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  1. #8841
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Dichotomy anyone???

    Climate Change Likened To Four Hiroshima Atomic Bombs Of Heat Per Second By Scientists | KpopStarz

    Climate Change Likened To Four Hiroshima Atomic Bombs Of Heat Per Second By Scientists
    Earth increases in temperature at the rate of four Hiroshima bombs of heat per second..

    ================================================== ==============================================

    Global Warming? Temperature Up 'Very Close to Zero' Over 15 Years | CNS News

    Global Warming? Temperature Up 'Very Close to Zero' Over 15 Years

  2. #8842
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I feel the same as I did 15 years ago. A little more arthritis but the temp is the same.
    A lazy man does it twice.

  3. #8843
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    As is the case with other ‘surveys’ alleging an overwhelming scientific consensus on global warming, the question surveyed did not address the issues of contention between global warming alarmists and skeptics.

  4. #8844
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    If true, something going very, very wrong and if true, why do we have to find out through foreign news outlets???....................

    ================================================== ============================================

    Obama Requests 15,000 Russian Troops For ?Upcoming? Disaster | EUTimes.net

    Obama Requests 15,000 Russian Troops For “Upcoming” Disaster

    Posted by EU Times on Jun 27th, 2013

    An unsettling report prepared by the Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM) circulating in the Kremlin today on the just completed talks between Russia and the United States in Washington D.C. says that the Obama regime has requested at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and “crowd functions” [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified “upcoming” disaster.

  5. #8845
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    LOL.....Dufa, you read the most extraordinary reading matter, hysteria is rife in the land of the freebies.......never let the fiction stand in the way of a good story is alive and kicking by all accounts.

    After the near miss by the last asteroid, anything that justifies crowd control is on the books.

    I think the Russians have more funds to field 15,000 "helpers" seeing as how they are not doing any World "freedom" exercises any more.

    The bottom line is the Russians are now our friends once more.......they were our best friends in WW2 and without them we'd all be talking German or Japanese, whatever, so why knock entente cordial with the Russian bloc now that it's only a small chip off the old bloc....LOL.

  6. #8846
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    wanker, you may be a troll, but sometimes you are a hilarious troll.

  7. #8847
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    What's more hilarious is the next pending election in the land of the free, where you only have 300 million + choices for your next White House occupier which means anyone can be eligible to steer the battered hulk as long as they still breathe, but I expect ya'all know that.

    If the 15,000 Ruskies are going to ensure the election is slanted in the favour of the Socialists, then it's true that the USSR is reforming but along more modern lines.....LOL......welcome to the first state of the Russian Union.....The United States Of (part of) Socialist Russia.

    This is very feasible seeing as how the Russians are no longer being sociable with their possessions and that makes them good buddies for the next World take over, where the Chinese are not to get a look in as they're still as Red as you can get.

    There is a lot of common ground between the USA and the USSR....they both have Mafia ruling elite families that are untouchable, and that means co-operation between the two powers can only get stronger, but the biggest similarity is the climate....they both have a crap Winter.

    When it comes to the language, US kids are encouraged from birth to recognise the father figure and say Da Da as their first words.

    Taking it a step further, the negative response of "not yet" gets mumbled to sound like Nyet.........how many degrees of separation do you need to be a foreigner with so many similarities.

    The final straw is the conspiracy theory that the dying orbit of the Space Station is destined to cause it to fall in some field down in the backwoods of Arkansas, so the Russians are keen to make sure it's Russian Confederation territory when it does....LOL.

  8. #8848
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    totally_screwed: The problem with the concept is that the real culprit(s) determining Earth's climate are the Sun and water vapor, NOT Co2. The entire hoax of AGW began about 1982 at the U.N. by a guy named Maurice Strong, who then, combined with Algore, postulated the means for the U.N. finally seeing a way for a global tax; something they've been trying to do for at least 30 years. Co2 is ubiquitous, and transcends all borders.

    The problem with your "peer reviews" is that those doing the reviewing are predominantly those who have received grants to find what? ..... AGW. The climate models will never be accurate because off the fact they can be tweaked to conclude whatever one wishes; Mann's "hockey stick," where one could input random numbers and see the same result, is but one example.

    All in all, the average Earth temps have only risen .01 degrees between 1998 and 2010, even though Co2 levels have risen. Another theory, somewhat backed up by current research and Earth core studies, is that temps rise first, which then releases Co2 from various sources, most notably the Earths oceans.

