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  1. #41

    HemiCuda gets it!

    Quote Originally Posted by HemiCuda View Post
    There is no perfect CAM system and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. (Sorry MasterCAM Guys)
    You made my day with that one.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by HemiCuda View Post
    In regards to to "Being in Bed with" what I was saying is that it is clear that CNC Dude is associated with BobCAD. What is ashame (not just my opinion but many posts in this forum will confirm) is that to many moderators are editing posts based upon their ties / association with certain CAM products. Positive and negative comments are being deleted in the attempts to push people in certain directions.
    That isn't true. Moderators are here to make sure the rules aren't violated, such as Flaming, Language, Bashing etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by HemiCuda View Post
    This forum should be used as a means to acquire the truth about products. Not used as a sales tool to sway people towards one package or another.

    This is a Help Forum with the intention of sharing information with one another. The ads support the website so it is here for us to share that information

    Quote Originally Posted by HemiCuda View Post
    Probably like yourself, I have used several CAM systems over the past 20 years and they all have their good points and bad points. There is no perfect CAM system and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. (Sorry MasterCAM Guys)
    This I highly agree with because in Manufacturing and Design there are a lot of differences in products and services.

    The perfect CAD/CAM is the best one that works for you and what you need.

    Choice is a nice option to have.
    Toby D.
    "Imagination and Memory are but one thing, but for divers considerations have divers names"

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)


  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by HemiCuda View Post
    Probably like yourself, I have used several CAM systems over the past 20 years and they all have their good points and bad points. There is no perfect CAM system and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. (Sorry MasterCAM Guys)
    Don't be sorry, we're not offended. I don't recall any MC users claiming it was perfect. We know we've got a great package that works well for what we do and what we want, and we'll happily tell you that. But we won't say it's perfect.

    For the record, there are a few that have few (if any?) good points for the price) There are also a few that give you many more good points for the price than most others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Stevenson View Post
    This whole CNCZONE forum has some extreme hypocrisy and cronyism issues. I guess Paul Gentile won't stop playing games with our free speech until we all speak up and let him know we don't like it. I urge you all to write Paul and let him know enough is enough. I have tried to tell him but he just keeps making excuses for all the bad behavior going on here. There must be a line drawn between the advertisers and their completely dissatisfied customers. If I get banned for daring to speak the truth email me at [email protected]
    What free speech issues would that be, Mike? The fact that I didn't edit your attempt to incite hostility towards Paul? Or flat out ban you for it?

    I'm sure you haven't put it all together yet, but I'll try to help you along with this, try to keep up...

    You are not in the county square or at a street corner somewhere. You are on someone's own personal forum where you do not make the rules. You have absolutely no say in the way things are run and you are barely worthy of this response for all the trouble I go through with you.

    Free speech does not apply here or on any other forum, although I can tell you from experience that people are much freer here than many others. Well, with the exception of you personally, Mike. (In my best Irish grannie's voice) "You're well on your way to a smacked bottom" for name calling and being rude. Repeatedly.

    If I get one more reported post on you I'll consider marking you down as hostile and have all your posts reviewed before they're posted. And if even ONE of my mods complains about having to read your drivel, I'll just change your forum permissions to view only. (nuts)
    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  4. #44

    I am sick and tired of you. Lately the only thing you do here is attack me and bring everyone esle down. The only reason you shoot off your mouth like you do is because you are an administrator here. Why I have no idea because you don't contribute anything to the forum. I also notice you don't make your smart ass comments anywhere else on the internet unless you have the protection of being a moderator. (like at emastercrap.com) Wow, what a tough guy. You twist my words around and say more hostile things then I ever have. Ban me and see how this forum reacts you CAD/CAM fraud.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Stevenson View Post

    I am sick and tired of you. Lately the only thing you do here is attack me and bring everyone esle down. The only reason you shoot off your mouth like you do is because you are an administrator here. Why I have no idea because you don't contribute anything to the forum. I also notice you don't make your smart ass comments anywhere else on the internet unless you have the protection of being a moderator. (like at emastercrap.com) Wow, what a tough guy. You twist my words around and say more hostile things then I ever have. Ban me and see how this forum reacts you CAD/CAM fraud.
    Are you done whining? Man, you have anger management issues, Mike. You should take a few deep breaths. I'm sure if I ban you now the forum will go on just the way it is, only a little less cluttered by hate and discontent.

    I contribute to this forum plenty. For example I deleted another one of your posts calling names and throwing insults when all that was asked was a simple question. (nuts)

    I shoot off my mouth everywhere when there's a turd in the punch bowl. Show me where you've seen me other than here or eMC that I don't. Show me.

    Show me where I twisted anything anyone has said. A.N.Y.O.N.E. Show me.

    Show me where I've been anything but fair with the likes of you. Show me.

