingy....they oughta' be strung up on barbed wire and left for the birds to pick clean.

    Only one good thing gonna come out of the fiasco, all those drug barons making millions selling hot tobacco gonna be also paying millions in tax everytime they go an' buy something....sh!t happens mates.....believe me, I wouldn't lie to youse.

    Maybe it's a fiendish plot by the govenment to close down the drug squad, save the money on their wages, and collect the drug money tax after it's been spent, that's a double whammy, win win all the way to the Chinese et al bank accounts.....LOL

  11. #5811
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    BTW, the unanswered question is tantamount to burying your head in the sand because whatever it is that's bothering you just might go away.

  12. #5812
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dynosor View Post
    Is this the answer to the unspoken question?
    My neighbor installed an elephant totem in his front yard at a cost of $82,423.42 plus $1,000.00 a month upkeep fee.... He told me that the totem will protect him and his family from rampaging elephants and that I had better get one installed also because it is better to be prepared for the worst than be an elephant denier.

    I tried to tell him that there are no elephants anywhere around here. That the rampaging elephants are 12,000 miles away on another continent and unlikely to ever show up in his front yard.

    He explained that animal rights organizations have come together and established a consensus of opinion that the elephants are disturbed by the presence of humans in the ecosystem. "It is only a matter of time before the elephants come here, the evidence is clear, indisputable, and final. There can be no argument The heads of state for most countries are meeting even now to sign agreements and join the nations together into one power to combat this growing menace. It is going to cost billions and our liberties will have to be curtailed but this is a small price to pay in order to be safe from Global Elephant Rampage. Those that don't have elephant totems will have to buy elephant credits from those that have the totems. This needs to be done in order to save humanity and to offset the costs of the totems."

    I again tried to point out that there is no clear evidence of GER. He replied that "The lack of definitive evidence is even more reason to prepare for the worst."

    I then asked if he had seen any elephants lately...???

    He said, "No, this just proves the totem system works, doesn't it......"

  13. #5813
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Not really about Climate Change

    I think dynosor is on the right track, this isn't about mans effect on the world and how it relates to climate change. Science has proven that climate changes are natural cycles that have more to do with the sun and our position in the galaxy relative to the galactic plane than how much CO2 we're emitting. It's about consolidation of power and wealth. Things along these lines are way further advanced than most people are generally aware. It's been done one drop at a time so not to raise any alarms, well the bucket is almost full and when it spills over the drops will turn into rushing rivers. It will be a game of survival with enemies in every direction you turn. What are your chances when the set goal is to have 500 million people on the planet when it's all said and done?

    It's not all about the subject matter in this video but this is part of it. The rest will make everyones weirdo-meter go off the chart.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6j-Zg4bRjp0"]YouTube - Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January 2008 - Study Findings[/ame]

  14. #5814
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post

    Who was it that dreamed up the Carbon Tax thingy....they oughta' be strung up on barbed wire and left for the birds to pick clean.

    If there is one individual who could be blamed, it is someone whom you have defended fervently. It is someone that you look up to, someone that I have argued against equally fervently, someone that you praised.

    He won a Noble Prize. You sang his glories. He conspired while in power with Enron's upper management to devise a scheme that would create a new market, one that would be profitable for Enron and him. Long before we knew what was going on in the backroom boardrooms, long before we knew what they had in store, a plan was being hatched to make money in a grand new way. They created a monster that we would have to pay for.

    For his efforts in scaring us with this monster, he won a Noble.

    His name is Al Gore.

    Your F#(n hero.

  15. #5815
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sorry Fizzwizz, I think if'n yo' take yo' blinkers off for one moment you'd have noticed that some time back now I DID definately say that I changed my mind about 'Ol Gorey, due no doubt to the continuous stream of evidence that made the guy seem a con man of the first water.

    To be more succinct, I did say I envied the blighter for being able to make a 100 million bucks LEGALLY, (could only happen in the US of A) and in spite of being lablelled a con-man, got to keep the stuff, and walks free to do the same again.

    That certainly beats being labeled a petty thief for holding up a liquour store for a bit of small change and a coupla' cartons of fags, and not getting away with it, and yo' don't get to keep the fags if'n yo' get caught either.

