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  1. #6561
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Wanker of Oz Revisited

    So you alegidly hail from South Africa and are now in Oz do you there Wanker? For someone who supposedly is well educated you certainly do not show it much. For your information, the United States has Citizens of all dialects and persuasions, but most of us can easily speak and write in an educated manner in the English Language. Even most of those who speak like they hail from the Slums of Chicago or the Bronx usually can do so, so you do not need to "lower yourself" to our uncouth style of speaking. Type like an educated person and we can easily follow your drift.
    As for your comment "I bet his extended magazine shot pistol with no. 40 buckshot would certainly beat yo' home made mini gun come peashooter thingy yo' talked about making." It is obvious that your education is sadly lacking. First of all there is no such thing as 40 buckshot, everything below #4 is considered Birdshot. Secondly, you must not know exactly what a machinist is capable of. This is the CNCZone, where many, if not most of us are CNC Machinists. If the Afghan gunsmiths can duplicate an AK-47 with little more than a hand drill, cold chisles and couple of files, it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain cell firing, that a CNC Machinist can produce any small arms weapons system their little heart desires. The fact that most do not do so is more a reflection on their basicly good nature than on the difficulty in doing so. Very effective guns have been made in every society when needed or wanted. Even being in prison has not prevented such things from being made, nor has draconian penalties such as the death by torture of the perpetrator and the perpetratior's family. Personal firearms are not a major threat to most people, especially not when compared to other, more serious threats to their lives and livelyhoods. A friend once held up his AK-47 souvenir from his time in Vietnam and said "Behold the assault rifle, the least powerful weapon system on the modern battlefield and there are those in government who don't want me to have one. What are they planning to do to me that they do not trust me to have even this small bit of security".?
    I have known people who have owned both legal and illegal guns and even machineguns, some more than 70 years and none of them have ever used them to harm another person. It is not the gun that is dangerous, it is the person behind the gun that is dangerous and if such a person doesnot or cannot get a gun, they will find another way to carry out his/her agenda of hurting and killing others. Terror bombings are a good example of that sort of action.
    Wanker would have everyone except the police unarmed so that those who are strong and powerful physically can dominate the weaker. Fair enough, I am big and strong and well trained, but what about fizzissist's 10 year old daughter? With a gun in her tiny hand, she is just as dangerous as a 350 lb Rugby player bent on raping her, without it, she is simply a victim. Personally, I would rather console her for having to shoot a pervert than for having been raped. Only criminals or those who have agendas to victimize others truly have need to fear an armed population.

  2. #6562
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyger5154 View Post
    .... It is not the gun that is dangerous, it is the person behind the gun that is dangerous ...... Only criminals or those who have agendas to victimize others truly have need to fear an armed population....
    I believe you could also say that it's not the gun that is as dangerous as the person who doesn't want you to have one...while they keep theirs.

    In a country with rampant abuse of women (and little girls), .... and alcohol....no wonder people like Wankey don't want women (or his competition) to have guns.

    Criminals hate armed victims.

  3. #6563
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Grow up Tyger, get real, you just get the bit between yo' teeth and away yo' go.

    First of all you assume Fizzwizz is married with a child(s), ten year old daughter yo' say, that'd make him about 30 years old, any younger and he'd be a "child bride"....LOL.. (the photo he posted some time back makes him look more like teenage), so if'n 'ol Fizzwizzie's girlie got hold of a piece, I bet the recoil alone would blow her own self assurance to kingdom come, provided of course she wer'nt looking down the barrel to see if'n it was loaded....OOPS.

    Do I get the distinct impression that in yo' neck of the woods kids of ten years old are considered to be experienced at handling weapons? If so, she musta' started at least at the age of 6 or so,.......what a sick society, giving kids guns to play with....reminds me of that song..."Ah do'n like Mondays" by some singer or other in the 60's or 70's, 'bout a stupid guy who gave his 14 year old daughter a new .22 rifle each Christmas, and she went out and blew away a whole lot of people who pissed her off, 'cos she got depressed about starting the week on a Monday.

    On that age scale, I'd have to be walking around with a 20mm cannon just for starters....can you imagine trying to do a quick draw with a 20mm cannon?...LOL.