    With an open mind, check out the archives at SEPP.org, or climate depot. It will take a few days to absorb the information.... then come back for a rational discussion.

  9. #8849
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Why is it getting warmer and warmer? Because the past keeps getting cooler and cooler... for no apparent reason...

    Central Park in USHCNv2.5 (October 2012) magically becomes cooler in July in the Dust Bowl years | Watts Up With That?

  10. #8850
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hang about, I see what the problem is....in the past all the thermometers were the oldie fashioned type which meant all those fuddy duddy oldie world climatologists couldn't get the readings to more than +- a couple of degrees, and then had to do a calculation to get it from Fahrenheit to Celsius, whereas nowadays the thermos are the newest trendy digital type and that makes it +- a tenth of a degree resolution.....problem solved.....the temperature ain't changing, it was the maths......going back to bed.....ZZZZzzzzzz.

  11. #8851
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Climate is changeable by definition. Of course I do not mean that human action has no negative impact on it but wondering if without mankind things wouldnt have changed anyway but much slower though

  12. #8852
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    There is a definition for everything.......before the White man came to America there were only a few Indian tribes.......now you have 300 million + arses all spewing out flatulence on a daily basis......by definition the increased methane production per head of population has grossly affected the weather in the USA......the population on a World basis has also grossly increased, so that makes it obvious why the weather patterns are so variable as compared to the centuries already past.

  13. #8853
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    This is a LONG video... U.S. Senate testimony on climate change, excellent presentations by Vitter and Roy Spencer!
    WUWT has more info, commentary, and reader comments

    Integrated Senate Video Player

  14. #8854
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    There is a definition for everything.......before the White man came to America there were only a few Indian tribes.......now you have 300 million + arses all spewing out flatulence on a daily basis......by definition the increased methane production per head of population has grossly affected the weather in the USA......the population on a World basis has also grossly increased, so that makes it obvious why the weather patterns are so variable as compared to the centuries already past.
    It is nice to see that your government is getting their heads out of where the sun don't shine and cutting back on the carbon tax. Congratulations on getting a great country back on track.

  15. #8855
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I feel the same as I did 15 years ago. A little more arthritis but the temp is the same.

  16. #8856
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by petersenonmain View Post
    It is nice to see that your government is getting their heads out of where the sun don't shine and cutting back on the carbon tax. Congratulations on getting a great country back on track.
    Hiiiiyyyyy, It's just a political ploy for the born again guy steering the ship......nothing will change down at ground zero for the average wage spender/householder except now we won't get the reimbursement we got last year to offset the affects of the then imposed carbon tax, not that it really mattered as the prices in the shops did not skyrocket as predicted by the opposition leader Bicycle Bill (Tony Abbot).

    Taken on a large scale the carbon tax would have generated large sums of money, but for the unit value cost structure.....nothing to write home about or rush out into the streets and wave our arms in the air wild eyed and riotous about the Government having it's hand in our pocket once more.

    Now that the tax is going to be repealed (or so they hint) having got the Plebs into a paying mood, the tax will now just take a different course and all the prices will remain the same......one up for the good guys when the election promises are bleated out once again.

    This ploy is almost as practical in saving a tree as proposing to use both sides of the toilet paper, due to the fact that you should wash your hands anyway after performing that function, so the outcome would be the same.

    Having paid the Cannibals to eat us last, we now won't get a refund because the dinner has been cancelled....LOL.

  17. #8857
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Global Warming Alarmists are always crying that the "skeptics" are shills for Evil Big Oil....
    Guess what.. Wanna see some Hypocrisy???

    Dana Nuccitelli?s ?vested interest? ? ? oil and gas | Watts Up With That?

  18. #8858
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Good to see that there are more people in the world that see through the bull **** fed to us by the people that are spose to be looking after us, shame we cant all stand up and do something about it.

  19. #8859
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hi, it doesn't really matter what you think......you can't do anything about it anyway.......voting just adjusts the volume but the music remains the same and the Plebs being tone deaf will dance to any music fed to them.......why waste a night out.

    I think a quote by Gustave Flaubert is appropriate here......"The whole dream of Democracy is to raise the Proletarian to the level of stupidity attained by the Bourgeois."

  20. #8860
    I averaged out quite a few jobs so the 30% expense costs is a good number to use

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