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  1. #801
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post


    I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take this. The loss of American lives in Vietnam was disgusting and disgraceful. Most of the protestors however had more sympathy for the Vietnamese than the young American men dying over there. If Vietnam was American euthanasia, shouldn't we have been sending the liberals, rather than sacrifice the best that generation had to offer? I'd trade 20 Andy Warhols for ONE John McCain any day of the week.
    Hi WYLD,
    The war was a waste. I was a liberal then and opposed to the war but I never put our boys down. They were victims of the war as well. Some of the guys who went over there were close friends. Some of them never came back. The morons who spat on our soldiers were just as evil as the leaders who sent them on that idiotic war. Likewise for this thing in Iraq.

  2. #802
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by WYLD View Post

    Hi WYLD,
    The war was a waste. I was a liberal then and opposed to the war but I never put our boys down. They were victims of the war as well. Some of the guys who went over there were close friends. Some of them never came back. The morons who spat on our soldiers were just as evil as the leaders who sent them on that idiotic war. Likewise for this thing in Iraq.

    Response = one word : Boredom.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  3. #803
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Dying thread,

    A supernovae is the end of a massive star's life (a star maybe 10 times the mass of the Sun), when it has exhausted all its fuel sources and collapses under its own massive gravity.

    Well, I can't but agree with that ..."collapses under its own massive gravity".

    Err. beam me up Scotty.

    Best wishes,


  4. #804
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    i have an odd question ........how do we measure the temperature of the earth?i have been thinking about this, more i think about it the harder it must be? do we know so little about this?

  5. #805
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post
    Dying thread,

    A supernovae is the end of a massive star's life (a star maybe 10 times the mass of the Sun), when it has exhausted all its fuel sources and collapses under its own massive gravity.

    Well, I can't but agree with that ..."collapses under its own massive gravity".

    Err. beam me up Scotty.

    Best wishes,

    When one is forbidden to state his thoughts, the conversation is D.E.A.D. dead! Just as well. Gets tedious readdressing the same insanity.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  6. #806
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by the4thseal View Post
    i have an odd question ........how do we measure the temperature of the earth?i have been thinking about this, more i think about it the harder it must be? do we know so little about this?

    Well, apparently some have gone to Walgreen and bought a Johnson & Johnson rectal thermometer and..............
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  7. #807
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post
    Dying thread,

    A supernovae is the end of a massive star's life (a star maybe 10 times the mass of the Sun), when it has exhausted all its fuel sources and collapses under its own massive gravity.

    Well, I can't but agree with that ..."collapses under its own massive gravity".

    Err. beam me up Scotty.

    Best wishes,

    Hi Martin,
    Well I guess you may be right. It seems that some have reverted to childish proclivities and others have gone away. Too bad, there was more to discuss. Yes I think the thread has devolved to the point where those who are interesting have left. I hope I didn't do it. I hope it was jhowelb and not me. Maybe I should start a new thread. Would anyone come? We could call it theendoftheworld.com.

  8. #808

    I'm noting a twinge of frustration in your reply; maybe that made you incautious. Any time someone fails to persuade by strength of logic they resort to an appeal to authority argument. "Pretty well accepted by the majority" and "not exactly you're (sic) bailiwick" are such appeals. In essence they demand what is said is not to be questioned. It's a rhetorical parry using a dull sword.

    You then compound the "bailiwick" remark by expounding on mindset. Am I to conclude then your bailiwick is psychiatry, psychology or philosophy? Or am I to conclude a pot just embarrassed itself by calling the kettle black? It's the same old song from you, only a little more shrill and off-key now.


  9. #809
    If you mean the surface of the earth, from poles to equator, summer and winter, the answer is 59F or 15C. Without greenhouse gases (water vapor, CO2, etc) the earth's average surface temperature would be -40F or -40C.


  10. #810
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post
    Dying thread,

    A supernovae is the end of a massive star's life (a star maybe 10 times the mass of the Sun), when it has exhausted all its fuel sources and collapses under its own massive gravity.

    Well, I can't but agree with that ..."collapses under its own massive gravity".

    Err. beam me up Scotty.

    Best wishes,


    It's about time. RIP!!!


  11. #811
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Ah well, looks like we may well a corpse pretty soon. Not before time latterly.

    One last question before Scotty "beams me up".

    What is the politically correct expression to use for a "lady" dog? It seems that CNCZone cannot allow HCTIB (backslang) even in a PM which is referring to genuine female dogs. They turned it into "terrier *****".

    The Starship looks a good place to be, compared to this kind of utter bollocks. BTW, I wonder if the PC filter picked that up....


