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  1. #8481
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Boly2004: The evidence that you want has already been written in this forum several times so I would suggest that you skim the 707 pages and get the data that's not printed by the people that financial dog in this fight. There are a lot of links to get you educated to the truth. Most of these are not from the Goreites mainstream media.

  2. #8482
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Er Chicken Little, the sky isn't falling, even though you think so, but we know it's just a figment of your imagination, so we don't jump up and down clucking away like a wet hen.

    Your interpretation of my position shows just what a small mind you have while keeping it buried in the sand. (Was that an insult?)

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    If the 20th century is anything to go by, with the massive emissions of gun related pollutants from a number of World and local wars, and the massive burning of coal then oil...
    This is SOOooo ridiculous. You have not a clue as to the difference of today's global consumption with the relatively small consumption of energy in "those" days. Global industrialization and ever increasing populations involved in its sustained use do not compare to the "details" you purport as evidence against human causes.
    Shoptask rebuild:
    Home built gantry router:

  3. #8483
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Whoops. Another hole in the ole' 'glaciers melting at an unprecedented rate' claim...

    “Multi-proxy study of sediment cores retrieved from lakes below modern glaciers supports the first detailed Neoglacial chronology for Glacier National Park (GNP)” .... “maximum reconstructed retreat rates [in] 1930″ of about 125 meters per year, compared to near zero in ~1975 and about 20 meters/year at the end of the record in ~2005. ...... “Results indicate that alpine glaciers in Glacier National Park advanced and retreated numerous times during the Holocene after the onset of Neoglaciation 6,500 years before the present” ......“Retreat from the Little Ice Age maximum was the most dramatic episode of ice retreat in at least the last 1000 years.”

    ScienceDirect.com - Quaternary Science Reviews - A lacustrine-based Neoglacial record for Glacier National Park, Montana, USA

  4. #8484
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Bloy, as of now you are on my ignore list.......go read the 707 pages previously posted and learn what has been discussed ALREADY as in already already.

  5. #8485
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Ran across another slant for AGW..

    I came across an article expressing another reason for some to exploit the AGW premise..
    ================================================== =======

    "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal"
    (- Ted Turner, founder of CNN, Turner is a billion dollar UN donor and is steering a large portion of it to population control. )

    Not only does he, and the world elites want world depopulation, but they want to FORCE a one child policy for the next 100 years or so...

    If we don't do something about these people, and let them know that we do not want what they want, they will force ways to depopulate the world which will include mass starvation by sequestering atmospheric CO2, starting more wars, and even forced vaccinations to sterilize a percentage of the world's population.

    I have already proved several times that sequestering atmospheric CO2 will in fact help the world elites depopulate the world by causing more wordlwide starvation. The worse part is that no matter how much you prove, and give evidence to the believers of AGW, many if not most of these REGULAR people do not want to change their minds...

    A lot of regular people have been brainwashed into believing the lies of the AGW camp. I just hope that there are still enough of us with common sense to stop these plans the world elites have for us.

  6. #8486
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    I came across an article expressing another reason for some to exploit the AGW premise..
    ================================================== =======

    Not only does he, and the world elites want world depopulation, but they want to FORCE a one child policy for the next 100 years or so...
    I just hope that there are still enough of us with common sense to stop these plans the world elites have for us.
    Hello Dufas,
    IMHO Environmentalism is an ersatz religion for these "elites."
    Since they have no moral compass their avocations give them a feeling
    of doing something good for humanity. We have been through this before. The first half of the 20th Century when millions of people were
    slaughtered so we would have a "better world." We cannot learn from our past when we aren't even aware of what took place.
    Recently a liberal I know told me there was no point in studying our past.

  7. #8487
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    This was not expected....

    Odd message or cnczone has been hacked....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails cnczone malicius.jpg  

  8. #8488
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dufa, you are guilty of passing on "odd messages........ supposing it was a malware one......lesson to be learned.....do not pass on or open odd messages.....some people never learn.

    I don't think I can comment on the population reduction or overpopulation topic as I've already made my point of view long previously, having ruffled quite a few feathers in the process.

    One thing is for sure, there are just too many mouths to feed, but I expect with the climate of Social support a few more won't be noticed by those that are bound to support them...LOL......especially if they support those that support them.....nothing works better than knowing which side your breads buttered on.

    BTW, 40Fordcoup, are you sure NOTHING changed from the conflagration that occured in the early part of the 20th century?

    The Hapsburgs went, so did the Romanovs, amongst others.......most of Europe's monachies fell and we got to see once and for all that Communism is a failed recipe for profit sharing, which in my opinion is a change if ever there was one.

    Perhaps you shie away from the fact that blood does get shed anytime a change is attempted.

    You can't make an omellette without cracking the eggs.

  9. #8489
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The Zone had been attacked with an attempt to redirect users to another page where "soft ware" would be loaded onto your computer.

    Still happening as of this writing. My browser (Firefox) won't allow redirect, recommend you use it as well.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  10. #8490
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Dufa DID post the "odd message"....for all to see, this does not appear on the site anywhere else, or have I missed reading a post somewhere, where "odd stuff" is being dangled to tittilate your fancies?