    The Numero Uno himself, 'ol Heston, had quite an armoury of weapons.
    OK OK, so he was an avid collector and a bit flaky and insecure, which was only revealed when he snuffed it, man that guy was weird, holding an NRA march past in the same town as the Columbine massacre, how insensitive can yo'all get.

    Any psychiatrist will advise yo', "ifn rape is inevitable, lie down and enjoy it"...can't say I subscribe to that notion, one of the reasons I don't trust the rsoles, advice like that could guarantee you'd go back into the closet for good....LOL.

    Getting back to my other line of reasoning, which is what this thread was supposed to be about, yo' know Climate Change an all that, has anyone ever had to drink from a puddle of water, so muddy and of dubious origin when their life depended on it?

    Try it some time, it'll open yo' eyes to what some of the people in Africa get to have each and every day....clean water is THE most important factor in your life.

    During the 100 years war in Europe in the 1500's or so, more people died from contaminated water than actually in the then horendous battlefield carnages imaginable.

    King Henry 5th lost 1/3 of his army before the battle of Agincourt from contaminated water sources.

    With a population of 300 million or so, yo'all gonna be drinking refined homogenized recycled pee, or so I'm led to believe from the science circle I penetrated by evesdropping the other day.

    Apparently, recycled body waste liquid matter contains some of the powerfullest anti bacterial agents known to man, (man made), and in the purification process only the solid matter and pathogens get removed, the rest goes round an' round.

    With the Climate Change being a factor of life, less rainfall will mean more recycling, but only if'n the measures to ensure adequate supplies are implemented in time.

    At the moment, no extra storage capacity is on the cards,...why?....'cos to cater for the increased population just 10 years down the track would need double the present storage capacity, and no one's got that much unproductive spare land in their locality.

    Down in OZ, we'all 'bin landed with an extra tax to pay for a desalination plant and a pipeline, that pretty soon will be on line, but as the drought has officially broken and it's pissing down most other days, we won't be called on to use it, however, as true as the stars come out at night, come the next climate cycle when we get another dry spell big time, we'll have the infrastructure to wade through.

    Your problems are only starting, if'n yo' powers that be draw any more water from the Colourado river, ain't gonna be no river past wherever it is at present, and to compound the problem, the proposed revitalisation of yo' industries aint gonna happen, seeing as how the powers that be think agriculture is a better paymaster than industry, and they ain't put measures in place to cater for the expected increase in water useage.

    One of the reasons agriculture is a better paymaster than industry, is because farm land belongs to a few lanholders and only requires a comparatively few land workers, (the stuff does grow by itself literally) compared to the infrastructure that is needed to continuously supply and support industry, which with the China Syndrome makes investing in industry in the USA ludicrous.

  4. #6564
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Global warming...oops... climate change is really climate moving. Climate shifts around the earth but the mean average temperature is the same. Were it not so the oceans would have risen 13 feet as money grubber Gore and others predicted. This year and last the west side of the USA is slightly warmer, but the east side is slightly colder. Sometimes Greenland is green, sometimes it is white. A couple years ago the Arctic ice was as low as recorded history shows but in one season it was nearly restored. You cannot fool mother nature.

    PS HW don't forget that the primary weapon of choice for wounding and killing by a ratio of 3 to 1 is the knife, not the gun. First choice for women is poison.

  5. #6565
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Well Dhellew2, if'n you're right 'bout the gun knife ratio, better not go visiting South Africa.

    Last year they had 17,000 GUN RELATED MURDERS, which as the spokesman for the police department proudly announced, "This is a big improvement on the previous year when we had 18,500 gun related deaths"......holy jumping jack rabbits DH, if the ratio is 3:1 in favour of the knife,that means there's another 51,000 they ain't statistically recorded, they done gonna wipe they selves off'n the face of the planet, where they gonna stack the bodies?

    One thing's for sure, when they get to burn that lot, gonna be a big increase in the Global Warming pattern and a big smoke cloud heading your way soon, never mind the smell.