    It doesn't take much imagination to realise that at first call the "inconvenient Truth" video did raise a bit of interest, mainly 'cos it was cunningly put together, what propoganda isn't, but in the cold light of day it didn't stand up to close scrutiny.

    Once the seams got picked out, it started to fall apart, but in the meantime 'ol Gore made a whole heap of money, 100 million razoos or so I'm told, and a whole tidal wave of "like" enthusiasm for a new cause was on the roll, and it's gonna take a heck of a lot of effort to get the brakes on and the whole messy garbage pile tied down for disposal.

    I did like that totem pole bit 'ol Dufa posted, well done sport, so very applicable to the current hysteria.

    It seems there's no stopping the heads of state once they get the bit between their teeth, and I can guarantee that NOBODY put 'Ol Bama in the pilot seat in order to begger the country or sell it to the Chinese et al.

    The laughable bit is that when yo' owe so much to someone, and are going to promise to owe a whole lot more, when, oh do tell me mother, when do you stop owing and actually start to pay them back?

    The answer is never, because it's physically impossible to repay even the interest on the principle when the printing presses run out of ink printing all those noughts on the end of the original debt amount.

    What will happen is the debt will just change form and get a different denomination value, change from dollars owed to carbon credit promises.....isn't that what's being proposed now......?

    All we gotta do is invent a new use for all that carbon, and I'm pretty sure some scientist somewhere is working on that bit right now.

    I know that carbon fibre is pretty strong, so that's a good start, maybe we'll be making carbon fibre houses, cars etc, no recycling needed.

    The irony is, once the Chinese get paid with US of A carbon rubbish, the Chinese will find a way to convert it to something saleable, and pretty soon they'll be exporting the stuff back to the US.

    I know black is beautifull, but all that carbon gonna make yo' life pretty dark...LOL.

  16. #5816
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    History of art

    Venice san simeone
    on the left national gallery london 17th century
    on the right contemporaine picture
    Question where is the flood?
    You may expect that the 17th picture show a palace a litle bit more up (due to the other lie of venice sinking but in fact it seems on this picture that it;s the opposite the level of water is a bit higher on the 17th picture.
    CQFD (ce qu'il fallait demontrer)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ScreenShot008.jpg  

  17. #5817
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yeah Rok, I believe, or as the guy at the bar told me, that Venice dissapeared in a catastrophic flood in the mid 17Th century, then 'cos it was of such architectural beauty and religeous significence the Catholic Church under Pope Ben the something or other, had a collection among the faithfull and rebuilt it on the ruins of the previous pile of rubble, which explains the reason it appears to be a BIT HIGHER than it previously was......LOL.....but then I could be wrong, how come they never had to rebuild London which as I believe is also on the same sea level as Venice present day.

  18. #5818
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    Mar 2007
    altitude of london varie from sea level to 245 m in Biggin Hill,
    venice is sea level that is the reason i choose venice
    also never no one pretend london was sinking(except financially of course)

  19. #5819
    Join Date
    Jun 2004



    Satire of most everything by an person that lived under communism

    If you haven't seen it, here is a site that you may get a kick out of.......... http://thepeoplescube.com/
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Reunite_Pangea_500.gif  

  20. #5820
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Food for thought! I'm afraid that I'm a pessimistic optimist when it comes to climate change. The only thing certain is death and tax as the saying goes. Check out this interesting article, full text at:- http://blogs.abc.net.au/offair/2009/...-sceptics.html

    "If to question a science which relies so heavily on computer generated modelling is to be a denier or a sceptic, then stack me up with the heretics and go find the matches. Because modelling is a black art and the models will be wrong. They might understate or overstate the outcome but they will change over time. Model failure is so common there is a name for it: model risk.

    If you doubt how badly things can go with impressive models then consider for a moment the recent financial crisis. A lot of very big companies paid a fortune to a cadre of mathematics and physics PhDs, called "quants", who developed models that were supposed to eliminate risk. Turns out they got it hideously wrong and some believe they made a bad situation a whole lot worse.

    So, here is another piece of modern heresy, anyone who puts their faith in computer predictions of the future, is dealing with digital astrology.

    But the climate change debate is worse still. You can be branded a denier if you accept the problem and question the solutions."

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