    Was it reported?

    If it was reported, why was it posted on this thread for all to open?

    Someone has got his nut screwed on backwards to do that sort of thing.

  11. #8491
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    If it was reported, why was it posted on this thread for all to open?
    There is a difference between saving a screen shot of a warning message, and the file that triggered the warning. The first instance is news of an attack, the second instance is an attack. Dufas did the former, not the latter.

    Unles a virus can sneak into an image file, Dufas and we are OK; otherwise posting any attachment might be bad news...

  12. #8492
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    OK, so it's only a screenshot of the actual bad stuff, apologies to Dufa.......I can breathe freely again....lost a hard drive and operating system a year back to some malware.......disabled the op system, and I had to install a new hard drive and all the software and files.

    Something prevented me from reinstalling the Win XP op system to the old drive, so I couldn't reformat the drive and start again but when the new drive was up and running I installed the old drive as a slave, ran a virus scan with Nortons and was able to read the files I thought I had lost.........drive was still working Ok.

    I kept getting a message stating "we apologise for the inconvenience but Windows has to shut down"........couldn't get past it, ended up with a black screen and a stationary cursor.

    Now I'm super carefull, just bought a new HP Pavilion I 5 computer, running Win7 with virus protection software up to date etc, 4 gig ram and 2 terabyte HD.....that's really flying.

    Now I've got to relearn Win all over again with Win 7, just when XP was cruising along fine, but the old computer was as slow as a wet weekend, so out with the old etc.

  13. #8493
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    You Can't Make This Up....

    And this guy remains a guru to AGW alarmists the world over..... ??????

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtkw8stAlrM&feature=player_embedded]Al Gore Blames Denver for Obama debate loss - YouTube[/ame]

    To anyone who knows anything about flying, you know that a pressurized cabin doesn't mean you're at the equivalent of sea level while at cruise altitude....

  14. #8494
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    And this guy remains a guru to AGW alarmists the world over..... ??????

    To anyone who knows anything about flying, you know that a pressurized cabin doesn't mean you're at the equivalent of sea level while at cruise altitude....
    We will have to watch for an Al Gore 'altitude and thin air' trading investment and tax scheme now. Just like carbon credit trading will get rid of Global Warming, thin air credit trading will eliminate thin air and thus, straighten Obama's thinking process......

  15. #8495
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    'Ol Gore is lurking around the platform like a fox round the hencoop, except someone will come out and take a shot at the fox just to scare him off.

  16. #8496
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Skeptics Thrashing The Alarmists In Global Warming Debate, Just Like Romney Did

    The Skeptics Are Thrashing The Alarmists In The Global Warming Debate
    by James M. Taylor on October 5, 2012

    snip============================================== ===========

    Rarely will global warming alarmists step into the ring for a live debate that people can watch. There are good reasons for this. When you remove alarmists from the protection of a fawning liberal press and subject them to a debate on equal terms without media filters, embarrassing things tend to happen. Kind of like Wednesday night’s presidential debate.

  17. #8497
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Andr66ewj View Post
    loaded onto your computer.
    Not for long...

  18. #8498
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it

    The figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012 there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures
    This means that the ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996

    Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it | Mail Online
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  19. #8499
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  20. #8500
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hmm, global cooling....how about a new term instead of warming or cooling.......I give you:-

    The Inconsistent Seasonal Variations Of Planetary Weather.

    abbreviated to:- I.S.V.O.P.W.

    That should make me a 100 million at least, it rolls off the tongue much easier....Al Gore made 100 million by promoting only The inconvenient Truth of Global Warming.....LOL......I can go the whole hog and state that the weather is going to change every day of the year, several times a day too, and I wouldn't be telling any porkies to ya'all.

    If'n ya 'doesn't believe me, look at just one daily variation we experienced down in the Lucky Country of OZ....it actually happened, on record.

    Overnight temps were 10 deg C.....daytime temps were 27 deg C.......THAT'S some variation, and if I had the Atmos clock I've got my eye on it would be overwound by now.....you don't need a hockey stick to visualise that change, and as it happened only last week the figures are absolutely up to date, no fudged figures just to make it fit on the page.....LOL.....happens almost every year in Spring and Autumn down OZ way.

    Anyway, who gives a sh!t if the weather was warmer 10,000 years ago.......nobody can live for that long to deny it....LOL, and if someone would give me 100 million I'll read their palm and predict the weather that they will have in 10,000 years time, only they can't come back to me and demand the money back if I'm a wee bit out because the warranty only lasts a lifetime, and that's about 70+/- years for most.....ya' just can't lose when you work the 'ol variable weather shell game.

    Hey, I'm not a teensy weensy bit of a scientist, but even I can work that one out.

    Have a good day, ya'all in the Northern Hemisphere, I hear it's gettin' colder by the day.....Winter draws on....LOL.....we in OZ gonna have 35 deg C+ days round the pool and BBQ, downing all that Carlton Lager......... who'd wanna' willingly live in a cold climate, beer tastes much better when it's cold and the weather is hot, only the Brits drink warm beer 'cos their weather is crap all year round....LOL.

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