    What isn't realised is the death rate from natural causes etc is 3 times as much, but with the natural birth rate being high (twice the total death rate) there's mor'n enough to go around and fill up the empty hovels and tin shacks of places like Blikkies Dorp in the Cape Province.

  6. #6566
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Climate science: Climate scientists plan campaign against global warming skeptics - latimes.com

    Climate scientists plan campaign against global warming skeptics
    The American Geophysical Union plans to announce that 700 researchers have agreed to speak out on the issue. Other scientists plan a pushback against congressional conservatives who have vowed to kill regulations on greenhouse gas emissions.

    Faced with rising political attacks, hundreds of climate scientists are joining a broad campaign to push back against congressional conservatives who have threatened prominent researchers with investigations and vowed to kill regulations to rein in man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

    The still-evolving efforts reveal a shift among climate scientists, many of whom have traditionally stayed out of politics and avoided the news media. Many now say they are willing to go toe-to-toe with their critics, some of whom gained new power after the Republicans won control of the House in Tuesday's election.

    On Monday, the American Geophysical Union, the country's largest association of climate scientists, plans to announce that 700 climate scientists have agreed to speak out as experts on questions about global warming and the role of man-made air pollution.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  7. #6567
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    HW Africa's problem has more to do with radical Muslim militants who's religion promotes killing and a promise if they get killed all in the name of Allah, again the man not the gun is the problem, starting with their messiah, the radical that wrote the Koran.

    As for birth rate, Muslims are listed on the web as the most prolific with 8-children. Radical Muslims want a 1-world order, theirs, where women are property not people and anyone that does not believe killed. Early in their history they tried to take over the world by force, raiding and killing across North Africa (guns were not invented yet) anyone that refused to follow their beliefs. Nothing has changed except that the Koran was revised to include deception to further their cause and bombs and guns replaced the swords as the weapons of choice.

    A religious war cannot be won, ever. Any religion that promotes killing is a political machine, not a religion. Even if the whole world turned Muslim the killing would not stop. Their religion is just an excuse to kill be it with guns, knives, or bombs.

    As for global warming.. er ... climate change so-called climate scientists are nearly all government employees and their job depends on having a cause. Their credibility ends with their paycheck. Most are unionized socialists.

  8. #6568
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Can yo'all imagine 700 Alchemists speaking out on the subject that the Humanoid species causes climate Variation?

    When did they ever get 700 Alchemists agreeing on any subject at once.

    Yo'd have to book yo' seat 10 years in advance, (long winded speeches), and by that time most of them would be changing their minds once they see the way the wind was blowin'.....LOL.

    The hall would be packed with hundreds of other Alchemists all wanting to dispute the guy on the rostrum, for one reason or another....but one thing's for sure the Hockey Stick promoting mob gonna get a hot reception.

    The only people making anything outta the meeting would be the hall owners, who would make a killing on the ticket sales......maybe Al Gore could be persuaded to voice his opinion seeing as he IS FOR THE CLIMATE CHANGE SYNDROM caused by Humanoids.

    Headlines...Come back Al we believe youse...700 do anyway...LOL. Good 'ol Al, the only man to enter the hall with honest intentions, (making another 100 million from ticket sales and book #2 royalties)....LOL.

  9. #6569
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hey dHellew2, You may be a bit off centre blaming the Muslims for ALL the African problems, when, as you like to do, go back in history and check up on the Crusades and the real reasons they were made, and that was the Catholics doing their thing, you know, the "Thou shalt not kill" bit, which 'ol Richard the Lion Heart seemed to enjoy doing big time, just to piss off 'ol Salladin.

    I fully subscribe to re-educating those people practicing the Satanic arts as a way of life, but land grabbing and power play, well that's politics, but when it comes down to religion, the Catholics like nothing more than a good 'ol burn up.....in the hundred years war in the 1500's or so, one town in Europe suffered 30,000 people burned to death just because they weren't quite Catholic enough to please the Pope.

    BTW, The high death rate in South Africa among the blacks, since they got "freed from white domination" that I mentioned previously, wasn't related to any religious differences whatsoever, but black on black indifference to law and order.

  10. #6570
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dhellew2 View Post
    Their religion is just an excuse to kill be it with guns, knives, or bombs.
    ....You forgot toner cartridges.

