I wired up my router this week and was hoping to spin the motors this weekend for the first time, but can't get it working.

I am using a 24V 25 A power supply, 3 gecko 202's, CNC4PC breakout board and an external 5V power supply from CNC4PC as well.

When I turn the controller on, I get 24 v to the gecko's, 5 V to the breakout board. The red LED light is on on the Gecko's and BOB.

Problem is that the motors wont lock up.

I have the +5v from the CNC4PC power supply going to the geckos as required, but where do I hook up the ground side of this to? Could the fact that this is not hooked up yet be the cause of the motors not locking up?

If not, what else should I check for?