  12. #812
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post
    ...What is the politically correct expression to use for a "lady" dog?...Martin
    Reciprocal stud? Stud^-1

    Actually that is wrong it is not 1 over stud it should be 1 under so it is 1^-stud.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  13. #813
    I think it evidences a paucity of expression when one resorts to the vulgar vernacular.:-)


  14. #814
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    i mean how do you measure it???? how many points? where?it seems like the necessary question.......with out the pooh pooh head statements though the popcorn is fun to read.

  15. #815
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post

    I'm noting a twinge of frustration in your reply; maybe that made you incautious. Any time someone fails to persuade by strength of logic they resort to an appeal to authority argument. "Pretty well accepted by the majority" and "not exactly you're (sic) bailiwick" are such appeals. In essence they demand what is said is not to be questioned. It's a rhetorical parry using a dull sword.

    You then compound the "bailiwick" remark by expounding on mindset. Am I to conclude then your bailiwick is psychiatry, psychology or philosophy? Or am I to conclude a pot just embarrassed itself by calling the kettle black? It's the same old song from you, only a little more shrill and off-key now.

    Hi Mariss,
    I just made the observation that conservatives in general seem to be almost unanimously predisposed to rejecting the concept of man made global warming. I get it from my brother in law who has no scientific training and from you who do. My BS degree in psychology was a long time ago and I've forgotten most of what I learned through disuse. The scientific method of observation and proof I do recall however. What I was and still am suggesting is that the conservative mindset subliminally is opposed to any limitations on their activities. Obviously man made global warming would imply limits. Maybe I hit a nerve, if so I'm sorry. It's not just you, I see this clearly in the posts of almost everyone on this list who considers himself a conservative. Just an observation from one who sees things as they are.
    I have also made the observation that CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been rising since the 50's. Global temperatures have as well. In an unrelated post I spoke of the post hoc fallacy. This is one of the other few things I remember from my college days. "Post hoc ergo proctor hoc". Considered to be one of the greatest fallacies in logic. Latin for "after this therefore because of this". So do rising CO2 levels = global warming? I think the jury is still out. I'll try to use citations from now on rather than alluding to "most respected scientists". Your point was good. But it doesn't negate the point I made about the conservative mindset.
    The "bailiwick" comment was to inject a little dry humor. It wasn't well taken, sorry. I can be a little crass sometimes.


  16. #816
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    I think it evidences a paucity of expression when one resorts to the vulgar vernacular.:-)

    Dear Mariss,

    I imagine that's for me, and ,yes, you are quite correct. It was, however, partly an experiment to determine quite how crass the PC word filter might be.


    Best wishes,


  17. #817
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I humbly apologise..

    I should have typed "cr###"


  18. #818
    I think you have stumbled across the essential difference between right-thinking people and leftists.

    We believe there are no limits, the world is a wonderful place with endless unfettered horizons and we are free to imagine, think and then make what can be. It is a liberated mindset and its lifeblood is freedom, the natural state of man. We are optimists who have kept our sense of wonder and the innate goodness of the world we all had as children. We believe hard work applied long enough brings rewards. If it doesn't, we work harder. We believe the world is a good place so we have children. We raise them to have the same optimism so one day, when married, they will want to have children too. We feel at the core our destiny, what we make of life, is in our hands.

    Leftists only feel and fear is their strongest emotion. Their world is one of insurmountable limits and restrictions. Something ominous is always lurking around the corner ready to make their world the living nightmare they expect it to be. Fear leads to anger, hatred, envy, suspicion, self-loathing and cynicism; the words that come to mind when one thinks of leftists or liberals. They see no horizons, have no optimism, dream no dreams.

    The true conservatives (keep what there is, it's limited) are leftists. The true liberals (freedom, optimism) are right-thinking people.


  19. #819
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by the4thseal View Post
    i mean how do you measure it???? how many points? where?it seems like the necessary question.......with out the pooh pooh head statements though the popcorn is fun to read.
    My remark about the thermometer, while intended to be humorous also indicate the impossibility of that task.

    Temps would have to be recorded for every substrata all the way to the core and at every level of the atmosphere out to our satellites and beyond. Then the problem begins to expand as one multiplies those measurements at each geographic location possible.

    That accomplished you are then faced with the task of calculating the fluid interaction of all these units combined with the effects of external influences such as solar luminance, sun spot activity, cosmic rays and orbital variances. This to decide which measurement to keep and which to toss out of your equation.

    Once (if ever) you gain a fair grip on this much, exactly what do you compare the reading to?

    The whole subject is insane and utterly useless to pursue. Just a power play for financial gain.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  20. #820
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    To illustrate # 819
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails economy.jpg  
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

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