  11. #6571
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    At the same time don't forget to mention hail, as in raindrops (turned to ice) keep falling on my head......this could be considered an act of war if'n the muslims actively engaged in group praying for rain, and an excuse for another invasion 'cos of the "mass destruction" aspect of hail falling on your head....LOL..whatever next.

    Joking aside, down in OZ we get hail as big as cricket balls, and if'n yo' car is outside when one of them storms hits, you get body damage that will write off a car in as little as 3 minutes.

  12. #6572
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Listen up yo'all, some posts back, mor'n a few dozen at least, I harped on the the notion that foreign "investors" were buying up prime parts of the USA agriculteral land, installing "managers" and shipping the "exports" back to......where else, Mainland China for starters.

    Well that was just the tip of the iceberg, most Asian countries in that neck of the woods have been doing just that, very actively, for the past 10 years without raising so much as an eyebrow.

    Who knows about it?????....well nobody notices if it rains, happens regularly....who inquires as to who OWNS a farm when it's being "managed" by a born and bred local boy, working for a distant corporation, and the produce freely available to anyone who wants to buy it, except the profits are a reverse hidden Trojan Horse of humungeous proportions.

    Take for instance a basic crop of carrots, sold at the local market for $1 a kilo, "exported" for 10 cents a kilo, 'cos they "buy in bulk".....yeah?....try buying in bulk and you'll get told ,"sorry, all crop sold"....why, 'cos they're feeding the hungry millions back "home" where the REAL owners of the farm live.

    The actual profit is not the 10 cents a kilo that the declared price for export duty shows, but the gross weight of produce the land produces, to a foreign power when it goes ashore.

    Take off the farm workers wages, (highly mechanised, low labour cost) and the overheads of water, fertiliser local taxes etc and you have a "free market" economy that is practically Piracy without the skull and crossbones flag.

    You say it can't happen....well it is right now down here in the Lucky country of OZ for starters.

    A government paper has just come out highlighting the fact that approx $9 billion of prime agriculteral land was bought up by Asian based buyers in the last two years alone, who shipped the produce straight back East without selling on the home market.

    If I "rented" a property to a person for free, with the provisio to keep the potato patch out back watered and weeded, and then got them to dig up the spuds and deliver them to my door, I'd be living pretty....once I own the land I get someone else to work it for me for free.....money for old rope.

    To take over a country you wouldn't have to invade it, or occupy it, or even wave a stick aggresively in the air, just wave a dollar a day at them and get them to work for you for free......but first go out and buy the property, install a "manager" and pay only him very well, so's you don't get noticed as the actual owner, and your future is assured.

    Do that a number of times, 'cos nobody's taking any notice of someone just buying a farm here and there (and everywhere), and pretty soon you got real estate making you a fortune, but not in money, in food crops, at someone else's expense.

    I think if a representative of the Chinese People's Republic came to Yankee land and said to President B'OB, "Hey B'OB, Ploblem solving time here, me wanna buy you land, givee velly good price, double what local real estate worth, to poor local unemployed farmer boys". I bet 'Ol B'OB would say, "Get outta here, you gonna pay DOUBLE what that bit o' dirt's worth? No way, we gonna sell USA to China".

    On the other hand if a Yankee bloke fronts up and buys a farm it's quite natural, but if'n he is a front man for a corporation back East, who fronts for a corporation Far East, who'd know when the harvesting's done, where that cash crop gonna end up and on whose plate.

    One thing's for sure, ain't nobody in Yankee land gonna see any of the crop, 'cos on the local market the crop would be priced out of their reach to make sure it wasn't diverted from it's real destination, but for export purposes the "bulk" buy price would be rock bottom, 'cos the "new" man "manages" the farm and he gets to say who's plate it's gonna end up on.

    I don't expect yo' gov'ment really knows who own what now, seeing as how the door's been open for the purpose of "free market" trading for too long.

    It started in Africa, where local tribesmen, who worked the land for generations with food crop subsistance farming methods, were encouraged to plant "cash crops", not for food but for export dollars, so that they could "make money" and buy the diesel fuel and fertilisers to make the crop yield boom, and give them revenue to buy all the transistor radio junk and useless crap that the Western world takes for granted.