    If you can't, then STFU about it because quite frankly, we're all tired of hearing you do nothing but cause trouble.
    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Rekd, it's not wise to use moderator status in ways it shouldn't be used. If you see something truely not right, use it. I don't see anything Mike Stevenson is doing wrong. It seems as though you may just be trying to bully around because you have certain privledges. JMO

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by harley4ever View Post
    Rekd, it's not wise to use moderator status in ways it shouldn't be used. If you see something truely not right, use it. I don't see anything Mike Stevenson is doing wrong. It seems as though you may just be trying to bully around because you have certain privledges. JMO
    And the truth shall set you free. :rainfro:

  8. #48
    this thread was reopened for a reason guys , take advantage of the fact , no good will come out of tearing into each other
    if you have a gripe then spit it out , this door has been reopened for you after being closed

    my issue with bcc goes back a while on bcc deleted thread #10537 or so , a guy wanted a refund because bcc didn t work on his vista which apparently was promised to work , ive never seen as many firemen try to put out a fire , instead of helping the guy he was threatened with legal action and they did whatever they could to discredit this gentlemans every word , over and over again it was said that there was absolutely no issues with vista only to later turn and say there were a few , a certain someone got quite agressive about the whole situation , eventually it was clear early in the thread the poster was shut up and the post closed , i figured the guy got the boot and what got me was he was very civil and polite even though he got screwed

    i was looking at my options for a while around that time for an affordable software , when i saw the way those guys are first hand i decided FTS i bought Dolphin instead , one email and one simple pleasant phone call is all it took

    something bobcad should understand is the CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT , you told me different and i kept walking by buddy
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mike..We need You at CNCZone

  10. #50

    Thank you very much.

  11. #51

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jul 2008



    Hello and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts in regards to my previous post. I have a few minutes to spare and would like to share as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by tobyaxis View Post
    That isn't true. Moderators are here to make sure the rules aren't violated, such as Flaming, Language, Bashing etc.
    What I said is true... It's obvious what moderators are supposed to do, such as making sure the rules are not violated ETC. This goes without saying. But in fact, some moderators are deleting / editing information based upon their allegiance to certain products. There is no denying this, the proof is the very posts that reside on your forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by tobyaxis View Post
    This is a Help Forum with the intention of sharing information with one another. The ads support the website so it is here for us to share that information
    "Help Forums" are only helpful when "shared information" regarding products, services, software (good and bad) is allowed to remain as is. Sure, moderate the posts and make sure no violations are occurring but don't edit posts based upon anything else. As forum readers, we expect and are entitled to read what others feel in regards to products, services, software (good and bad). The majority of us don't want to see bashing, flaming and bad language so protect us from this, only this.

    In regards to ads, it's fine to share information regarding those products as these ads assist in keeping the forum open. Having said this, if your intent is to truly provide a "Helpful Forum" where "Information is shared" then don't delete the negative comments regarding the advertised products or delete the positive comments for competing products. Doing so would just verify that your intent is not to provide a "helpful forum" where "information is shared"

    Quote Originally Posted by tobyaxis View Post
    The perfect CAD/CAM is the best one that works for you and what you need.Choice is a nice option to have.
    I think we would all agree that having a choice is great. You would also have to agree that too many choices can make decisions more difficult. Having the ability to read about the good and bad regarding products could assist in regards to us making these decisions. So using your very definition of a forum, let's ensure that this forum remains "helpful" by sharing all "information" for all products (advertised or not)

    Best Regards

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by HemiCuda View Post
    It's obvious what moderators are supposed to do, But in fact, some moderators are deleting / editing information based upon their allegiance to certain products. There is no denying this, the proof is the very posts that reside on your forum.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Talking Mike, kiss and make up.

    Mike Stevenson is a good guy , all of us have had or will have a heated discusion on the Zone at one time or another.

    Like bulls in the china closet, no harm no foul.

    Mike, kiss and make up.


  15. #55
    Thank you Jeff. I appreciate your support. As my Filipina girlfriend would say Muahhhhh...

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2008



    I love the way you invent new words,


  17. #57

    Post Say what?

    Quote Originally Posted by joeybagadonuts View Post

    I love the way you invent new words,

    Do you love it now, Joey?


  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Smile "CRONYISM"


    I heard this story along time ago it goes like this.

    There was a herd of buffalo and the Indians wanted to kill a few.

    So the Indians caused a stampede, the big buffalo where leading the herd and in front of them was a cliff.

    The bulls that where leading the herd tried to put on the brakes to stop from running off the cliff however the other buffalo that where following to close behind pushed them over the edge by accident.

    That sounds like "CRONYISM"

    Kind of like the cheap drive thread!

    Be careful big brother might ban you.


  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by joeybagadonuts View Post
    Be careful big brother might ban you.
    I would really like to know why you said that Mr 15 posts out of nowhere guy. Was it to prove that Cronyism does in fact exist here?

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Lightbulb Was it to prove that Cronyism does in fact exists here?


    Please we all know that could never happen here on the CensorZone.

    Mr JoeyB
    16 posts out of nowhere guy to you

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