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IndustryArena Forum > OpenSource CNC Design Center > Open Source Controller Boards > Probably the smallest 3 axis controller???
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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Actually I was looking for the original poster's (666) code. I'm in need of a silent driver so as far as I know i'm going to have to go with linear current limiting. Rules out the linstepper or any other chopper driver. Unless this assumption is wrong......

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rkremser View Post
    I know the .hex is available but I was wondering if the asm is. Just playing around thinking of changing the code to single phase full step instead of double. I decompiled the hex but it looks like there could be a few issues in the decompiled version and a commented piece of code could help out a lot.
    It was written in C.

    Phil, Still too many interests, too many projects, and not enough time!!!!!!!!
    Vist my websites - http://pminmo.com & http://millpcbs.com

  3. #63
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rkremser View Post
    Actually I was looking for the original poster's (666) code. I'm in need of a silent driver so as far as I know i'm going to have to go with linear current limiting. Rules out the linstepper or any other chopper driver. Unless this assumption is wrong......
    The Linistepper IS a linear current regulating driver and NOT a chopper in any way shape or form. The onboard PIC uses PWM to generate an analog voltage which is filtered to a pure analog (not chopped or PWM after filtering) before being fed into the analog current regulation circuit. It is very smooth, no vibration or humming from the motors once the microstepping is properly tuned for the speed of operation.

    It's quieter than a chopper right off the bat, but if you tune the microstepping capacitors, you can find a point where at specific speeds, the stepper is no longer stepping, but instead smoothly moving in a continuous rotation. Then it's /very/ quiet. Without tuning, or when moving at a slower speed, you will hear some noise as the motor starts and stops between each step, just from the vibration introduced by that rapid acceleration and deceleration.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hi all!
    I'm wondering if it's possible to use A3985 ( because of it's control and timing flexibilities), to control 2 bipolar stepper motors in parallel ( not parallel connected)?
    In fact the idea is to share ( in parallel connection) all the output of the A3985 through all the H-Bridges of the 2 motors and only switch the sense lines to the H-bridges to control the current.
    Like that I would like to drive both motors at different speeds( high speed control) CONTINUOUSLY, let's say quad-step mode or microstepping.

    Please, could you give me your point of view on this idea and maybe a better way to realize this idea.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by will_mo View Post
    Hi all!
    I'm wondering if it's possible to use A3985 ( because of it's control and timing flexibilities), to control 2 bipolar stepper motors in parallel ( not parallel connected)?
    In fact the idea is to share ( in parallel connection) all the output of the A3985 through all the H-Bridges of the 2 motors and only switch the sense lines to the H-bridges to control the current.
    Like that I would like to drive both motors at different speeds( high speed control) CONTINUOUSLY, let's say quad-step mode or microstepping.

    Please, could you give me your point of view on this idea and maybe a better way to realize this idea.
    Many things are possible given enough components...... If your asking using one A3985 to drive two H-bridges, it's not practicle. The fact that you wan't to run them at different speeds makes it HIGHLY impracticle. Your translators are at different positions so phase currents differ. Bottom line....... IMHO go another path.

    Why did you post your question in this thread, it's not related to the PIC controller?
    Phil, Still too many interests, too many projects, and not enough time!!!!!!!!
    Vist my websites - http://pminmo.com & http://millpcbs.com

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