    Problem was they ended up paying 10 times the price for food in the "super markets" that they were originally harvesting for the price of their own sweat and labour, which drove them off the land and to the towns to work in poorly paid local industry.

    It's all happening as I said it was, but yo'all said it was hogwash.....some wash...LOL.

    I never hear'd of an export quota restriction, more likely...export more... make more "balance of trade" money, but the exports are owned by someone else before they even get to be planted, and the export price is for cents.

    Now that the US industrial ability has been practically eliminated by the far East strategy, there will no doubt be a massive Government drive to get the unemployed back to the land to produce more "exports", yeah...cents on the dollar exports.....and the rebirth of a nation on a dollar a day basis....the Chinese did it, and a billion Chinese can't all be Wong...LOL...LOL......and the poor peasant Mexican undocumented refugees, looking for a new life, will willingly work for even less than a dollar a day, as they are "encouraged" to do now.

  13. #6573
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    ...some of whom gained new power after the Republicans won control of the House in Tuesday's election.
    Republicans running the senate now??

    Are people finally waking up to the fact that Obama was nothing more than smiling hot air in a suit and that running the country should be left to the real men... ?

    With the silly Democrats kicked out maybe the US dollar will start increasing in value again and we can all relax a little. Something to look forward to.

  14. #6574
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Obama is nothing more than a puppet!

  15. #6575
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sadly for the ideals of the Founding Fathers to be so prostituted on the world stage, the US was born a Republic, but is now descended into a bilteral power struggle, in which puppets pull the strings and real men look the other way, happy only to reap their rewards and wear tin stars for the short term of office that so many only manage to swagger into and get dragged out as soon.

    Better keep your wish list quiet Romanlini, I'm dealing in the China market and with the Greenback flat on it's face, I'm cock a' hoop.

    The only way the US chappies are going to get out from under is to give the money back, tell "them" to stick it, and get back to the land....the Chinese gonna need feeding big time now their population done bust the billion mark.

    BTW, to whom it may concern, I don't respond to private messages, if'n yo' got something to say do it out in the open for all to see.
    I never was a great fan of a board meeting in the men's room whilst I'm doing my business...LOL.

  16. #6576
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by johyn View Post
    Obama is nothing more than a puppet!
    ...........and the puppeteer is ..... George Soros! (et al)
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  17. #6577
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    "BTW, to whom it may concern"
    My first impression was that of an *******! Then I thought, maybe i was a bit hard on the guy... So i sent a PM to try and make an amend...

    "You seem like an intelligent person. But please understand that, as many Americans, we don't care too much for people that want to take our rights away. Or disagree with them. The govt is doing enough of that. Our right to bear arms is what ensures our freedom from govt tyranny.
    It's not personal, just live and let live. we are all free to agree or disagree. I don't know what ozzie culture is like and you don't seem to understand ours. Maybe I'm wrong.
    I read your post about the Chinese in the US and that is not just a US problem. but a global one.
    peace "

    Seems my initial impression was accurate. we can share the planet and get along, or butt heads... makes no diff to me.

  18. #6578
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    4th grader wins the National Science Competition for disproving Global Warming


    Fourth-grader Julisa Castillo has been named the junior division champion for the 2010 National Science Fair for her project, "Disproving Global Warming." The project beat 50,000 other submission from across the US, but the clincher is that the panel of Judges included Al Gore.

  19. #6579
    Join Date
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    Great post dufas!

  20. #6580
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post

    Fourth-grader Julisa Castillo has been named the junior division champion for the 2010 National Science Fair for her project, "Disproving Global Warming." The project beat 50,000 other submission from across the US, but the clincher is that the panel of Judges included Al Gore.
    While this story is being claimed a hoax,..... the real funny part is that while the girl winning a prize for proving global warming wrong is a hoax....

    Al Gore's winning a Nobel for proving that global warming is real has been proven to actually BE a hoax.

    Looks like a 4th grader is as smart as Al Gore!


    Joyhn, you weren't at all hard on the guy. You'll learn. Just wait. You'll learn the hard way, just like the rest of us here.

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